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"For sister Shen."

Of course he knew that it was for Shen Lanfeng, but there is no need for such a large bouquet of flowers, right?

"How many flowers does this cost?"

"99 flowers."


Shen Lanfeng should like it.

"What do you think of this Valentine's Day surprise?"


"Is this a shock? How are you going to let Miss Shen take your 99 roses?"

Chapter 28 Happy Valentine's Day 28

All the seats are on their way, and Shen Lanfeng might follow. How Lan Wenchen will send these flowers is still a problem.If you can't give it away, isn't this Valentine's Day gift bought for nothing?

"Why don't I follow the favor and help her?" Chen Yu sat down opposite Lan Wenchen, "It happens that I'm going to look for the bureau later, so you don't have to thank me."

How good is that?

Lan Wenchen looked at the other party in disgust, and put a bouquet of roses into his bosom: "I bought these flowers, why should I give them to my sister Shen?"

Chen Yu was a little helpless, but it was a pity that he knew that Lan Wenchen didn't have the courage: "That's okay, you can deliver it yourself. If Shen Lanfeng can pick up your flowers, I will kowtow to you immediately when I return to Z City!"


Lan Wenchen didn't say a word, don't overdo it.

"It's really you..." Chen Yu almost laughed, "Who gave you the idea to buy 99 roses as a gift? Didn't the boss give you an idea?"

"I just bought so many cosmetics last time, so I can't buy them again, can I?" She said dejectedly, "But didn't Madam say it was a rich and powerful gift? I couldn't think of anything else, so I bought roses."

"There are so many famous couple restaurants in City B, is it difficult for you to treat her to a candlelight dinner or something?"

But speaking of it, Lan Wenchen must not have made a reservation for dinner, and it must be full to wait today.When Lan Wenchen actually made an appointment or got a seat, it might be tomorrow, but that would be meaningless.

She still couldn't be happy: "Then thanks to the surveillance video you called up, the bureau chief will restrict me. Where can I take Shen Lanfeng?"

Chen Yu whistled relaxedly, as if he wanted to say that this matter has nothing to do with him.He stretched quickly and stood up from the chair.He took out his cell phone from his suit pocket and glanced at it. The bureau chief had left him a message 5 minutes ago.

"A seat?"

"Yes." Chen Yu replied.

Although the boss said that there is a traffic jam on the road, but since the distance between home and work is not far, it is estimated that this time is coming soon.

The victim of the deadly enemy of the Platinum Building cannot be allowed to stay here, he will be in a bad mood when he sees Shen Lanfeng.If you accidentally say something, the case that the bureau chief has been pursuing for more than ten years will be completely ruined.

"The seat is coming soon, I'll take you up to analyze the case first." Chen Yu suddenly said seriously, "Lan Wenchen, you wait here."

She nodded absently.

It took about 10 minutes before the headlights in the computer room were turned on.Lan Wenchen put a bouquet of roses on the ground and got up to take a look. Not only the boss came over, but also his wife.

Lan Wenchen was really a bit abnormal today. Normally, even if she went out, she would greet her wife before leaving, but this morning she just sneaked away by herself.

"Explain, madam hasn't found you for a long time." The bureau seat put his hand on the partition, "You have an arm injury, can you have a minute to prevent madam from worrying about your mess?"

Speaking of this...

"I'm going to buy flowers, isn't today Valentine's Day?" Lan Wenchen said indifferently, "Has Shen Lanfeng come over?"

"Of course." The bureau seat asked, "Where are the flowers?"

Lan Wenchen retreated to the computer desk, picked up the flower and presented it to the seat owner: "Does it look very suitable?"

"Tacky!" The bureau seat spread his hands helplessly, "Don't you put your flowers in a shape, as if others don't know that today is Valentine's Day? What are you going to do with so many roses?"

Lan Wenchen was scolded for a while, but she bought all the flowers, and she couldn't return the roses. Shen Lanfeng was coming up soon, so she had to be bold.

But now, she has no bottom in her heart.She was afraid that Shen Lanfeng would not accept the rose, and she was also afraid that Shen Lanfeng would laugh at herself.

The bureau seat watched from behind, and Lan Wenchen took two steps forward in a daze.Her heart was pounding, and the tense atmosphere was always lingering around her.She doesn't care about anyone's opinion, as long as Shen Lanfeng likes it.

In less than half a minute, maybe a dozen seconds, the automatic door outside the computer room was opened...

Shen Lanfeng walked in with his wife.

"This floor is the bureau's office. If you feel bored at home, you can come here for a walk." The lady was busy introducing Shen Lanfeng, but she didn't notice what Lan Wenchen was doing.

When she came out, she was holding flowers.

"Gose..." Lan Wenchen stood in front of Shen Lanfeng with his head lowered, and stammered, "For...for you."

She seemed a little nervous at this time, but more of a well-behaved one.

It's not true if Shen Lanfeng accepts it, and it's not true if he doesn't.

However, today is the first time she has received flowers from others.

There's something special about this feeling, especially...it's 99 roses.

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