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She was also very guilty when she said this.

"It's unlikely, and since the company changed directors, I was transferred to another department as a supervisor, and now I don't have authority." She said, "I can only rely on my thoughts."

The relationship between the victim of the bureau and the former director of Platinum Building...

It's interesting.

"Forget it, I don't want to." Shen Lanfeng sat in another position, "Do you want to eat something?"

"I want to eat you."


"What did you say?"

But she said it all.

How about withdrawing within 2 minutes?

Chapter 30 She Was With the Goddess 30

Shen Lanfeng was asking what she said?

But the juncture has been reached, and Lan Wenchen must either find a way to fool him, or repeat what he just said.

"It's nothing, I... I just lost my mind..." Lan Wenchen rubbed the back of his head and said nervously, "Do you want something to drink?"

Shen Lanfeng stared at her blankly, then nodded: "Yes, I will listen to you."

Lan Wenchen called the waiter to come in and asked about the drinks and drinks.

"Ladies, would you like something to order?" The waiter came in with a drink menu, "Today all drinks and drinks are half price, and you can get two bottles of cocktails if you spend over 500 yuan."

After she finished speaking, she looked through the records of the box: "However... the person who reserved this seat has prepared drinks for you in this restaurant, and you can just order food."

Even if you don't guess, you know that this is a matter of bureaucrats.

"Okay, bring it up."

Shen Lanfeng ordered some Western-style vegetarian dishes and desserts by the way, and then handed the menu to the waiter.

The waiter delivered a dozen drinks and drinks to the two of them as requested, not only the most expensive champagne but also cocktails.By the way, the boss was concerned that Shen Lanfeng didn't drink alcohol, so he kindly brought her imported fresh milk.

Even if you can't finish these drinks, you can still pack them and take them home.

This was the first time Lan Wenchen went out to eat with someone she liked, but nervousness seemed to restrict her actions a bit. In short, she couldn't fully adapt to eating, so she only dared to watch Shen Lanfeng secretly.

But other than the other party's little movement of eating, everything else is normal.

Lan Wenchen remembered that the bureau chief said that she could be bolder when she should be bolder. Although it was uncomfortable to hold back, she was very afraid that she would accidentally screw up a lot of things.

"By the way, Madam told me...you have something very important to talk to me about." Shen Lanfeng raised his head and glanced at Lan Wenchen, "Do you have anything...important?"


Lan Wenchen just passively let his wife throw him out?

But speaking of it, Madam is still worrying about Lan Wenchen's affairs, if she didn't know that Lan Wenchen didn't even dare to say anything, she wouldn't have told Shen Lanfeng to ask what Lan Wenchen was hiding in her heart.

In fact, Shen Lanfeng didn't need his wife's prompting.

After all, what Lan Wenchen could do, no one else could do.

"You dare not say..." She looked at Lan Wenchen, but Lan Wenchen kept her head down and didn't look at her, so Shen Lanfeng asked, "Is it because you like me?"

"You invited me to dinner and gave me roses, and you want me to ask you this?" Shen Lanfeng looked a little unhappy, "It's not that I haven't confessed my love, what about you?"

Lan Wenchen was a little intimidated by her, and immediately looked up at her.Seeing her expression, Shen Lanfeng smiled triumphantly.

"No... not really."

"Of course I like you too, Shen Lanfeng."

Although he has always said to protect Shen Lanfeng, Lan Wenchen believes that he must not fulfill his promise.Since Lan Wenchen didn't fulfill his promise, how could Lan Wenchen run away?

Anyway, a dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor, and it depends on what Shen Lanfeng will say next.

"Please don't reject me!"

"Whether it's windy or rainy, I'll do whatever you want me to do!!"

For a while, Shen Lanfeng did not speak.Lan Wenchen looked quite balanced, but she was so nervous that she almost collapsed beside the table.Even if Shen Lanfeng says he wants to reject her now, it doesn't matter.


It feels like 1 minute has passed, 2 minutes have passed...

Shen Lanfeng was finally ready to speak.

"It's rare that you have said it so seriously." Shen Lanfeng lowered her head in embarrassment, she thought for a while, "Then I accept your confession to me."

"You're not going to leave me suddenly... are you?"

To be honest, Shen Lanfeng was very afraid that something like the blue bird would happen again. If it really happened, then she would only blame herself again, whether her handling of things was too wrong.

"No more." Lan Wenchen tightly grasped Shen Lanfeng's hand and whispered, "Please believe me."

Lan Wenchen's appearance made Shen Lanfeng a little impatient. I don't know if it was because of what I said that caused her to lose her composure, or if she had always been like this...

But Shen Lanfeng didn't mind if a good person did it to the end, so he comforted Lan Wenchen and gave her a platinum necklace.

"When you went to the bathroom in the afternoon, I bought it in the mall." Shen Lanfeng explained, "I realize that now... you have given me so many things, and I have to prepare something for you before I can say it."

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