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She didn't want to talk about the extra.

After all, we two girls are together, shouldn't we do something that girls usually do?

The smell on Shen Lanfeng's body was very fragrant, and when she hugged her, she just wanted to go up and take a bite as soon as possible.


After all, today I finally lived with the goddess.

Lan Wenchen lowered his head slightly and licked Shen Lanfeng's neck lightly, the other party snorted...

Lan Wenchen pressed the person in his arms firmly onto the sofa.

You were the first to seduce!

Don't blame Lan Wenchen for being too ruthless...

Chapter 34 She Was With the Goddess 34


A night of hunger and thirst passed.

The next day Lan Wenchen still got up to go to work as usual.

Since the last time she went back to the old house to deal with some matters, Lan Wenchen has been working so-so in the company for the past two days.

Although her program was written temporarily, it's impossible to be so bad that it can't even block anything.

At least one chance.

Lan Wenchen asked Shen Lanfeng about the host from the side, but the other party didn't seem to have received any interception information.She can only tell herself temporarily that everything is normal except for the two machines repelling each other.

But it was like fireworks, once the thread was lit, she couldn't go back.

It took two days for this matter to calm down a little bit, and it was only two days.


It was another working day, Lan Wenchen opened a can of Coke and walked into the company.The people in the company today have strange eyes, as if they are talking about something.

Followed by……

Shen Lanfeng unexpectedly didn't wait for her to go out together this morning, and came to work in the company early in the morning.

She tried to ask the reason in the next department, but was sent back.

When she was in front of Shen Lanfeng, she raised her head and noticed that the other party's expression was a bit dignified, and Lan Wenchen realized that this matter was not simple, so she secretly turned on the phone to check the intercepted data.

Starting at three o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday, the hosts of both sides began to frantically intercept each other.The virtual IP of the bureau has also been searched up and down, and it is estimated that the address in the mountains will not be very safe.

She carefully held a Coke and sat down beside Shen Lanfeng. She also knew that the other party must be very busy, so she didn't want to bother her. She just turned on the computer silently and took a sip of Coke in a dull mood.

"You drink iced Coke early in the morning?" Shen Lanfeng looked back at her, "Even if it's spring now, the weather is getting warmer. You can't stimulate yourself like this, can you?"

Lan Wenchen did as he did, and put down the Coke obediently: "By the way, what time did Sister Shen come to the company this morning?"

"Maybe it won't be until six o'clock." Shen Lanfeng leaned back in his chair, "The director urged me to go to the company to check the situation early in the morning. He said that the interception there could not be displayed."

"Then is this still going on?"

"It's probably a little small, but the client won't be satisfied if such a big event happens." Shen Lanfeng looked at her worriedly, "It's very strange, why the other party only reads the data and intercepts all the time, and doesn't do anything else?"

This has happened several times, Shen Lanfeng has never handled such a difficult case.

After all, it was just a machine.Moreover, the program Lan Wenchen set up was not that complicated, and he might not even be able to read the other party's address.

"What do you think?" she asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Lan Wenchen turned her head and glanced at her, "Do you want to tell the truth?"

Shen Lanfeng nodded: "Let's talk, anyway, I can't handle this matter alone."

"I've seen a lot of virtual things. It may be a machine behind it, or it may be a real person." Lan Wenchen deliberately moved closer to Shen Lanfeng, "According to my experience, people's speed is not so fast, let alone a whole night. After checking the data in the computer room for an unlimited number of times, it cannot be ruled out that this is just a trap."

"Only look up the data, what's the point?"

"It's worth it." Lan Wenchen shrugged his shoulders, "These customer data are really waiting to be delivered to the market, but there are a lot of people who want to get it."

From a distance, it is an immoral behavior, but from a close look, it is all a business opportunity.

Although Lan Wenchen didn't care about these data, she was just doing business after all.

"makes sense……"

Shen Lanfeng thought for a while: "Who is the fastest person you have ever met?"

"It depends on the situation." She said, "For example, consulting and recording the data of the Platinum Building, and only one person can complete it in a week."

"For an ordinary small company, it takes about two or three days." She explained, and then said, "But it's still very slow, not even enough to lift Inna's shoes."

Shen Lanfeng was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"There was a hacker competition a few years ago, remember?" Lan Wenchen explained patiently, "Although it was a simulation, that person only took one day to solve the puzzles created by the world's top [-] companies."


"I've heard of that competition." Shen Lanfeng hesitated for a while, "You reminded me so much, I still remember it. That person can't be you, right?"

This sounded like a little girl's name, and Shen Lanfeng didn't know how to complain.

It's just that after the competition ended, the little girl didn't show up to accept the award.

"Well, the name sounds good, doesn't it?"

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