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"Next person……"

"Lan Wenchen, reception room No. 8!"

Lan Wenchen nodded politely, gently picked up his backpack and walked into reception room No. [-]. The smell of perfume in reception room [-] was very strong. The interviewer was a young woman.

The interviewer was busy cleaning up the debris on the table, so he didn't look up at Lan Wenchen.

"Hello!" Lan Wenchen bowed his head modestly and said to her.

"Hello..." The interviewer noticed that Lan Wenchen's voice was a bit stiff, so he smiled softly, "Today, the interviewer in reception room No. 8 asked for leave to take care of her mother, and I will help her take care of her shift for a day, and you didn't It’s necessary to be so restrained, be natural.”

Lan Wenchen raised his head, and at the same time the interviewer also raised his head.Lan Wenchen felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly became speechless.

What is a goddess...! !

This is the goddess!Miss Yu!

High-necked white shirt, sitting upright!The flowing curly hair is just like when Lan Wenchen saw her for the first time.

Shen Lanfeng!

This is the person she has been looking for for a long time.

Lan Wenchen was trying to restrain herself, but she found that she seemed unable to restrain herself.

"My name is Lan Wenchen!" Lan Wenchen quickly extended his hand to her and said excitedly, "I graduated from Eisley University."

What a silly girl.

"Shen Lanfeng." Shen Lanfeng stretched out his hand and gently held Lan Wenchen's hand, "Okay, let's continue to ask questions, when did you graduate? What about your work experience?"

"In 2017, I had no... work experience."

"No?" Shen Lanfeng looked suspicious, "Then what do you usually do?"

In 2017, that was five years ago.

"I usually take on some private work." Lan Wenchen's voice was a little weak.

To be honest, Shen Lanfeng's question made Lan Wenchen a little embarrassed, he couldn't tell the truth that what he was doing was dirty work that no one wanted to do, could he?

"Like outsourcing?"


"Is there any performance reference?"

"This... I have discussed it with the employer, and it is not rumored, but I can demonstrate it on the spot."

Lan Wenchen was very confident about this. If it wasn't for the people in Platinum Building not giving her the opportunity to finish writing the code that day, she would not have lost.

"Okay, then you seem to need a laptop." Shen Lanfeng said while thinking for a while, "I'll find it for you."

"It doesn't matter, pen and paper will do too."


pen and paper?

Shen Lanfeng didn't say anything, just did as he did.

Lan Wenchen began to concentrate on writing down the code stroke by stroke. She was so sure of this thing that she didn't even need a computer to correct it.

She moves very quickly. Although Shen Lanfeng is a liberal arts graduate, she also knows some codes.

She smiled and said, "You want to tell someone something?"


"Huh? Did you see it?"

"No, but I can think of what it would be like." Shen Lanfeng nodded appreciatively, "Your creativity is better than most of my team members, and it's not so boring."


"Otherwise, you go back and wait for news, and I will contact you as soon as possible."


Lan Wenchen agreed verbally very quickly, but Shen Lanfeng's words reminded her that she lost the election in that way.

But she was already out the door.


Lan Wenchen was a little depressed all day long, and was rarely willing to spend money to live in a four-star hotel, and he also lay on the bed all day without turning over.

Five o'clock in the afternoon, six o'clock, seven o'clock...

There should be no more news.

Lan Wenchen was already beginning to feel frustrated that she had failed another interview, but around ten o'clock, Lan Wenchen received a call from a stranger. She answered the phone expectantly, and what she heard was a very gentle voice.


"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time. I just finished my work." The girl smiled as she said, "It's the end of the year, and my team is going to focus on performance. If it's convenient, can I invite you to our company?"

Lan Wenchen was pleasantly surprised and admitted!It's still Ms. Shen's group, there is no unparalleled road!

But...they actually made Miss Shen work overtime until past ten o'clock!

Working overtime is common, but this is different from Lan Wenchen's concept. Lan Wenchen prefers and is more suitable for the day's work to be completed on the same day, and never allows himself to take the initiative to work overtime.


"Believe it or not, feel free." Shen Lanfeng said on the phone, "They suggested that I recruit those more powerful master's and doctoral students, but I refused."


"Ah..." Lan Wenchen replied hesitantly, and then asked again, "Shen Lanfeng, may I ask why?"

"When I was an intern in college, I tried to work in the personnel department and met a lot of people. But you are the only one who makes me feel different."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"Do you have time to come to the company tomorrow? I'll let someone take you to familiarize yourself with the new environment."


"Let's just say that, I'm hanging up."


"and many more……"

Shen Lanfeng hung up the phone hastily on the other end. Lan Wenchen wanted to stop her, but it was too late.

When Lan Wenchen uttered two words, all he could hear was the sound of "beep beep——" from the phone.

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