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There are a lot of imported goods on display in the supermarket, and Lan Wenchen didn't know what to buy after picking it up.On the shelf of ordinary Coke, Lan Wenchen had already taken no less than five bottles and put them in his trolley.

"You seem to be enjoying it."

Chen Yu stopped at the shopping cart next to her.When Lan Wenchen heard the voice behind him, he felt his body go cold and was taken aback.As soon as she turned around, she felt guilty and wanted to push the car behind her.The other party's eyes were full of doubts, and they obviously hadn't come to speak or make the next move.

"What are you hiding? What did you buy?"

"Daily necessities." Lan Wenchen was dissatisfied with her appearing in this place, so he said, "Hurry up and get out."

Chen Yu leaned over and took a look. It was not a big problem to have a layer of Coke on his face, but he didn't know what was hidden under the Coke.

"I want to get out, but the director doesn't allow it." Chen Yu explained a little bit, "It just happened that Director Zhang said that when he went out to buy supplies last night, he seemed to see the lunatic from your girlfriend's company. That guy had a knife hanging on his waistband. Zhang Ju went out in a simple dress, with nothing on his body, so he could only hide....The bureau seat guessed that he lived nearby, so I stayed here to guard."

Then at noon, I saw a person sneaking into the supermarket, and I thought it was who it was.

"Where's your girl?"

"I'll let her rest at home." Lan Wenchen turned around to leave after speaking, "I'll go back after shopping, and I won't delay here."

Chen Yu still did not give up and looked over. It seemed that there was something like an iron lock under the Coke.Chen Yu took advantage of Lan Wenchen's inattention and lifted the things piled up on top.

It was already too late when Lan Wenchen passed by, so she simply didn't say a word.

Handcuffs... collars...

There are also some props marked in Japanese but I can't understand what they are.

Lan Wenchen was startled, and then reached out to grab what Chen Yu was holding.

"give me back!"

For some reason, Lan Wenchen felt guilty.

"What do you want these things for?"

"Can't I use it for my elder sister Shen?" Lan Wenchen pulled hard, snatched the thing from his hand, and said through gritted teeth, "You've lived such an old age, haven't you heard of prop games? "


She almost forgot that Chen Yu didn't have any lovers at all, and she didn't even know what a prop game was.

"Forget it, it's useless for me to tell you so much, just look it up online." Lan Wenchen quickly made a gesture of spreading his hands, "By the way, you have been working in the supermarket for a while, tell me where the food shelf is. ?”

Chen Yu pointed at the shelf opposite, Lan Wenchen didn't bother to thank him, just pushed it into the cart and left.She just took some snacks or pasta that looked good and went to pay.

The big bag is not too heavy, but there are at least a few bottles of Coke in it, and it is not very light after holding it for a long time.When Lan Wenchen took the things back, his palms were already blushing.

When she arrived at the hotel, she put her things on the ground.

Lan Wenchen took out a Melaleuca from the bag and handed it to Shen Lanfeng: "It's specially prepared for you."

When you are full, you should have more energy at night.


"Thank you."

Shen Lanfeng opened the bag and took a bite of the cake, while Lan Wenchen squatted beside him as if looking for something.Items such as collars were placed at the bottom just like Coke, and it took Lan Wenchen a long time to take them out.

I don't know if Shen Lanfeng likes it or not.

She stood up with those clinking things, and then honestly spread the collar and handcuffs forward.

"And these."

Shen Lanfeng paused for a moment: ...

"Why don't you try wearing it first?"

"I don't want..." Shen Lanfeng blushed and rejected Lan Wenchen, and then she took two steps back, "There is a bell on it, so stupid..."

This is not the point, Shen Lanfeng obviously just doesn't like this feeling.

"You'll look good in it."

The pink color of the collar may still look like her after wearing it. She knows what will happen if she really does this. This is obviously to attract the other party to commit a crime.


"I... I'm just the same as usual, I don't do much."

"When are you the same as usual?"

You obviously do everything.

Lan Wenchen felt itchy from being poked.

She wanted to stand a little forward to hug Shen Lanfeng, but the other party just trembled and took a step back.

She wanted to use kisses to reassure her, and she wanted to use everything to satisfy her.

Lan Wenchen bit her with his lips curled up for a while, and was about to put the collar around her neck.But before he could put it on, the outside door was knocked twice.


She was helpless, but she had no choice but to open the door.The other party stood half a meter away from the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"The boss said that there is a clue, and I want you to find a time to go together at night."

The bodyguard looked down at the collar on Lan Wenchen's hand: "This thing in your hand is quite interesting, I hope it didn't disturb you."

Chapter 46 She Was With the Goddess 46

Lan Wenchen felt his scalp tingle when he had to work overtime at night.But bureau seats don't like it when someone suddenly makes a fuss when they are doing business.

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