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"Do you think he will leave this city or this country?"

Sooner or later she would leave, but she couldn't tell when.

"What about the news over there?"

"Nothing yet."

"Forget it, I'll go up and look around, you wait for me here for a while."

Shen Lanfeng didn't look up at her either, just replied: "Okay."


Chapter 47 She Was With the Goddess 47

Lan Wenchen said that she was going to wake up, but she didn't go to the coffee shop just next door.There was a jewelry store on the second floor of the airport. Lan Wenchen lightly touched the bracelet on his hand, then walked in.

It's a bit deserted inside, it can be said that there are no customers.But at this point in time, and at the airport, it is normal to be relatively deserted.

The rings were the most stocked items in the counter, and Lan Wenchen was also attracted by those items, and seemed to be a little more energetic for a moment.

The sister salesman here is very beautiful, wearing heavy makeup, she walked over to Lan Wenchen and said, "Excuse me, girl, do you want something?"

The ring is very suitable for Shen Lanfeng, and she also wants to have a chance to put the ring on Shen Lanfeng herself.

Her eyes stayed on the platinum counter for a long time and did not take them away.

"This ring..." Lan Wenchen pointed to the ring on the far left of the platinum counter and said, "Can I have a look?"

The clerk nodded and took out the platinum ring.

This color really matches Shen Lanfeng very well. If she can buy it back, she thinks the other party will like it.

But the ring is usually given to the person you like, and the clerk was very puzzled: "Is the girl buying it for herself? Why don't you let the person you like come with you?"

Thinking of that workaholic Shen Lanfeng, Lan Wenchen couldn't help but cry.

"No, I don't want to buy it for myself," she said softly, "I want to buy it for someone I like."

"...Then she looks very pretty." The clerk nodded and said, "Are you hesitant?"

Indeed a bit.

"What kind of ring do you think should be given to a gentle and virtuous girl with a good figure?"

"The one in your hand is very good." The clerk explained, "It is the latest model, and it is sold in limited quantities. There are only less than a thousand in the world, and one of them was sent to us, but this is the airport. Most people prefer to go to those restaurants, nobody cares here."

"It has been stored for a long time, and no one has discovered it."

Probably because it was hidden too well.

Lan Wenchen lifted the ring up, the thing in his hand was indeed shining brightly.She compared the size of the ring by the way, and then determined the size.

It happened to be about the same shape as Shen Lanfeng's hand.


"That's it, how much?"

"Fifty thousand dollars."


Lan Wenchen glanced at his account, and found that he had enough money.

But this ring is also unique, the most expensive in the store.Others are just the usual price, but most of them are slightly ordinary.

The clerk patiently packed the box for her and delivered it to Lan Wenchen.

"Walk slowly."

She carried the gift and continued to walk out. After walking down from the second floor of the airport, Lan Wenchen went back to the room.

She was very worried that she had done such a thing, so she made two cups of coffee before going back, and walked into the office door absent-mindedly.

Shen Lanfeng has read almost half of the information on the table.

"Have you bought coffee?" She suddenly stopped writing and stood up, "Why did it take so long?"

Shen Lanfeng turned sideways to look over, Lan Wenchen put the things away guiltily.

"It's... nothing... nothing." She scratched her hair with one free hand, "I stopped by to look at a distant place, so it was a bit late."

"Then what are you holding in your hand?" Shen Lanfeng looked back at her, "Show me."

Lan Wenchen gritted his teeth, how could he hand over things at this time!

... The time has not come yet, wouldn't it be a shame if Shen Lanfeng didn't answer?

She originally planned to give it away on the next Qixi Festival or Valentine's Day, after all, it would be more commemorative.


"Really, don't ask." Lan Wenchen scolded.

Shen Lanfeng looked at her and smiled, Lan Wenchen felt very guilty from the bottom of his heart.

"What did you buy?"

Shen Lanfeng is also afraid of her operation. After all, it is not impossible for her to do things like go to the supermarket to buy handcuffs or collars.

She paused for a moment, then held out her hand, which was a big red box.The box looks exquisite from the outside.

"I...I just want to give it to you as a gift." Lan Wenchen said hesitantly, "I hope you will like it."

Shen Lanfeng pressed his hand to the box, but Lan Wenchen's eyes were a little dull and he didn't stop.

The two held a ring box together.

Until the next moment, Lan Wenchen opened the box.

"The ring..." she whispered, "If you don't mind, can you accept it?"

It doesn't matter if you don't wear it.


This ring is a limited edition.

Shen Lanfeng had noticed this ring on the Internet before, and it was even sold at sky-high prices for a while.

Where did Lan Wenchen get it?

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