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Fortunately, His Majesty Tang Wang, who used to be very picky, is now in a good mood. He no longer cares about food, and basically eats whatever is stuffed in the small building.

This time, Duan Xiaolou went to the only silver shop in the small town to look at jewelry. A small place is a small place. Duan Xiaolou went shopping a few times, but he didn’t buy any big items. Most of them were small jade pendants decorated with knots for replacement. I took a few at random, and then I can only say that there is really nowhere to go.

Fortunately, this time I finally got a decent gilt hairpin. The lifelike Magpie Lin looked like everyone's handwriting, and Duan Xiaolou took a fancy to it at a glance.

"The girl has a good eye, this is a treasure!"

"How much is it?"

"500 taels."

Duan Xiaolou curled his lips and put the things down expressionlessly.

Things are good, 500 taels, it's a steal!What's more, Duan Xiaolou is not short of jewelry, not to mention the ones brought by Luo Sheng, the dowry from Qinghong Villa alone is enough for her to wear them for decades.

So even though he was a little moved, he still put the hairpin back. The boss saw the big fish about to run and stretched out his hand and was about to call for someone, but Duan Xiaolou snorted and turned his head away.

"Girl, how about I give you this hairpin?" At some point, several tall and burly men came to the store. Jingshui, on the other hand, has a beautiful moustache on his chin and looks lively. He is wearing a brown jumper with a dark green diamond-trimmed robe. And the tailoring is excellent.

"Are you serious?" The man who looked like a domestic servant behind the man had already paid according to the master's wishes, but Duan Xiaolou tilted his head suspiciously.

"Naturally." The man looked at her laughing, narrowing his eyes, causing Duan Xiaolou to get goosebumps, so he turned his head and said, "No!"

"I've given you the money, you can take it." The man held the golden hairpin in his hand and handed it to Duan Xiaolou.

"I said, don't!" Duan Xiaolou stuck out his tongue, and ran out without turning his head, leaving behind a few men with wide-eyed eyes, and the leader still laughed, "Let's go, Take a look."

Chapter 72 Finale (72)

Duan Xiaolou knew that the group of people followed her, she went out of the city, and the crowds dwindled, but the group of people walked on the road unhurriedly, with a calm expression on their faces, as if they were here to play, but once Duan Xiaolou turned around, Look, when they met their eyes, the man showed a slightly ambiguous smile.

There must be a problem.

Duan Xiaolou got into the field ridge, and sure enough, the group of people followed.

It had just rained a few days ago, and the narrow ridges were a bit slippery. The guards walked in front and back, guarding the master in the middle, and even stretched out their hands to protect him.

Unexpectedly, when everyone crossed such a short distance from the field ridge, there were two "duk-duk" sounds from the cotton field next to them, and the guards were so startled that they immediately drew their knives and closed them.

However, the field ridge was only half a foot wide, and when they moved, the master who didn't know martial arts in the middle slipped and fell to the mud next to him.

The quick-eyed guard jumped down first to make a meat pad. The master was lucky and only stepped on mud.

Duan Xiaolou came out of the cotton field with a cold face, and stared at them viciously, "If you want to follow me again, it will not be so simple!"

After finishing speaking, he left on his own, leaving everyone with a back view with his lightness kung fu, causing the front guard to hold his sword and grit his teeth with a dark face.

"This little girl is really interesting."

The old man is in a good mood.

Duan Xiaolou walked around outside again, making sure no one was following him before he dared to return to Mudanlou, but as soon as he entered the door, he found that something was wrong, the old lady at the door greeted him and said that there were guests today, Duan Xiaolou was heartbroken. There was a plop.


Who could have come here, did they come here for Luo Sheng?

Walking in full of anxiety, he saw the door of the living room was closed, Chen Weichen was at the door, and there was a man standing next to him with a sword in his arms.

In other words, it is very likely that it is the master who wants to give you the hairpin?But Duan Xiaolou had never met the other party before, and the calculation in his heart was definitely aimed at Luo Sheng. Since Chen Weichen was at the door voluntarily, maybe it was someone he knew, so he approached Chen Weichen with the sharp eyes of the man holding the sword, "Who's in there?"

Chen Weichen's expression was not good, and he only uttered two words, "Guest."

Someone Chen Weichen dared not say... Duan Xiaolou had a bad premonition in his heart.

With a "creak", Luo Sheng opened the door, looked at Duan Xiaolou and said, "Come in."

Chen Weichen showed a look of surprise, the man over there still had a cold face, it seemed that what happened on the road just now was a vengeance.

Duan Xiaolou walked into the house resentfully, only to find that besides Luo Sheng, there was only the gorgeously dressed master inside, not even a servant serving tea and water, and seeing Luo Sheng closing the door by himself, he felt Even more apprehensive, after watching for a while, Luo Sheng said, "Come and pay respects to Brother Huang."

His knees softened, and with a plop, Duan Xiaolou knelt straight down, his knees hit the blue brick floor without cushioning, grinning his teeth because of the pain from the movement, Luo Sheng turned his head in shock, and looked at Duan Xiaolou panicked and flinched , unconsciously asked, "What happened?"

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