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Luo Sheng stared at the back of the current emperor, in the dim candlelight, the emperor who was supposed to be the most eloquent emperor showed a gloomy expression.

It was the first time in a year that Luo Sheng was going back to the capital of Longtan Huxué, Rao Sheng was also a little bit worried, but this time he didn't make up his own mind, but held Duan Xiaolou's hand and said, "Either, you go back to Qinghong Villa first. ?”

"Don't!" Duan Xiaolou, who hadn't had much energy all night, said decisively and crisply, with a taste of cutting gold and breaking jade, "I will go wherever you go, and I will not be separated from you even if I die in this life!"

"Pfft..." Luo Sheng laughed when he saw the determination on Duan Xiaolou's face. He reached out and stroked Duan Xiaolou's hair, and put a strand of hair on his sideburns behind his ear, and said lightly, "So you didn't Why don't you want to go to the capital?"

"It was originally." Duan Xiaolou's voice dropped, "Besides, if we are separated from you, I don't even know whether you are alive or dead. What can you ask me to do?"

"I don't worry if your parents and elder brothers love you." Luo Sheng opened the fan at this point, playing with it quite leisurely.

"You have the nerve to say it! You know, when my parents forced me to marry, I wanted to die! Anyway, I'm going to see the King of Hades, and the worst thing is that I have a companion on the road with you!"

"Yes, we are all people who have crossed the bridge of Naihe. It is worthwhile to enjoy one more day in the future. As long as you don't regret it, we will be together no matter where we are."

"Whatever happens to you in the future, you have to tell me!"


With you by my side in the future, even if the wind is high and the wind is high, I will feel at ease for a day.

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