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"Why do you have injuries on your body?" How could the pampered and noble king of Tang leave a wound on his shoulder, which is still an old wound.

"I was assassinated before, so I left it behind." Luo Sheng's voice was still very soft, and his tone was indifferent, as if the assassination that rushed to her and left her wound was unimportant, it was just a trivial matter.

"Why do they want to assassinate you, you are so good!" Duan Xiaolou almost blurted out, along the way, Luo Sheng was so gentle and humble, kind to others, and would urge officials for the sake of the people, why would someone want to assassinate her ?

"I'm not dead, those who want chaos in the world can't move a single step." Luo Sheng just smiled, high position and weight block the way of too many people, but she is still hesitating whether to tell Duan Xiaolou, tell Ben It should be a small building outside of these right and wrong.

Duan Xiaolou lowered his head, his eyes were red, he bit his lips and didn't speak any more. He just grabbed Luo Sheng's clothes, and the palms turned white. own hands.

Luo Sheng's hands were not big, about the same length as Duan Xiaolou's, but without the calluses left by many years of martial arts training, they were soft and warm, slowly turning Duan Xiaolou's cold and white hands back to flesh.Duan Xiaolou stared at the tightly clenched palms of the two, before speaking for a long time, "Could it be that someone wants to assassinate you when you arrive in Lin'an?"

"Not yet, but it's impossible for me to stay at the post all the time." Luo Sheng has already been to the Lin'an government office and beat up a group of tax officials. It is estimated that those people have already started preparations.

"Let me protect you!" Duan Xiaolou looked at Luo Sheng and said solemnly, "Close protection!"

She didn't want Luo Sheng to get hurt, at least not in Lin'an, not in front of her own eyes.

Luo Sheng looked at Duan Xiaolou, showing a very gentle and friendly smile, seeing Duan Xiaolou worried, and said directly, "I mean it, I am very good at martial arts!"

"I know." Luo Sheng smiled, moved his face closer, and licked Duan Xiaolou's lips.

Chapter 22

The next day, the morning sun was bright and the room was illuminated through the white window paper. When Duan Xiaolou opened his eyes, he saw Luo Sheng sitting up and reading a book.

Duan Xiaolou struggled to get up and slipped into Luo Sheng's arms, his eyes couldn't stop looking at the scar, seeing a fleshy scar on the crystal clear and delicate skin, he said angrily, "That man really It should be cut to pieces!"

"Pfft...do you know who that person is?" Luo Sheng smiled, unable to read the book anymore, reached out to hug Duan Xiaolou's waist, and pulled it into his arms.

"It's not just an assassin, who else could it be?"

In the morning light, Duan Xiaolou raised his head, his eyes widened in confusion, his shiny pupils shone through the sunlight, showing a clear brown color, blinking like shining stars in the sky, Luo Sheng couldn't help but bow his head, He kissed her eyelashes before saying, "It's a shadow."

"Huh?" Duan Xiaolou sat up in shock, his body was shaking too much, his head hit Luo Sheng's chin, and he heard a crisp sound, and finally sat up with his head covered, looking at Luo Sheng, Luo Sheng's chin It was red, but he just touched it with his hand and didn't speak.

"Are you okay?" Duan Xiaolou, who had a bad heart, went over to pull Luo Sheng's hand away, and rubbed it for her, but Luo Sheng still smiled, and said lightly, "It's okay."

"By the way, isn't the shadow always protecting you, why did it assassinate you?"

"He was bewitched to assassinate me, and he regretted it after discovering the truth, so he took the initiative to stay and be my secret guard." Luo Sheng still smiled faintly, grabbed Duan Xiaolou's hand and touched it in turn. Duan Xiaolou's head.

"You are really relieved to let him protect you! It is obviously not enough brains to be able to listen to people's bewitching to assassinate you casually. If one day he listens to the bewitching again and betrays you..." Duan Xiaolou suddenly thought of something when he said this, There was a sudden pause, blinking his eyes and looking at Luo Sheng, stuttering, "Now that he's gone, shouldn't it be..."

"What are you thinking about!" Luo Sheng raised his index finger and middle finger, tapped Duan Xiaolou's head, and said, "He has something to do, so he's not by my side for now."

"Did he go out too? A lot of masters have come to Lin'an recently..." Luo Sheng was in pain from the beating, and Duan Xiaolou murmured while rubbing the beaten place, "If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have left you, If the shadow is not there, how can you have no one to protect you personally."

"A lot of masters have come, did you see it?" Luo Sheng couldn't bear to see Duan Xiaolou rubbing his head pitifully, and sat beside him and stretched out his hand to rub it for her. Duan Xiaolou put down his hand, thought for a while, and looked She said, "I saw Shen Jiyun, one of the three leaders of the Qinglong gang. My brother said that she is good at martial arts, and she is a big-colored wolf named Caihua, and Chen Guicheng, the younger brother of 'South Chen' Chen Weichen who was as famous as my brother back then."

"It's normal," Luo Sheng laughed when he heard this, "Chen Weichen is here too."

"Huh?" A pot of stew?

"Do you know Lin Youshan, the youngest of the Lin'an Four Young Masters?"

"I've heard that, it was his elder brother's turn to take the position of Lin'an Fourth Young Master when he was paralyzed by illness. What's the matter?"

"Although his elder brother is paralyzed, he has a very capable and beautiful sister-in-law named Fei Rong."

"Feirong? It sounds so familiar." Duan Xiaolou stretched out his hand and scratched his face, feeling very familiar but couldn't remember where he heard it before.

"Have you heard?"

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