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No one answered.

Duan Xiaolou knocked on the door again.

The other party finally opened the door for her, and the strange thing was that the person was still sitting there when the door opened.

Duan Xiaolou walked over slowly on tiptoe, and saw that the iron egg had been disassembled, one side was a smooth eggshell, and the other side was embedded with mechanical iron pieces, Duan Xiaolou didn't understand, so he took a look at the man The eyebrows were exposed, the eyebrows were thick and slanted, and the eyes were big and bright. At this moment, he was staring at the half egg left in his hand, and did not look at Duan Xiaolou.

Duan Xiaolou lay on the table and looked at it for a while, then asked cautiously, "Is it brother Youtong?"

The other party finally raised his head, glanced at her, and said helplessly, "How did you guess it?"

"I just want to dare to dismantle this mechanism. There should not be many people in the Jianghu, and then look at the face and figure. Are you here with my brother?"

"I didn't expect you to still remember me." You Tong freed up a hand and tapped Duan Xiaolou on the head, "Why did you come to me?"

"Sister Shen and Big Brother didn't know where they went. I wanted to find them, but I saw you tearing this apart... This ball is just so small, but the hidden weapon she released is so powerful..."

"Have you tried?"

"Well, thanks to big brother, I almost got caught."

You Tong took a deep breath, then turned to Duan Xiaolou and said word by word, "From now on, you have to remember a few things."

Duan Xiaolou didn't know, so he blinked pitifully.

"First, don't run around, talk before entering the door; second, don't touch these hidden weapons."

Chapter 41

When Duan Qing came back, his younger sister was sleeping soundly on Youtong's table, she even wet her sleeves with drool because she slept so soundly.

Duan Xiaolou was covered with Youtong's coat.

Duan Qing stretched out his hand to wake Duan Xiaolou up, but You Tong said, "Let her sleep, the little girl has no place to go here, she's so bored."

You Tong was in a good mood, while taking apart the hidden weapon box to study, while observing Duan Xiaolou.Disassemble the parts, look at the flexible patch spring, look up at Duan Xiaolou who squinted his eyes; look at the shattered iron rods and look at Duan Xiaolou who is pursing his mouth...

Duan Qing was watching from the sidelines, his sister He Chou couldn't get married, so why did she want to get involved with Tang Wang?

Duan Xiaolou rubbed his eyes when the sun was shining in the west, and found that he was still lying on the table, and there was no one in the room.So he rubbed his eyes in a daze and walked out, halfway along the road was called by Yuzhuer to have dinner.

"Did you see my brother?" Duan Xiaolou bit his chopsticks and asked, and then saw Yuzhu'er's confused face.

"Do you recognize my brother?" Duan Xiaolou changed the question.

Yuzhu'er shook her head and said, "I don't see the people outside."

"Then what do you do every day?" Duan Xiaolou felt bored after not going out for two days, and now that his brother and Shen Jiyun were gone, it was even more boring.

Yuzhu'er lowered her head and smiled faintly, but she really looked like a quietly blooming gardenia.

"I forgot, you are a lady."

Duan Xiaolou turned around again, and saw that Youtong was still packing up the wishful egg, but now he had started to put it back, and couldn't hold back his curiosity, looking around.

"Xiaolou, sit down."


Duan Xiaolou listened to the words, sat obediently on the side, watched for a while and then felt bored and yawned, but suddenly heard a soft sound, and a cold light shot straight into the wall.

With a sound of "ding", it seemed that it had hit the blue bricks without entering the wall. Duan Xiaolou went over to look, and sure enough the half-inch-long iron awl was mostly buried in the wall.

"Let me do it." Youtong also came over, with index finger and thumb together, holding a piece of soft gauze dipped in water, holding down the outer half and slowly rotating and dragging it out.

"Aren't these three, why did you shoot out one?"

"Only installed one, if there is no problem with the launch, you can continue to install the other two."

Duan Xiaolou nodded, and then watched with great interest as You Tong dismantled and reassembled the ball again, his hands were itchy and he dared not touch it casually.

"This little thing has so many tricks."

"Time is tight now. If you are interested in the future, I will teach you slowly." You Tong knew that Duan Xiaolou was interested, but time was tight right now.

"Is the poison on this hidden weapon still there?" Duan Xiaolou looked at the iron cone still glowing blue, it seemed that the poison hadn't been cleaned up.

"I didn't wash it off, I tried to make it exactly the same as it was at the beginning." You Tong had already put the egg back, just like Duan Qing took it back.

"Is this thing for sister Shen to use?"

Duan Xiaolou suddenly said something, which made Youtong look sideways.

"Little girl, why do you insist on asking the bottom line?"

You Tong actually didn’t want to tell Duan Xiaolou, and Duan Qing didn’t want to either. He said he wanted Duan Xiaolou to protect His Highness Tang Wang, but in fact he put Duan Xiaolou in front of Tang Wang to protect him together. She doesn't need to go to the small building, and she doesn't have to worry about whether Xiangyang Mountain is a bandit village or Longtan Tiger Xué.

Duan Qing didn't dare to tell her the truth, Shen Jiyun teased her with a smile, actually he didn't want her to know the truth, but the little girl already guessed it.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask." Duan Xiaolou smiled. She knew that Luo Sheng and her brothers and sisters were strict with their mouths, just like Duan Qing knew that Luo Sheng was the king of Tang. Let Luo Sheng tell Duan Xiaolou himself, if Luo Sheng doesn't open his mouth, they won't reveal anything at all.

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