Chapter 27

Before this, Xia Bailu had imagined many times what Qin Yishu's figure in kimono would look like.She believes that even if the factor of beauty in the eye of the beholder is excluded, Qin Yishu's kimono figure should be absolutely beautiful and instantly killer.

The result did not disappoint her.

When Qin Yishu came out of the dressing room wearing a light blue furi-sleeve kimono with the pattern of painted feathers, Xia Bailu felt dizzy for a while, and was about to be petrified by her beauty.

Qin Yishu's appearance was originally of the classical beauty type.At this moment, the light blue brocade kimono on her body was embroidered with exquisite crane and wave patterns, which perfectly brought out her fair complexion.The thick long hair was coiled up into a fluffy bun, decorated with blue fringed flower vine hair decorations, mature and cute.The obi bag embroidered with golden silk thread is matched with a cabbage taiko knot, and a pair of small clogs are exposed under the neat hem.If they met Qin Yishu dressed like this on the road, almost no one could resist looking sideways to admire him, right?

"What are you in a daze for?" Seeing her dumbfounded look, Qin Yishu couldn't help asking.

"You're so pretty..." Xia Bailu said blankly.

"You're not bad either." Qin Yishu squinted his eyes and smiled, looking Xia Bailu up and down.Xia Bailu was wearing a dark blue and white patterned bathrobe, which matched her chestnut hair color very well.In the scorching heat of midsummer, her body is very refreshing.

The two dressed up beautifully and walked towards Gion.Qin Yishu yelled hot, Xia Bailu was next to him, blowing a fan and delivering water, stopping from time to time to take pictures of her nympho.Unknowingly, the two had wandered to Hanami Koji in Gion, and there were traditional Japanese teahouses and restaurants on both sides.Qin Yishu's literary and artistic heart was the least resistant to such things full of cultural atmosphere and historical atmosphere, so he took out his mobile phone to take pictures rudely.Because she is beautiful and wears such a gorgeous kimono, she attracts the attention of passers-by from time to time.

"A lot of people look at you." Xia Bailu tugged at her and whispered, his tone full of pride.

"Shouldn't you be jealous?" Qin Yishu seemed dissatisfied.

"Jealous, but also happy." Xia Bailu admitted frankly.

Qin Yishu smiled slightly, pulled her into the camera frame, and took a group photo with her.Xia Bailu's selfishness was satisfied, and he felt dizzy with happiness. The photos he took were all silly, and Qin Yishu complained about them several times.

Unknowingly, twilight has fallen again, and the weather has turned cool.After the two visited the Yasaka Shrine, they walked back slowly.Just as we were about to cross the Kamo River, gorgeous fireworks bloomed without warning, instantly lighting up the night sky.

"It's so beautiful," Qin Yishu's girl's heart overflowed again, "Look."

Xia Bailu stared blankly at her back. Against the backdrop of the night, Qin Yishu's figure looked a little weak and slender.I can't explain why a kind of emotion surged into Xia Bailu's heart. The fireworks that we met in a foreign country coincided with what the two of them saw on the Ferris wheel before.She recalled all kinds of experiences in the past few months, ups and downs, several twists and turns, good and sad; Be by your side.

The first love with Yang Shanshan is indeed pure and beautiful, but it is more or less immature.

The relationship with Gu Yan is more for work and appearance, for a heart that is at a loss and doesn't know how to put it down.And this confusion finally disappeared in the shattered relationship with Gu Yan.

However, getting acquainted with Qin Yishu and overcoming difficulties together is a process in which the two really trust each other and open their hearts.From the dramatic beginning, to the hazy and ambiguous feelings, to the stalemate of mutual temptation and suspicion, until the two finally promised each other their sincerity and passed the test - this is a sense of security that has never been felt before, and it is also a Heartbeat like never before.

Driven by the surge of emotion and enthusiasm in his chest, Xia Bailu hugged Qin Yishu tightly from behind.In Qin Yishu's surprised inquiry, she increased her strength, wishing to crush her into pieces in her arms.Under the sky full of fireworks and the hustle and bustle of people's voices, what I hold tightly in my arms at this moment is the precious thing I have been looking for in my life for many years.

Xia Bailu was more sure of all this than ever.

Later, the two returned to Bianqing exhausted.Qin Yishu muttered "It's so hot", Xia Bailu smiled mysteriously, pulled her over and said:

"Let's go to the outdoor hot spring."

The private open-air hot spring is a special service provided by Benqing for guests, and they only need to pay a small fee to enjoy it.Qin Yishu followed Xia Bailu to the hot spring with great interest, and saw a big wooden barrel in the field under the stars, and the hot spring water inside was steaming.

The two first used the shower to clean their bodies, and then jumped into the barrel with a childlike playful heart.

"Oh, it's so hot! It's so hot!" Xia Bailu sighed.

Qin Yishu also felt the same way, the two soaked in the hot spring, enjoying the soreness brought by the just right water temperature, and most of the fatigue of the day was eliminated.Qin Yishu looked up at the endless night sky, beside the eaves in one corner, dotted with a silvery-white full moon, he couldn't help sighing:

"If it's winter, can you enjoy the snow while soaking in the hot spring?"

Xia Bailu saw her slight regret, his heart moved, and he blurted out:

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