Although four years have passed, Liu Yusheng still feels uncontrollably terrified when he thinks of these things. Every word of Donaldson is like a brand branded on him, accusing him of being a sinner forever.The writer is like a scallop, and the works are the pearls polished by the writer bit by bit with the sand of blood and pain. For a writer who regards words as paramount, ruining his words is a greater sin than slandering himself .

"Uh, it seems a bit sloppy when Da Da said that," Pink Meow came out to smooth things over, and said with a smile, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Let's vote," Lu Weifu said.

Liu Yusheng's cheeks were so red that they were about to bleed, he tried his best not to tremble in his voice: "That's okay."

At [-]:[-], the first online live broadcast of the Lansheng Literary Solitaire Contest ended.

In the evening, Xu Yihan accompanied Lao Xu to a banquet. He drank a bottle of white wine that was said to be more than 2 yuan, and he didn't know what brand it was.In the past few years, Lao Xu has paid attention to health preservation, and he does not drink or smoke. Xu Yihan must serve the wine offered by others.It was okay when he was drinking, but when he walked out of the hotel after the banquet, when the cold wind blew, Xu Yihan felt a little over the top.

When I got home, I knelt in front of the toilet and vomited for a while, so my stomach felt better.

After vomiting, Xu Yihan took a shower and sat on the bed unsteadily.He hasn't watched the live broadcast tonight. He only received a message from his assistant saying that it was generally smooth, but there was a small problem, and the communication between the authors was not smooth.

Xu Yihan clicked on the replay of the live broadcast, and was amused by the host when he came up, who gave you the name Lu Weifu?Lu Xun.It is estimated that these two hosts will have a shadow of Lu Xun in the future.Yes, although the host is a bit stupid, but it is quite effective.

Xu Yihan put his palm on his stomach and continued to watch the replay.Soon he heard Lu Weifu's words, "Are you being so careless with your protagonist?" He secretly said in his heart that Zhao Xin was really out of his mind.

He called Zhao Xin, but when the phone was connected, Zhao Xin scolded him: "Xu Yihan, are you Shao? What kind of idea are you coming up with!" (Shao, middle finger in Wuhan dialect)

Xu Yihan laughed loudly: "I think you have a good loli voice, aren't you afraid of being recognized by him? It's safest to pretend to be a girl. Hey, I think you are Shao. How can you say that your hairtail is a pig's cry?"

Zhao Xin said angrily: "I didn't know it was him! I thought it was the two hosts who were messing around."

"Oh, what about the back? Why did you choke him on the spot?"

Now Zhao Xin stopped talking.

"Zhao Xin, you are really Shao," Xu Yihan said sincerely, "Don't you want to get close to him and apologize to him? You are ashamed of others. If you return this attitude, I don't think you will ever be forgiven in this life."

Zhao Xin said in a low voice: "I couldn't help it, how could he be so hasty with the character he was going to write? How could he be so - indifferent?"

"It's because you're too serious," Xu Yihan sighed, "Not everyone is as serious as you are, writing novels, others can easily write novels and make money, so why should others bother themselves? Same, think about it."

"It's not a matter of different people. An author, let alone whether he is a writer or not, as long as he is an author, he should take a serious attitude towards what he writes. Do you know what I mean? This has nothing to do with what the author writes. It's all right."

"What you said - we are not engaged in the Internet, I put it bluntly, but for the entertainment of readers. There are so many online novels, how many of them have entered academic research? Everyone knows that this thing is not worth it. I know You are serious, knowing that you write well, but you should not be so demanding of others, after all, Internet literature is still different from serious literature—"

"I have never thought that the carrier of serious literature is defined, and serious literature—"serious" is an adjective. These two kinds of literature are not at the same level. In my standard, the "serious" of serious literature refers to the author's Attitude, as long as the work is sincere, serious, and serious, even if it is published on the Internet, even if the genre of the novel is Danmei, romance, or fandom, it can also be serious so that it is considered inferior by the public, because there are too many ideas that are different from yours. The same author, creating with self-deprecating and self-deprecating."

Xu Yihan was speechless.He suddenly realized, why should he discuss literature with Zhao Xin?Are you sick?Didn't he come to eat melons?

"Okay, you were right, I was wrong," Xu Yihan changed the subject, "Is the canned octopus angry? You are too impulsive. Did you apologize for letting him down in front of hundreds of thousands of people?"

"...No, I don't know how to say it."

Xu Yihan gloated and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't know how to say it. The canned hairtail would be so angry. But tell me, if you can't even say this apology, how can you apologize for what happened back then? ? Everyone has dropped out of school because of you, it's so miserable."

Zhao Xin was silent for a few seconds and said, "I'm dead."

Xu Yihan didn't write with him either: "Bye, I wish you success."

After mocking Zhao Xin, Xu Yihan felt much more at ease and continued to watch the live broadcast.The six writers voted to determine the male protagonist's sexual orientation. Xu Yihan thought it would be a three-to-three tie, but he didn't expect that Pink Miaomiao, who wrote danmei, voted for romance.In this way, it is two to four, and the hero is a straight man.

The six of them didn't discuss for too long. During the discussion, only Pink Meow and Yun in the second year were more active. For the other four, Zhao Xin naturally didn't talk much because of the dog's virtue that no one liked; canned hairtail Well, Zhao Xin was probably choked by Zhao Xin, so embarrassed that he didn't speak; as for Bing Wang and Fire—these two people didn't know whether they were being polite or really didn't care, and they never expressed any objection from the beginning to the end.

In the end, the outline they settled on was: the hero's superpowers were endowed by a mysterious organization related to extreme high technology, and the heroine R is the leader of this mysterious organization.This kind of superpower is the test product of the mysterious organization. They choose the male protagonist as the test specimen, and create a series of strange events around the male protagonist that require him to use superpowers to solve. , to modify and adjust this superpower.To put it simply, the male lead is a poor experimental product. This story is a story of the male lead constantly evolving and becoming stronger, finally defeating the mysterious organization, and at the same time falling in love with the female lead.

Xu Yihan nodded, this story is a bit like "The Truman Show", it's quite exciting.

In the first week of the competition, the update order of the six authors is: Yun in the second year, Lu Weifu, Pink Meow, Bing Wang, canned hairtail, and fire.

Chapter 13

After watching the live broadcast, it was nearly twelve o'clock. Xu Yihan's stomach hurt, and it was useless to cover it for a long time. Although it was not painful, it was enough to make him sleepless.

He lives in a high-end apartment in Xujiahui, on the 16th floor. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, he can see brilliant lights and endless traffic.This scene reminded him of many, many cities, Beijing, Shenzhen, Tokyo, New York... To be honest, if you look at it from such a high angle, these cities all look similar.

At the banquet today, Uncle Lu said, my daughter has returned to China, when will Yihan be free?You young people meet up and keep in touch in the future.

In fact, he didn't even know who this Uncle Lu was—but before he could open his mouth, Lao Xu had already responded with a smile, okay, kids these days play with their mobile phones every day, hey, what a friend they should be!

Uncle Lu's daughter—Miss Lu?Xu Yihan smiled.

He picked up his phone again and clicked on the speakerphone.

"Hello? Yihan?" It was so late, but Deng Yuan's voice was still sober, echoing softly in Xu Yihan's empty and large room.

"Sister," Xu Yihan called him lazily, "what are you doing?"

"I... I'm outside."

"Still outside so late?" Xu Yihan's heart seemed to be pinched.

"um, I……"

Xu Yihan sat up: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just play outside."

"Playing?" Xu Yihan got up, "I'm also coming to play, send me the location."

"Yihan, I...don't do it, I'll go back right away..."

Xu Yihan found a clean T-shirt from the closet: "I want to see you, I have something to tell you."

"Huh? Why don't you just say it now?"

Xu Yihan then pulled out a pair of jeans: "No, tell me in person. Where are you?"

Half an hour later, Xu Yihan met Deng Yuan in a small clinic.

If it wasn't for Deng Yuan, he probably would never have entered this kind of clinic in his life - a private clinic opened in an alley with yellow walls and a sour and bitter smell of disinfectant.Deng Yuan was lying on the sofa with the sponge exposed, Xu Yihan didn't know how he could lie down.

Xu Yihan didn't sit down, and squatted directly beside Deng Yuan. A piece of gauze was stuck to Deng Yuan's right face, his chin was purple, and there was a scratch on his left arm.He was getting an infusion, twisting his body to try to sit up, but Xu Yihan gently pushed him down: "You lie down."

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