Ning Yurui slept in the hospital for most of the day, hung up the water again, and had a good meal of preserved fruit at night, and then he regained his energy.

He refused to stay obediently on the hospital bed, and watched meteors through the window, insisting on going to the rooftop early to choose the best place for stargazing.

When Master Ye heard him say that, he was surprised and helpless, "I didn't expect you to work so hard for stargazing?"

Before Ning Yurui could explain anything, Wu Huai said, "It's all my fault, it's because I wanted to watch shooting stars with Ruirui, and Ruirui worked so hard."

Of course Ning Yurui didn't want Wu Huai to take the blame like this, so how could he be blamed?

He quickly grabbed Wu Huai's hand and told him to stop talking, otherwise he would feel very distressed.

Wu Huai smiled at him, but decided that it was his fault.

Master Ye looked at the two of them, stroked the head of Cao Hua in his arms, and said: "Cao Hua, look at your father, there is no one showing affection, what did we do wrong as single? Huh? Look at this little hook, this Make eye contact, I wish I could..."

"Master, you are right." Wu Huai interrupted him, "If you don't go to see it, we will go up."

"I want to bring the flowers." Ning Yurui reached out and hugged the flowers in his arms.

Grass flower's front paws clung to Ning Yurui's shoulder, meowing softly.

Ning Yurui felt the sound of "Gulu Gulu" from him.

For the first time, Ning Yurui was very happy.

So no matter what kind of expression Wu Huai beside him showed towards him, he would never let go of the flowers.

Master Ye looked at their emotions at this time, and it seemed that they were not that close.

I was hesitating whether to go to see the meteor or not?

It doesn't matter, anyway, there is such a small light bulb as the grass flower, so what does it matter if he takes an extra old light bulb?

Before going to the rooftop, the doctor specially reminded them to wear more clothes.

Just after the new year, the temperature at night is still very low, especially since Ning Yurui has just recovered, don't catch a cold and get sick again.

The doctor took care of me a lot like an old lady.

After he left, Wu Huai told Ning Yurui that this doctor was also a spirit.

"He's a sparrow." Wu Huai smiled, "That's why he is very nagging."

Even without the doctor's nagging, Wu Huai wouldn't let Ning Yurui go upstairs to watch shooting stars in thin clothes.

On this point, Ning Yurui had a lot of disputes with Wu Huai just now.

In the end, I had to wear a down jacket over the sweater, which felt a bit bloated.

Ning Yurui rubbed the tip of her nose and said softly, "Is there a need to be so nervous..."

Although the words were light, they floated into Wu Huai's ears.

Wu Huai said: "It's necessary, if you don't faint, I wouldn't be so nervous."

"Hmm..." Ning Yurui couldn't refute, but he didn't know if he was dizzy or not.

Take the elevator to the top floor, the stairs leading to the roof are open to the public, look up to the roof along the door, but it seems that there is no popularity.

In fact, Ning Yurui felt this way when he walked out of the ward. This hospital is deserted.

Walking through several wards next door, I found that they were all empty, with some patients with closed doors, but few of them were closed.

Ning Yurui asked Wu Huai, didn't this hospital accept ordinary people like himself?

Wu Huai explained that this is a private hospital, even if ordinary people knew about it, they would not dare to send people here easily, because the level of trust in the hospital is still too low.

Ning Yurui imagined it too, most of you still believe in the National University Hospital.

So when they stood on the rooftop, there were only four of them, and they were not afraid of not being able to grab a suitable place to watch the stars.

They found benches in the lee where they could sit and rest.

Wu Huai set the direction with the compass on his mobile phone, and the bench was right in front of the place where the meteor will fall, which is very rare.

He pulled Ning Yurui to his side, hugged the flowers that had been lying on his shoulders, and handed them to Master Ye.

Regardless of the reluctance on Ning Yurui's face, Wu Huai pointed to another bench in the distance to Master Ye, and asked him to sit there with the flowers.

Master Ye thought sadly while touching the grass flowers, who is the master...

After sitting down, Ning Yurui pouted and said, "Why can't you tolerate grass and flowers so much?"

Wu Huai hugged Ning Yurui from the side, and said softly: "You are with me, and you miss other cats."

Ning Yurui couldn't keep up with Wu Huai's logic, and said with a smile: "What, this is not the same thing."

"I don't care, Ruirui, you work so hard just to come back and watch shooting stars with me. I can't accept that there were other people before us!" Wu Huai said, "Other cats!"

Ning Yurui was sure, with Wu Huai's stingy jealousy all day long, if it wasn't for the two of them being inseparable from each other, he would definitely not be able to tolerate the air between them!

But fortunately there are grass flowers, at least Master Ye will not be so boring.

Ning Yurui looked back, Master Ye was talking to the flowers, and he didn't seem to be left out by the two of them.

However, Master Ye came, but he didn't see his brother.

Even if Ning Yurui wasn't surprised or sad, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

He thought about it and gave up. He had worked so hard to watch shooting stars with Wu Huai, just to get rid of so many uncomfortable things in his heart.

If you are still depressed at this moment, you will be too sorry for the stargazing opportunity you have worked so hard to win.

As the predicted meteor shower time approached, there were finally two more people on the rooftop.

I don't know what kind of doctor it is, at least one of them is wearing a white coat, as if he was dragged here just after get off work.

The two sides are far apart, and they can't see what the other side looks like in the dark, so they can't see what the person sitting here looks like.

Originally, because he saw outsiders coming up, Ning Yurui was worried that he and Wu Huai were public figures and didn't wear masks. It would be troublesome if they were recognized by others.

And he fell ill this time, in Ning Yurui's mind, he didn't want Sun Xuan to make a fuss about it.

But what Sun Xuan meant was to see if the crew had any ideas for publicity.

In today's entertainment industry, where traffic is the dominant factor, people are not afraid of comparing goods, even if they don't even have the chance to compare.

Some celebrities have embarked on the road of traffic, and even have a small cut in their hand, and they have to post on Weibo to promote it.

Coupled with the beautified photos, I wish fans could touch him along the network cable and blow his wounds.

For example, Ning Yurui was overworked filming and fainted in the parking lot on the spot;

If this eye-catching headline was replaced by a navy company, it would be the number one most searched item every day, dominating the entertainment headlines every day.

But Ning Yurui didn't like it. He took things that he took for granted as publicity, and he was ashamed to promote it!

The crew had approached Sun Xuan before. As Ning Yurui's manager for so many years, Sun Xuan knew Ning Yurui's acting disposition very well.

He naturally refused the crew to use it as a propaganda point, and most of the crew were sensible people, so he didn't mention it again after hearing what he said.

Ning Yurui hadn't seen the crew publicize this incident at the time, so now he naturally thinks that they won't publicize the fact that he fainted.

Anyway, he doesn't take the traffic route, and if it really spreads out, letting others know that he fainted while filming, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

So if people saw him and Wu Huai in the hospital, they would definitely be suspected, either because he had a problem or Wu Huai was in poor health.

No matter who it is, if it spreads out, it must be cheaper for those gossip marketing accounts and earn traffic for them.

Leaning in Wu Huai's arms, Ning Yurui went to see the two people behind him from time to time, afraid that they might find something.

Fortunately, maybe the two people found that someone was already standing on the other side, so they ran to the other side.

Not to mention the distance, not to mention the face in the dark, even people's shadows can't be seen clearly, so Ning Yurui thought with confidence that no one would find out.

But what Ning Yurui didn't know was that the news of his fainting spread quickly in the circle.

Even if the crew didn't use this as a publicity point, they were not obliged to keep it a secret for him.

However, at this moment Ning Yurui was hugged by Wu Huai, with a relaxed expression on his face.

The local night sky is also very clear, and the sky is full of bright stars.

The Milky Way cannot be seen clearly in winter, but a wide river-like star belt can still be seen in the vast sky.

Unlike the last time when he leaned on Wu Huai's warm shoulder, Ning Yurui would fall asleep.

This time he was very excited, and even looked for possible constellations while comparing the astrology chart on his mobile phone.

On the contrary, Wu Huai leaned on his shoulder, his eyes narrowed.

It's not a problem to work all night, if Ning Yurui in his arms is not so energetic, he would have fallen asleep with his shoulder leaning on him.

Ning Yurui felt that Wu Huai's strength behind him was getting heavier and heavier, so he turned his head slightly to look at him.

"Huh?" Wu Huai looked up, "What? Is it cold?"

Ning Yurui smiled and said, "I'll see if you're asleep."

Wu Huai sat up straight, "I don't fall asleep so easily."

Ning Yurui said, "You are also a cat."

Wu Huai said: "Cats like to doze off because they are small in size and weak in physical strength. Compared with humans, they can't last long. Look at the grass flower, it is so small, of course it plays for two hours and sleeps for two hours. But I Now I am human, Ruirui, and a man who has undergone reasonable training, and you actually doubt my physical strength?"

Having said that, Ning Yurui was suddenly taken aback.

What he said made sense, and Wu Huai's physical strength, didn't he know?

Ning Yurui hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, after listening to Wu Huai's explanation, I think it's very correct, I—"

Wu Huai hugged him tightly, and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that Rui Rui is a bit perfunctory? Do you still have doubts about my physical strength? It seems that I need to show Rui Rui my strength again?"

"I don't—" Ning Yurui turned his head, just in time for a meteor to fall.

Before he could open his mouth, the meteor shower arrived as promised.

A series of meteors quickly across the sky, some fleeting.

As if he was terrified of being given a wish by a mortal, he just popped his head out and disappeared in the deep starry sky.

Ning Yurui's eyes were completely attracted by the shooting stars, he even stood up from Wu Huai's embrace, showing his fascination towards the sky.

Wu Huai followed him to stand up, walked over and put his arms around his waist, and said with a smile, "Why don't you make a wish?"

Ning Yurui said: "If you want to achieve your wish, of course you have to rely on your own ability. Although making a wish is very beautiful, I don't need a meteor to fulfill it."

Wu Huai looked at Ning Yurui, saw the resolute look on his face, and couldn't help being attracted to him.

After watching for a long time, Wu Huai finally couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Ning Yurui tightly, bowed his head and kissed her.

Ning Yurui had just seen a meteor shower, and he hadn't seen enough, so Wu Huai blocked his lips and closed his eyes subconsciously, but he was also a little distracted.

With just one kiss, Ning Yurui gently pushed Wu Huai away and said, "The meteor shower...isn't over yet?"

According to predictions, there will be three meteor showers that night, the second of which will be at its peak.

Most people are waiting for this rain and want to feast their eyes.

Ning Yurui was also looking forward to the second meteor shower, not even daring to blink for fear of missing the second meteor shower.

Fortunately, Wu Huai took up so much of his time directly, wouldn't it be a pity if he missed it?

No matter what Wu Huai thought to himself, he made up his mind to do what Ruirui wanted to do.

Just like now, he wants to watch the meteor shower, even if he is himself, he can't distract Ning Yurui, even the kiss is much shorter than usual!

But no matter how much Wu Huai felt that it wasn't enough, it was impossible for Ning Yurui to follow his temper.

It seems that others see Ning Yurui as a gentle and handsome young man, but he also has a very stubborn temper.

Even if Ning Yurui didn't feel it, how could Wu Huai not understand after staying by his side for so long?

Ning Yurui felt Wu Huai let go of his hand, he got up and walked to the fence, as if taking one more step would bring him an inch closer to the starry sky.

Finding nothing around him, he went back to look for Wu Huai.

Wu Huai walked slowly, Ning Yurui grabbed him to his side and said, "Come quickly."

"Okay." Wu Huai smiled and leaned over, a voice came out of his heart, did you see that Ruirui still had him in his heart.

After watching the next two meteor showers together, the two turned their heads and went back to the ward.

Ning Yurui said, it seemed that the meteor had taken away all the ailments in his body in one go.

One more meteor, let him recover one more point.

Even though he didn't make a wish to Meteor, Meteor fulfilled his wish as if he knew what he wanted in his heart.

Ning Yurui smiled and said, "I feel like I'm recovering from my illness, and I can go back to the crew to film tomorrow."

Wu Huai said: "No, even if you can be discharged from the hospital now, you are not allowed to return to the set."

Ning Yurui looked at Wu Huai, even though he fainted because of filming, can't he blame the crew?

He said softly: "You can't blame the crew, I failed to take care of myself while filming this time, I signed a contract with the crew, you can't let me go back to filming, right?"

"That's not what I said..." Wu Huai said, "I asked you for a week's leave."

Ning Yurui said: "It's just a cold, why do you need to rest for a week?"

Wu Huai said: "It doesn't matter, you have already asked for leave anyway, and the crew has no objection. And let me tell you, if you asked for leave one day earlier, it wouldn't be like this. Maybe three days off will be fine... "

Ning Yurui knew what Wu Huai meant, and the disease was dragged out.

If he could have taken a day off earlier, he wouldn't have ended up so ill.

Ning Yurui shook Wu Huai's hand, "Hey, I failed to take care of myself, you must be angry in your heart, I just want to..."

"You want to finish filming early and watch shooting stars with me, I understand." Wu Huai also held his hand tightly, "Anyway, I've asked you for a week off, so don't think about filming these few days. If you I really feel in good health, I will discharge you from the hospital tomorrow, go back to the apartment to take care of your health, and then go back to filming after the holiday."

"Okay..." Ning Yurui could only obey Wu Huai's arrangement obediently. Now that he was still holding his hand, of course he had to follow him.

Ning Yurui knew that Wu Huai was still very angry in his heart, and he could also imagine what kind of emotion Wu Huai felt when he received the call.

If it were me, I'm afraid I would have been panicked and incoherent.

Seeing the meteor shower, Ning Yurui is now satisfied, and will not go against Wu Huai's ideas again.

The next day, Ning Yurui went through the discharge procedures, and only got his mobile phone from Sun Xuan after returning to the apartment.

The mobile phone is full of concerned text messages from friends in his circle, asking about his physical condition.

Sun Xuan responded to the message on his behalf, so that he would not have to worry about it in the future.

Ning Yurui was not used to getting out of his busy work all of a sudden.

His focus is still on filming, and he is also afraid that after he relaxes, he will not find the feeling when he goes back to filming.

So early in the morning, Wu Huai couldn't help but feel sad when he saw Ning Yurui holding the script and pen in his hand, writing and drawing.

How could he not get sick in this filming state?It's terrible! !

Just as Wu Huai was about to rush up to snatch the script and wish he could burn it, someone knocked on the door of their apartment.

It must not be the agent, and Wu Huai is sure that Liu Zhao will not come to him at this time.

Wu Huai went to open the door and found that it was Ning Zhurui. Seeing that he was still carrying a fruit basket in his hand, he knew his intentions.

But... because Wu Huai went to find Ning Yurui in a hurry, and he didn't inform Ning Yurui.

Even Master Ye let him know because he lived with him and had to ask Master Ye to help contact the hospital.

So as soon as Wu Huai saw Ning Yurui, he knew that Ning Yurui had passed out and was in the hospital, and the outside world had already spread it.

Ning Yurui didn't expect so much. When he saw his brother coming with a fruit basket, he said, "You're welcome." Come to visit a guest?

Ning Zhurui asked him, "Why didn't you tell me about this? I only found out that my brother was admitted to the hospital after reading the news on the Internet."

Ning Yurui raised his eyebrows, he glanced at Wu Huai, not to blame him, but felt that it was different from what he thought in his heart.

But Wu Huai said: "I was busy going to see Rui Rui at the time, thinking that you might also have your own job, so I didn't contact you."

Ning Yurui said: "That's right, you must be very busy, and I just have a cold, so there's no need to notify you of such a minor illness."

Master Ye, who was standing on the other side hugging the flowers, felt that the atmosphere was a little tense.

He didn't want to get involved in other people's family affairs, so he hurriedly rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and slipped away.

Ning Yurui took the fruit basket and said to his brother: "My health has improved a lot, but I'm fine. What did the news on the Internet say? Is it too exaggerated?"

Ning Zhurui shook his head, without detailing what he saw.

He said: "Take care of your body a little bit. It's not like you don't know. You had an accident when you were young, and your parents were always worried that you would..."

Ning Yurui said: "That's what happened when I was a child, didn't everything go away after that?"

Ning Yurui's expression suddenly became serious, "This is how you have accidents. I told you when I was a child, don't touch those stray cats and dogs outside, but you want to touch them. If you are asked to walk outside to watch the road, you will not touch them." Listen, how long were you in the hospital after a car accident trying to save a cat, don't you remember?"

Ning Yurui's face darkened, and he said, "So what if I remember, I always say it happened when I was a child, why do I keep digging it out? Haven't I heard it since then? Since I was a child, it's what you say about me. What are you doing, what does it mean to turn over old accounts now?"

Ning Yurui shook his head: "I don't want to settle old scores. You fell ill this time, most likely because of childhood..."

"Of course not!" Ning Yurui interrupted him, "I did this because I was filming a scene in the rain. At that time, I didn't keep warm well, I caught a cold, and I fainted because of the stress of filming."

Ning Chenrui sighed, "At the beginning, my parents didn't want you to do this business, they just didn't want you..."

Ning Yurui jumped up and said, "I'm already an adult, I know what I like and what choices I should make. I know why brother you returned to China, or do you want to force me to leave the acting industry? Now do you want to Do you want to take advantage of this to persuade me not to do this job and go abroad to help my father look after the company? Like you?"

However, Ning Yurui's expression seemed to be completely stunned, and he murmured: "I didn't... mean..."

Wu Huai also rushed up, took Ning Yurui into his arms, and softly told him to calm down and listen to the matter clearly before speaking.

When I mentioned Ning Yurui's family before, I just saw him in a low mood.

Bringing it up again today, he looked more like he was scared.

After all, Ning Yurui has been worrying ever since he knew his brother had returned to China, and his brother didn't tell him anything, which made him even more cranky.

Hearing his brother's words now, Ning Yurui was not only angry, but also scared.

He was afraid that his family would find a way to force him to leave his acting career, which might even implicate Wu Huai.

Ning Yurui, who just got sick, seemed to have recovered, but in reality he was still a little fragile.

Wu Huai hurriedly pulled Ning Yurui into the small room next door, kissed his forehead, and said, "Calm down, don't say anything too radical, I haven't figured out what's going on with your brother yet, I'll go talk to him Let's talk, maybe it's not what you think."

Ning Yurui nodded while controlling his emotions. He admitted that he was too impulsive just now.

When Wu Huai walked back to the living room, he found that Ning Birui who was sitting there was a little cramped.

Wu Huai said: "Rui Rui didn't mean to offend you, but you'd better make it clear about your intention to return to China. And what I want to say is that no matter how stressful Rui Rui was in filming before, I didn't see him overworked. This time he saw When you came back, you were worried all the time, afraid that you would prevent him from developing in the film and television industry before returning to China, not to mention that you didn't say the reason."

Ning Yurui stood up all of a sudden, "Is it my fault?"

Wu Huai waved his hand, "Of course I don't blame you, but if you can make it clear, it will be more fair to Rui Rui."

Ning Chenrui took a deep breath and sighed again, "It's really not because of him that I went back to China. I... Let me be honest, I wanted to go back to China to develop, but my father rejected it. I came back in a fit of anger. I refused to tell my brother , because at the beginning... when he opposed his father, I didn't speak for him, and today I returned to China...ah, of course I didn't mean to ask him to speak for me, I just... felt a little ashamed to say it. "

Wu Huai thought, so this is the matter, you two brothers are really awkward?

If you really say it, Ning Yurui won't laugh at you because of this kind of thing!

But before he could speak, Ning Yurui had already run out of the small room.

He glanced at Wu Huai and smiled, then gave his brother a hug.

Ning Yurui said: "Brother, I'm sorry, it's my villainous heart."

Ning Yurui patted him on the back and said, "I didn't tell you, so you misunderstood."

At this moment, Wu Huai came over and put his arms around Ning Yurui's waist, "If you have something to say, it's better to say it."

Ning Yurui looked at his brother with bright eyes, and asked, "Did you really have a falling out with Dad?"

Ning Yurui looked up and saw his younger brother who had a playful face.

Only then did he realize that his younger brother hadn't changed at all. He had clearly been the one who had chosen the path he had chosen since he was a child, and he had to go on it.

Ning Yurui said frankly: "Yes..."


Ning Chenrui: It's embarrassing in front of my younger brother (covering face.

Thanks to hantianx2 for the nutrient solution~~!

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