One Piece's love has your time

Chapter 75 Walking Through the Journey of Life Together With You

Tang Wan'an said that she will never forget the day she first met him. Since when did her obsession with Shanks turn into love?Was it when he told her she could rely on him, or when he washed her hair dye off?Or when he rescued her and taught her how to practice the sword?Ann thought she didn't know either.

Shanks said that he will never forget the night she confessed to him, she was drunk and simply said she liked it, and she simply entered his heart like this.He remembered the way she was forced by him with arrogance and cried aggrievedly, the way he went shopping with her, feeding him little balls with a smile on his face, and even clearly remembered the way she dyed her hair foolishly out of jealousy.She was so real and pure, until so many years later, he still remembered that she had always looked like this.

Shanks said -

When it's cold, I'll cover you from the cold outside.

When it's dark, I'll provide warmth by your side.

When you are afraid, I will give you enough confidence to face everything.

When you are confused, afraid, and cowardly, please remember - you have me.


"Hayes and Xiaomi finally settled down, but Xiaoya is still chasing Ace." An felt a little helpless about her persistence.

"Hayes told me yesterday that he was going to send our granddaughter here, and let us stay for a while! Don't worry about Xiaoya's words. Listen to her, and Ace will be settled soon." Shanks said softly , and then took Ann's already wrinkled hand and walked towards the lavender garden.

She is 50 years old this year, and Shanks is 65 years old. Hayes, 26, and Michel, 23, sailed the seas for five years before finally settling on an island and having a daughter with dazzling red hair.

Ace is 48 years old, but his handsome face does not look old. Instead, he is in his prime, becoming more mature and attractive.Sailing on the sea every day, visiting the places his father had been.

Koloya is 21 years old, just at the age of youth and flower season, but she wholeheartedly pursues her unrelated uncle Ace, who is 27 years older than her.Over the years, her liking for Ace has not diminished but increased.She is like Ace's little tail, wherever uncle is, she will be there.Ann felt a headache for Koloya's waywardness, but fortunately, Ace was also willing to take her with her.

"After 21 years of chasing, finally succeeded?"

Seeing Ann mentioning this matter with a smile, Shanks became depressed all of a sudden.The first thing Koloya said was not dad, not mom, but uncle! The first thing Hayes said was mom, not dad! He was really depressed!

"Yes, but her stubborn temper must be inherited from you! You were the one who chased me so persistently back then!" Shanks teased Ann with a smile.

Hearing Shanks recall the past, Ann was not to be outdone, "What! Who was concerned about this back then, and was unwilling to respond to me anyway?"

When they were young, the two couldn't help laughing, their expressions were full of tenderness and sweetness.They held each other's hands and looked at each other's aging appearance, but they could still see the shadow of their passionate love back then.

He pets her, loves her, and protects her; she relies on him, loves him, and tires of him.For so many years, the way they get along with each other is the same as before.

At dusk, the warm yellow light elongated the figures of the two, and the woman rested her head on the man's right arm, relying on him.The man tilted his head slightly, his expression full of tenderness under the light.

This is their story - hold your hand and grow old together.

(End of text)

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