Jin Nana's life can be summed up in one sentence, it is a tragedy.

Now I finally understand why my family is always alone.He wanted to leave at first, but the quarrel on the other side still reached his ears.

"Why did you come back? Why didn't you say anything?" This was the hysterical voice of my father.

"Do you have the face to say, I don't want to say anything to you, I just came here to bring back my daughter."

A bad premonition filled his heart, this woman would definitely bring earth-shaking changes to his life.Not wanting to listen anymore, Jin Nana turned around and left quickly.But those two people refused to let her go, and before she could leave, the cruel work came.

"Do you still have the face to say, do you treat her as your daughter? You sent her to me as soon as she was born, isn't it revenge on me? Do you still have the face to take her away now?"

"Yes, I admit, I was wrong. But you, what face do you have to blame me? It's all your fault. Why didn't you tell me when you had a problem with your body, why did you doubt me, why didn't you believe me? I."

Hearing this, there is nothing else I don’t understand. It turns out that I also have a mother. Jin Nana never thought that she would meet her mother like this. She always thought that her mother would come back and take her away, but she never expected When this day came, I wished that she had never been here again. It turned out that my birth was not welcomed by my father, and my birth turned out to be a tool for my mother to take revenge on my father.

Left in a daze, always alone, what do you expect, no matter how good you are, no matter how good you are.There was never a moment in Jin Nana's life like now, when she was completely disappointed with life and herself, even despaired.

As if tears were about to flow from her eyes, Jin Nana couldn't help but looked up and looked at the sky, it was still so blue.Looking down, I saw a little boy standing there. Not far away, his parents were buying ice cream, and they looked back at him from time to time.

Jin Nana has been pursuing such a picture all her life, but she has never been able to achieve it.

Life is so wonderful, just now I was envious of the little boy, but a car ran over, without thinking, I rushed over and pushed the little boy aside.

Anyway, there is no one who cares about me, even if I leave, no one will be sad.Heart-piercing pain came, and apart from the physical pain, there was a sense of relief in my heart.

Goodbye, my 16 years of life

Goodbye, father and mother.

The author has something to say: newcomer writing, the writing style is naive, please forgive me

☆, meet

Jin Nana opened her eyes in the boundless darkness, this is a strange place.Is it heaven here, but why is it so similar to the world.I couldn't understand what these people were saying, but I could still tell it was Korean.

What kind of place is this and why did she come here? Jin Nana was full of doubts in her heart.Even if he died, it is impossible to go from the United States to South Korea all at once.The most hateful thing is that she is just a soul now, and anyone can pass through her.

I thought that death would be the end of it all, but why do I still have to live in this way now? Yes, I am no longer a person, but a soul, an existence that no one else would believe if I told it.

Walking alone on the street, what should I do? Although I used to live alone, at least there is a basic communication with people.Gradually came to a park, where a big fat man sang.Jin Nana was immediately attracted by his singing. Although he was fat, I have to say that at this moment he was charming, um, very handsome.

Listening to the singing, Jin Nana seemed to have settled down in her heart, what's the big deal, if no one saw it, no one saw it, just being alone, it's not bad to just listen to this big fat man singing for the rest of her life.Maybe it was unintentional, maybe it was a coincidence, but his singing really healed her numb heart.

At the end of the song, Jin Nana couldn't help applauding. Even though she knew he couldn't hear him, she still wanted to give her affirmation and thanks.

A miracle happened, the boy turned around when he heard the applause, and saw a very beautiful foreign girl standing in front of him, applauding for him.The boy blushed, never seeing such a thing before. "Thank you", this is the first sentence he said to her.Looking back many years later, he will still be grateful for the encounter at that moment.

Jin Nana got excited and walked up to him, "canyouseeme"

The boy was very strange, but he answered honestly, "of course."

The smile on the corner of Jin Nana's mouth grew bigger and bigger, thank you, really thank you, someone can see my existence.Unable to bear it, she ran up to him and was about to say something.

I saw a beautiful girl walking over, "Seunghyun, what are you doing here alone? Seeing you look like spring, do you think of the girl you like? Tell my sister, you are my dear." Brother and sister will help you. I’ve been looking for you for a long time, and I’m going home for dinner.”

After Cui Shengxuan heard what his sister said, he hurriedly said, "Sister, what are you talking about, why am I alone, obviously there is another person here."I was just about to introduce it to my sister, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

My sister was not happy, "You are a child and you are still joking with my sister, do you want to scare me? No way, my sister is never afraid of ghosts, and you are the only coward in this world, okay?"

Cui Shengxuan was stunned, "Sister, did you really not see anyone else? A foreign girl."

"Small sample, if you say you are stupid, you still don't believe it. If you say it's a ghost, forget it. You also say that he is a foreign ghost. You have a big brain. Let's go, go home for dinner, if you don't leave, my mother will scold us to death .” My sister kept walking home with Cui Shengxuan by the hand.

Cui Shengxuan had an epiphany now, could it be that girl is a ghost, no wonder she was so surprised that I could see her.He couldn't help but look back to see if she would appear.

And our Kim Nana is gone.She was very unhappy. The only people who saw him had gone home. Forget it, let's find a place to sleep first.Why does the ghost sleep, this is her strategy to pass the time, only sleeping, time passes relatively quickly.

The author has something to say:

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