This is what I want, Jin Nana, you are destined to deal with me for the rest of your life. "Jin Nana, go, I have a present for you."

I thought this birthday song was a gift, but I didn't expect that there would be other follow-up programs. Jin Nana just felt like she had won the lottery, and surprises were everywhere.

When the album was handed over to Jin Nana, she couldn't help opening it, and saw that it was all about her, and a few of them were of her and Cui Shengxuan.The first time I met Jin Nana who was helpless, Jin Nana who was shy because of Choi Seung-hyun, Jin Nana who was studying hard in class, Jin Nana who wanted to eat food but felt helpless...

It turns out that there have been so many intersections and so many memories between her and him. "Seung-hyun, are you just painting these paintings these days? I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want me, and ran away from home in a temper tantrum. Also, we celebrated our birthday on the same day, but I didn't Prepare presents."

Jin Nana is very guilty, she also wants to prepare a gift, but her identity limits her thinking, as a ghost, she can't have any direct contact with this world, except for Cui Shengxuan.

"Jin Nana, you can also give me a gift." After finishing speaking, Cui Shengxuan pointed to his face and looked at Jin Nana sincerely.

Although Jin Nana has never been in love, this kind of action is already very blatant, and this is a bit of a disadvantage for Cui Shengxuan as a gift.Thinking about it, Jin Nana has already kissed Cui Shengxuan on the face.At this moment, although the two of them still didn't have a direct feeling, they still felt something in their hearts after such close contact, the feeling of electric shock.

Cui Shengxuan felt that it was a pity, it would be better if Jin Nana could touch it, but Cui Shengxuan touched Jin Nana's head excitedly, "Jin Nana, I like this gift very much, this is the last one I received Gift."

The two were in bed, both tossing and falling asleep, maybe because they were both 16, maybe because of that kiss.

"Seunghyun, have I told you about my past?"

Cui Shengxuan can see from Jin Nana's few words before that Jin Nana was very unhappy in the past. "Not yet, but if you want to talk, I will be your most loyal audience."

Jin Nana knew that this was another way of caring for Cui Shengxuan, she felt very heartwarming, how lucky she was to meet him.

"I have never been with my parents since I was a child. Although I was raised by my father, he didn't care much about me. I only saw him a few times a year. Now I seem to have forgotten him. In these few meetings, he was often drunk. He always said to me, why are you my daughter? I still can’t forget the look in his eyes at that time. resentment."

Speaking of this, Jin Nana's tears had already flowed down her face. Cui Shengxuan wanted to wipe her tears away, but after realizing that he couldn't wipe her tears away, his heart ached for no reason.I had no choice but to say softly, "Nana, please let the past go, it's okay." Regarding Jin Nana's father, Cui Shengxuan wanted to swear, but after all, he is the elder of his sweetheart, so he has no right to write something.

After Jin Nana cried for a while and had enough, she briefly talked about her terrible life before. "I used to think that as long as I become good, my father will naturally value me. I want him to be proud of me. I have been studying hard. I have never played outside. My father is a very successful businessman. But what he is most proud of is his identity as a trader. My previous dream was to be better than him, but I left before I realized it.”

Cui Shengxuan felt that his tears seemed to be spinning in his eyes, he tried hard to suppress, he couldn't cry, if he cried, wouldn't Jin Nana be more vulnerable.

"Do you know who I saw the day I died, my mother, I've never seen him before. I've been expecting my mother to take me back to her, but if I had known, I think I'd rather never I met her. On that day, I realized that my father has been sick all the time, and the chance of him conceiving a woman is only a fraction of a percent. When my mother was pregnant, my father didn’t believe it, he doubted her mother’s loyalty, and he didn’t expect it from the beginning I was born. After my mother gave birth to me, she took me and my father to do a personal test. Unfortunately, I am my father’s daughter. My mother returned to China like this and used me as a tool to take revenge on my father. .”

After hearing Jin Nana's words, Cui Shengxuan did not expect that there are such unscrupulous parents in the world. Who are they? The most innocent is the child. They let the child bear all the consequences. "Jin Nana, your parents treated you badly. It's okay. It's their loss. We Nana are so cute. I will love you in the future. You will never suffer like before."

"Well, Choi Seung-hyun, I used to think that God was too cruel to me, but now I realize that if the suffering of the previous 16 years was for meeting you, I wouldn't mind doing it again." After finishing speaking, Jin Nana felt uncomfortable Sorry.

As a shy ghost, Jin Nana has very few chances to confess to him. Today, he was very happy to hear Jin Nana's heartfelt words, "What our Nana said just now, let me say it again, I didn't say it just now. listen clearly."

"Cui Shengxuan, what are you doing, if you do this again, I will ignore you,"

"Jin Nana, are you angry from embarrassment?"

"I'm going to bed, don't talk anymore," Jin Nana's face is not as thick as Cui Shengxuan's, so she can only hide.

"Jin Nana, I can't sleep. I still have important things to tell you. The teacher recommended me to participate in the English competition a few days ago. You have to help me with tutoring. The competition is coming soon. If you get good results in the national competition If so, not only can you get extra points in the college entrance examination, but you can also get a generous bonus." Cui Shengxuan thought that this matter had been thrown away by him.

"Seunghyun, you will definitely get good grades in the English competition. Your spoken English is much better than when I first met you. Come on. Of course, I will help you with tutoring, but you haven't been talking to me in English all the time. Speaking, you are participating in an English speech contest, and you have been practicing all the time. You have to believe that your hard work will definitely yield good results."

The author has something to say:


10 minutes before the start of the English speech contest, Cui Shengxuan's luck was not very good, and he won the number one in the draw.He looked at the people coming and going from the stage, and he couldn't help being nervous.

"Jin Nana, when I give a speech, can you stand by my side?"

Seeing the sweat on Cui Shengxuan's face, it is not difficult for her to guess that he is nervous, "Don't be nervous, you see that you are talking to me in English naturally now, didn't you notice it just now, and don't worry, I Even if I don't stand by your side, I will be behind you."

Taking a deep breath, Choi Seung-hyun prepared his mind and prepared to go on stage.After a while, it was Choi Seung-hyun's turn, Jin Nana clung to him, and walked onto the stage with him.In fact, when you are extremely nervous, if there is someone by your side, then maybe you will not be so nervous, and Choi Seung-hyun is like this.There is only one thought in her mind now, that is to show the best of herself and not lose face in front of the girl she loves.

I have to say that Choi Seung-hyun at this moment is really charming, Jin Nana couldn't help feeling sour.Because there are many girls in the audience coveting her male votes, I have to say that Cui Shengxuan has lost a lot of weight now, although it is not slim, it is not far from being well-proportioned.The thinner he is, the standard handsome man, the outline of the whole face, especially the side face, is really handsome.But Jin Nana thinks that the most handsome thing is his eyes, which are deep and not like an Asian.

Most Asians speak English incorrectly. Even if they speak fluently, some people's pronunciation is really much worse than authentic American English.As for Cui Shengxuan, because of Jin Nana's correction and practice, if you just listen to him now, you will think he is a foreigner.

Jin Nana is proud of him, and also happy.

Choi Seung-hyun, who was still worried at first, did not expect that he would speak English so naturally. His tense heart became more and more relaxed, and he smiled at Jin Nana from time to time.

The judges gave Choi Seung-hyun great affirmation and gave them high marks.When Choi Seung-hyun walked off the stage with Jin Nana, Lee Hyun-cheon was not calm, he hooked Choi Seung-hyun's shoulder all of a sudden, "Sung-hyun, why are you so good, you deserve to be my brother, I don't know you at all. , Tell me quickly, what is the secret to your success."

"Actually, it's nothing. I definitely didn't tell you that Jin Nana is a foreigner." Cui Shengxuan still showed off, showing off that he has such a wonderful girlfriend.


Pu Xiuya was standing behind Li Xiantian. During the match with Cui Shengxuan just now, she had been watching Cui Shengxuan intently. She thought it was just a simple liking, but she didn't expect that she already liked it a lot.Hearing the conversation between the two brothers suddenly, she felt a sudden pause in her heart, as if she had missed someone in the best time, maybe it would be the person she liked the most in her life.She suddenly didn't want to miss it, if she worked harder, could she keep it.In any case, she didn't want to feel regret when looking back on the past.

In addition, Jin Nana only heard that she didn't come on such an important day today, maybe she didn't take Cui Shengxuan to heart.Pu Xiuya still spoke, "Cui Shengxuan, after the game, can you accompany me to the park where my grandma buried things?"

For that park, Cui Shengxuan still has a sense of belonging. After all, he and Jin Nana met for the first time in that park, and this Pu Xiuya still looks very pitiful. If the classmates can help, please help.So he said straightforwardly, "Okay, I just have time today."

"After the game, I'll wait for you at the school gate, and then we'll go there together."

After Pu Xiuya left, Li Xiantian was an outsider, and knew exactly what Pu Xiuya was thinking, but he could assure him that this Pu Xiuya wanted to abduct his brother back home. "Seung-hyun," thought for a while, it's useless for others to talk about these things, so he continued, "It's okay."

About two hours later, the competition ended. Cui Shengxuan was No.1 in the school, and he will represent the school to participate in the national competition in February next year.The English teacher invited Cui Shengxuan to the office and said a lot, the main content was to be proud of him, and hoped that he would continue to work hard and strive for better results in the next competition.

When Jin Nana saw the results of the competition, she was even happier than Choi Seung-hyun himself, "Sung-hyun, I knew that you would definitely win."

"Jin Nana, thank you." Looking at Jin Nana's unreserved smile, he knew that her whole world revolved around him, and maybe he would never meet such a person who would do everything for him wholeheartedly, so very happy Thank her for coming to her.

"Seunghyun, why don't you say thank you to me, I should thank you."

At this point, there was no one in the school, and it was very quiet. When a person and a ghost came to the school gate, they saw Pu Xiuya standing there quietly by herself.

"Is she pretty?" Park Suya is also a class flower, standing there is a scenery, Jin Nana's heart is not calm, and she asked Cui Shengxuan very sadly.

"Pretty" Even if your girlfriend is jealous, you have to tell the truth.

"Then she is beautiful, or I am beautiful."

"Jin Nana, did you take my words off your ears? Didn't I say that you are the most beautiful in my heart?" Cui Shengxuan really spoke from his heart.

There was still about ten meters away from Pu Xiuya, and an unexpected thing happened.

A van drove over quickly and stopped in front of Pu Xiuya. When the door opened, Pu Xiuya was quickly pulled into the car, and then the door was closed, shutting down Pu Xiuya's heart-piercing cry for help.

Seeing this scene, Cui Shengxuan was at a loss even if he was precocious.However, he was stupefied for a moment, when he realized that a taxi came over and got on the car quickly, "Uncle, follow the car in front of you." Cui Shengxuan wanted to pretend that he was very calm, but his trembling voice showed With his inner panic.

"Seunghyun, call the police, it should have been kidnapping just now." Jin Nana's rational voice came. Of course, she didn't care about anyone other than Choi Seunghyun, so she acted calmly.

Hearing Jin Nana's voice suddenly, Cui Shengxuan remembered something important and called the police.

Cui Shengxuan hurriedly broadcast the alarm call, and when he answered, "Hello, I saw my classmate was kidnapped, and she needs your help."

After confirming the information and knowing the facts, the police finally asked Choi Seung-hyun to stay on the phone to understand the situation, and explained that they would provide immediate support.

The author has something to say:

☆, respectively

Inside the van, Pu Xiuya yelled, "Who are you, why did you kidnap me?" After all, this was the first time she had encountered such a thing, and it was inevitable to yell.

"Who are we? You should ask your father. If your father wants to compete with us for that piece of land, he should have the consequences to bear our anger." The man who answered him was a vicious man, who smiled evilly. There is a big scar on the face.

"The daughter of Pu's enterprise is really beautiful, brother will let you enjoy it today," the man's eyes were full of lust.After hearing his words, Pu Xiuya was frightened, and she was so frightened that she remained motionless, "Please, please let me go."

"Third brother, take back your thoughts, as long as his father gives us that piece of land, we will let his daughter go." This should be the boss of their group.

When they arrived at a parking lot, they quickly got into another car. Because Cui Shengxuan was afraid of being discovered, he asked the master to park the car far away, just to see where they were, and at this time, the sky was already dark. .

Cui Shengxuan continued to follow behind them, and soon came to a mountain.They stopped and were about to go up the mountain. Cui Shengxuan followed behind them. There were six of them in total, each with a big head and big ears, and two of them were the same size as the previous Cui Shengxuan.

One of them drove the car on, and the other five walked up the hill.Although Cui Shengxuan looked scared, he still decided to follow in order to avoid any accidents.He was about to follow quietly when Jin Nana stopped him, "Seung Hyun, let's wait for the police to come. You are in danger alone."

"Jin Nana, it's okay, I'll be careful, I just want to see where they are going." Although Cui Shengxuan also felt very dangerous in his heart, the boy's concern for his friends overcame everything.

As for the possible danger, if there is no way, Jin Nana thinks it is best to nip it in the cradle, she still insists, "Seung Hyun, we are waiting for a while, wait for the police to come and go together."

"Jin Nana, I'm going. If I don't go, if something happens to Park Soo-ah, I'll definitely regret it." It was a prophecy. In the future, Cui Shengxuan will regret it all the time. If he doesn't go, he won't lose His most important person.

After finishing speaking, Cui Shengxuan quickly followed. Jin Nana still wanted him to stay, but she had no choice but to follow behind him.The mountain road is difficult to walk, and there are many forks. Those who kidnapped Pu Xiuya in front must be familiar with the terrain of the mountain. They walked very fast. On the other hand, Cui Shengxuan walked very slowly step by step, and they had to walk very lightly. Make a mark on the road so that the police can find it directly along the road.

After about an hour, they finally arrived at their destination, a hidden cave. The cave was covered by branches and grass. If you don't look carefully, you can't see their hiding place at all.

After they all went in, Cui Shengxuan dared to follow up and hid at the entrance of the cave, where the trees and grass just gave him a shelter.

The boss made a phone call, "President Park, I heard that you have already bought that piece of land. It's not bad, you are very good."

Pu Xiuya's father has always looked down on this competitor, "What's the matter with you, I'll hang up if it's okay."

"Wait, President Park, we invite your daughter to be our guest today. She is so beautiful. I heard that she is the class flower in their class."

As soon as they heard that their daughter was in their hands, the daughter has not returned yet, and it has seriously exceeded the time for her to go home. As a father,

He panicked, "Just let her go, no matter what conditions you say, I will let her go."

"That piece of land"

Before he could finish speaking, Pu Xiuya's father immediately expressed his attitude, "I don't want that piece of land anymore, it belongs to you."

"President Park, if you started out like this, then today's incident will happen. I hope to see your transfer documents today, and remember not to call the police, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to your daughter."After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Brother, the sixth child drove the car away, and it must be some time before he comes back, but we forgot to buy something to eat, who will buy it." The third child said maliciously.

"Today we are very well prepared. No one should have seen us. Even if they call the police, the chances of the police finding us are very small. But we still have to be careful. Fourth and fifth, you go down the mountain to buy things, and For some necessities, the rest of us will stay here." The boss immediately assigned tasks to everyone.

After the fourth and fifth child left, the third child's mind became active. As long as the eldest child and the second child left, wouldn't this beautiful girl do whatever she wanted.It's time for him to think of a way. While he was racking his brains, the second brother said, "I feel a little bored. I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

The boss knows that after finishing this vote, they can almost wash their hands in a golden basin, and they don't have to do such crazy things in the future. Everyone wants to be a decent person, but they can't stand the temptation of this colorful world. That's right.

"Second brother, I'll go with you," the boss turned his head and said to the third child, "You can just stay here."

Isn't God helping him? He was very happy, but he still said seriously, "Big brother, second brother, don't worry." It's gone, I guess they won't come back until the fourth and fifth come back, and when someone calls them.

After the boss and the second child walked away, the third child finally couldn't hold back his thoughts.He came in front of Pu Xiuya and stretched out his hand to her face. The young girl's face felt comfortable to the touch, and the youngest couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Pu Xiuya was in a coma, she only felt a disgusting feeling on her face, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw the wretched third child lying on her body, kissing and touching her.She just felt a nausea in her heart, and she wanted to vomit. "Go away" She raised her hand with great effort and hit the third child on the face.

The third child became angry, "You stinky woman, you dare to hit me, see if I don't kill you." The third child slapped Pu Xiuya twice, after all, Pu Xiuya had been spoiled and raised for 16 years, her face was red and swollen.

Cui Shengxuan looked at all this, and his heart had already rushed out, but he was still a child after all, and he still had fear in his heart.

But when he saw the third child taking off his clothes, he thought that if he didn't stop her, a girl would lose his most important thing.Just about to go out, Jin Nana stopped him with a trembling voice, "Seung Hyun, don't go, let's wait here for the police. I don't always feel good."

"Jin Nana, you are a girl, you should be able to understand her pain, don't you hear her crying?" Cui Shengxuan said to Jin Nana in a low voice.

Without waiting for Jin Nana to answer, Cui Shengxuan picked up a stone at his feet, walked over on tiptoe, and quietly came behind the third child. It turned out that the third child was reaching out to tear Pu Xiuya's clothes, and it had already been torn open. Now she is like a broken doll, she thinks that even if she dies now, she is willing, everything is better than suffering this kind of torture.

But suddenly the third child didn't make any noise, "Pu Xiuya, it's okay, the police will be here soon." sweat.And the third child lying on the ground, and the bloody stones scattered on the side.

Cui Shengxuan took off his coat and put it on Pu Xiuya's body. He carefully lifted Jin Nana up and helped her go out.Walking at the entrance of the cave, I heard Jin Nana's voice, "Seung Hyun, hide quickly, the boss and the second are back."

Cui Shengxuan immediately said to Pu Xiuya, "Pu Xiuya, hide there quickly," and then pointed to the place where he started hiding, a place that can only accommodate one person. "I'll lure them away, you just hide here and wait for the police to come. Jin Nana, run quickly."

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Cui Shengxuan walked lightly towards the opposite direction of the boss and the second.Before Pu Xiuya had time to say anything, he had already walked away, so she could only hide as she said.

The boss and the second saw a person walking past the entrance of their base from a distance. At first, they thought it was a hallucination, but when they went back to the cave, they saw that the third child was lying naked on the ground, and the back of his head was still bleeding.And Pu Xiuya, who was supposed to be in the cave, was nowhere to be seen. "Second brother, take care of third child here. I'll go find that stinky woman." He didn't even consider the existence of a third person.The boss immediately ran towards the direction of the figure just now.

Cui Shengxuan only cared about rushing forward, but because of the rugged mountain road, Cui Shengxuan, who didn't walk much mountain road at ordinary times, couldn't keep up with the boss who had been walking on the mountain road for a long time.After a while, the boss caught up with Cui Shengxuan, only about ten meters away from him.

But the luck was so bad, and soon, Cui Shengxuan came to the edge of the cliff, and there was a bottomless sea below the cliff.Cui Shengxuan can't go forward, and the road back is blocked, he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want to die yet, he hasn't realized his dream yet.

"Seunghyun, don't panic." Jin Nana felt very anxious when she saw the nervous Choi Seunghyun, no matter what, she would try her best to protect him.

"Jin Nana, what do you think we will have a ghost couple in the future?" With Jin Nana beside him, he suddenly felt that death was not so scary, at least Jin Nana was by his side.

The boss has already stepped forward, "You brat, you have abolished all my plans, see if I don't beat you to death." Seeing that this person is not Pu Xiuya, he knows that their plans have been abolished, as long as he is not a fool, he will definitely They all called the police.He kicked Cui Shengxuan with all his strength.

Cui Shengxuan was able to fight back at first, but after all the boss has been in the society for so many years, gradually Cui Shengxuan felt powerless, so he had to retreat all the time.Jin Nana watched from the side, thinking that the pain was on her body, and went up to hit the boss again, but the boss still passed through her.Seeing Cui Shengxuan's bruised nose and swollen face, Jin Nana's tears fell.

Cui Shengxuan couldn't back up anymore, he could already feel the suspension behind him.

"Stinky boy, you retreat again. Anyway, we brothers can't escape today, and you have to be buried with us." Those who do this kind of thing, no one expected that they would fail and be smashed to pieces.

The boss is ready to kick Choi Seung-hyun into the endless sea with one final kick, and he is ready to do so.When Jin Nana saw the behavior of the boss, she immediately lay on Cui Shengxuan's body, concentrated her whole body's attention, and said to herself, Cui Shengxuan must be fine.A miracle happened, and Jin Nana couldn't believe it. At this moment, it was as if there was an enchantment around Cui Shengxuan. The boss kicked him hard. No matter how strong he was, the rebound would be as far as the boss fell. When he was on the ground, he also passed out.

Relieved, Jin Nana turned to look at Cui Shengxuan, and saw his wide-open eyes filled with disbelief, regret, and fear.

Jin Nana is very puzzled why Cui Shengxuan's expression is like this, shouldn't there be joy?She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the tears from the corners of Cui Shengxuan's eyes, but she finally saw that her hand seemed to be changing slowly, becoming more and more transparent.

"Seunghyun, you have to take care of yourself in the future." The tears in the corners of Jin Nana's eyes have not dried yet, she really wants to cry now, but she also knows that everyone is the most beautiful when they are smiling, and she wants to leave When leaving her most beautiful look.

"Jin Nana, you said you would stay with me for the rest of your life, how can you leave." Cui Shengxuan really didn't want her to leave, he would rather the boss just kicked him off.

Jin Nana couldn't answer his question, so she continued to ask, "You will realize your dream in the future, and you will meet the girl you like."

"There will be no other girls, I will only like you in my life." Jin Nana's body was about to disappear, only a little rough outline.

"Seunghyun, the greatest luck in my life is meeting you, so don't feel guilty, I just did what I wanted to do. I hope you will forget me in the future, and I want you to remember me forever"

"Forget it, you still..." Jin Nana disappeared before she could finish her sentence.

"Kim Nana, I love you" were Choi Seung Hyun's last words to Kim Nana.

The author has something to say:

☆, Park Soo-ah extra episode

I'm Park Soo-ah, and I grew up with my grandma.My parents created the Park Group, and the bigger their business, the less time they spend with me.

At the beginning, I was very mindful, I tried my best to get their attention, I wanted them to spend more time with me.It's just that they just think about making money, they never think about what they want.Fortunately, grandma has always been by her side and gave her warmth.

When she was in the third year of junior high, she received a love letter. Before she could open it, her best friend at the same table snatched it away, "Xiuya, not bad, someone wrote you a love letter again." When she opened the love letter, her tone was Immediately became disdainful, "Cui Shengxuan that fat man has the face to write you a love letter."

If one didn’t pay attention, Cui Shengxuan’s love letter to her spread throughout the class, but everyone in the class looked down on Cui Shengxuan, “Do you want to eat swan meat?” Cui Shengxuan, who was originally a bad student in the eyes of the teacher, was isolated by many people Li Xiantian was the only one who talked to him in the whole class.Among them, I was the one who isolated him. In fact, I can't say I was isolated, but I didn't want to be gossiped by others.

I thought he was just a small supporting role in my life, but later on, I became a supporting role in his life.In the summer vacation of my third year of junior high school, I lost my most important relatives. In that car accident, my grandma protected me, but lost her own life. I didn’t want all this to happen. I even wanted to commit suicide at one point I also managed to attract the attention of my parents.My mother has been by my side, but I don't want to say anything to them.

I kept guarding the memories of my grandma until Cui Shengxuan came, and he took me to find the treasure left by my grandma, which is the key for me to connect to the outside world.

When I see Choi Seung Hyun practicing rap, I can only hear my heart beating non-stop, maybe this is love.Since Choi Seung-hyun was at school, I went to school.

Before I went, I called him. That was the first time I heard Jin Nana's name. She became the person I admired most in the rest of my life.After seeing Choi Seung Hyun's picture book for Kim Nana, I got jealous.First of all, it is undeniable that Jin Nana is very beautiful, but what makes me jealous most is Choi Seung-hyun's liking for her. Although I haven't seen Choi Seung-hyun and Kim Nana's direct contact, Choi Seung-hyun is always painting whether he is in class or after class. Jin Nana's painting is very vivid, even if Li Xiantian clamored to see it, he just shook his head and kept the painting very well.

I knew a long time ago that I liked him, and I wanted to work hard for my happiness, so I summoned up the courage to confess to him.But before it was too late, the kidnapping happened.I am so thankful that he was able to fall from the sky, in my most difficult moment.Maybe, he didn't save me from danger, after the fact, I should end my own life.

But when he appeared, I just wanted to have such a person in my life, who would help me in my most critical moment. If I couldn’t be with him, then how could I love someone.

When I was hiding in that small place, I heard Jin Nana in his mouth, so she came too.After he left, the two people who kidnapped me came back, and I was too scared to vent my anger.Waited until the belated arrival of the police.I followed the police for a long time, and finally found Cui Shengxuan who was kneeling on the ground. He kept looking at the sea below the cliff, and when he saw the police coming, he seemed to have found the backbone, "Please help me find my girlfriend .” I could see clearly the tears in the corners of his eyes, and his desperate tone.

On the third day after the accident, I went to visit him in the hospital. When I walked to the door of the ward, I was about to knock on the door when I heard voices from inside. "Seunghyun, please speak up, Mom, please." I was standing outside and heard Choi's mother crying, which stopped me in my tracks.

Maybe it was because he wanted to talk to someone, or maybe it was because he didn't want his mother to worry, so he opened his mouth, but these words drove me into the abyss. "I should be the one who died. Jin Nana did it all to save me. I regret it, mom, I regret it." I'm glad it's his regret, how ironic he is to me.

"Jin Nana kept telling me not to go, but why didn't I listen to her, it was me who hurt her"

After hearing Choi Seung-hyun's words, Choi's mother felt very sad, "Seung-hyun, she is very happy that you will be alive."

After waiting for a long time, no sound could be heard, and Mother Cui came out.Seeing me, she gave me a wink, and I followed her to the hospital lounge. "You are Pu Xiuya, right?"

"Yes, Auntie, I'm Park Suya, Seunghyun's classmate."

"Xiuya, can I ask you one thing, before Seunghyun figured it out, can you not appear in front of him. This incident has hit him hard, maybe the last person he wants to see is you ".

I actually don't want to agree at all, but I know what Cui's mother said is right. The last person he wants to see now is me, and the thing he regrets most is saving me.

In school, I look forward to Choi Seung-hyun's arrival every day.I know, Li Xiantian went to the hospital to see Cui Shengxuan every day, so I asked him, how is Cui Shengxuan now.

He didn't say anything, "Park Suya, don't worry about Seunghyun anymore, he won't be with you, he doesn't even want to see you, I'm afraid he will remember how he lost Jin Na when he sees you Na's."

It turns out that everyone around me knows that I like you, but you don't.

It turns out that I have been sentenced to death by you.

A month later, he came to school, and that was the first time I saw him after the incident.He lost weight, lost a lot, and many girls in the class were whispering that Choi Seung Hyun has become too handsome.But I feel distressed, how can I lose so much weight in this month.

We are still friends, and he said to me, "Park Suya, you don't have to blame yourself for this matter, it's mainly my problem." Friends, really friends, nothing else, this has been a great salvation for me, But the human heart becomes more and more dissatisfied when it gets something.

As a friend, I saw his first prize in the national competition, and he only had a faint smile.

As a friend, I saw that he was admitted to the Department of Finance at Seoul National University. Lee Hyun Cheon asked him, "Seung Hyun, why did you choose the Department of Finance? It doesn't match your dream." After a long time, I heard his answer, "This , Jin Nana is right

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