Chapter 08

Man is a product of thought.What you think in your heart, you will become what kind of person. — Gandhi

Reid sat in the passenger seat, looking in his brown messenger bag for the three nougats he had put in yesterday.But the bag was too messy, he couldn't find anything for a while, so he could only lower his head and continue to rummage, almost stuffing his head into the bag.

Greenaway looked at him a few times while driving.It wasn't until Reid found a candy at the bottom of the bag and threw the candy into her mouth that she said, "Would you like to tell me about Griffith? I saw him for the first time today, and you should get along with him longer .”

"Gideon said he was very sharp and careful." Reid chewed the candy and said, "He said it might have something to do with him being a forensic doctor before."


"According to Griffith, he only worked for three months before being transferred to BAU by his supervisor. But he has a doctorate in criminal psychology, so Hotch accepted him."

"Doctor? So we have another Doctor, Dr. Reid?" Greenaway stopped the car.The red light was on opposite them, and a lovely mother and daughter walked past their car.The mother was still smiling with her daughter, as if telling her to be careful when crossing the road.

"Well." Reid smiled because of Greenaway's teasing words, "Also, he rarely speaks, and he is afraid of speaking."

Greenaway frowned. "That's not good."

"So he's trying to overcome it, just like I was." Reid adjusted his sitting posture, "You know what? I was worse than him, but I was afraid of people, but Griffith was more afraid of talking. Something. Gideon said so, but I don't quite understand..."

"Yeah." Greenaway agreed somewhat casually.She tapped the steering wheel lightly with her fingers: "You just said that his boss applied for him to be transferred?"

"Yes, the higher-ups agreed. But Griffith is puzzled by this."

"Sounds weird." Greenaway laughed. "He's a forensic doctor with a doctorate in criminal psychology?"

"Probably because of interest."

Greenaway gave him an odd look. "That's why you have three PhDs? Because you think it's...interesting?"

Reid pursed his lips, his eyes slanted slightly, and then quickly returned to his original position, looking directly at his colleague who had just returned: "Is there a problem?"

"One question." Greenaway started the car, and there was a slight engine sound, "Remind me not to discuss any doctor-related issues with you, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept the gap between geniuses and mortals."

Reid obviously didn't understand, his light-colored eyes rolled, and he still didn't speak in the end.

But Greenaway smiled happily, but there was something too deep in his black eyes.

The beautiful female detective remembered the awkward look of the ex-forensic doctor when they greeted each other.No matter how you look at him, he looks like a somewhat awkward and timid medical examiner.But if a good forensic doctor doesn't do it, what does he do as a criminal profiler?and……

Greenaway clearly remembered the strange sympathy in the way Griffith looked at her.It was as if he knew what happened, or what would happen.

She just rested for four months, what went wrong?

Cole's first lead was the chat room, which was run by a company.The Anti-Child Crime Squad wanted a search warrant, so they decided to check it out.

Griffith stood behind Morgan, surveying the office.It's not a big place, and the structure is not complicated. A few pots of green plants are placed in the corner.The employees are all young people in their 30s and [-]s, even the person in charge.The man in charge, wearing a short-sleeved striped shirt, was unhappy that the FBI had barged in the door and demanded access to their database.But because of the search warrant, he could only say a few bad words with an ugly face.

The code scrolled on the screen, and each line represented an encrypted vest. Griffith looked at the screen and realized he couldn't read anything.

"You are destroying the privacy of citizens." The person in charge said.

Cole couldn't bear his whining: "Agent Morgan, find a chat room that meets the requirements, and say your name is Susie, 12 years old."

Morgan immediately typed on the keyboard and sent such words.

"What are you doing?!" The person in charge yelled, "This is wrong! You..."

But his words were interrupted by the beep of the computer.More than a dozen dialog boxes popped up, and different people were very interested in the little lamb that strayed into the wolf's lair.

The person in charge looked at the dialog boxes that were still increasing, and was a little dazed.

Cole said coldly: "This is the response of pedophiles to a 12-year-old girl. There are hundreds of them in one of your chat rooms." There was a trace of a sneer on his face.

"……what can I do?"

Gideon chimed in: "A boy is being auctioned off on your site. There's not much that can be done."

For a while, the office fell into an eerie silence.

Cole packaged the data and passed it on to colleagues in the Anti-Child Crime Unit, as well as to Garcia.Although she has never seen the latter, it is not difficult to see that she has outstanding abilities through Hotch's reliance on her.

After doing this, Cole breathed a sigh of relief.

Hopefully they can get Peter back.

Griffith checked his watch.It has been more than three hours, and it is only 13 and a half hours before Peter is auctioned.He quietly looked at the expression of the person in charge, as well as the expressions of other people in the office, and then he fixed his eyes.

Behind them, behind a wooden partition, some staff members were looking at the situation here.After listening to Cole's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously unable to accept these things.But Griffith noticed that the eyes of the person closest to them were wandering, cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his breathing was slightly short of breath.

It was a man, about 35 years old, holding a mobile phone in his hand and typing something.

A terrifying thought flashed through Griffith's mind.Before he had time to ponder whether this idea was correct, his body took action first.

He quickly jumped to the man's side, grabbed his mobile phone, and whispered, "Don't move."

The man looked at him in horror.

The movement here is not small, Hotch is close and is the first person to respond: "What happened?"

The person in charge also looked over.When he saw which colleague was being troubled by the agents, he called out in surprise: "Thomas?"

Griffith looked down at his input interface, "FBI, Danger" hadn't finished typing, and the recipient was a number without a note.

He looked up at Thomas.

That gaze was cold, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.It's as if he's silently interrogating Thomas, who can almost see the dark and oppressive interrogation room on TV.

The fat man avoided his gaze and wiped his wet forehead with his fat hand.

The colleagues behind him are all looking at him, the entire office except Cole who is still looking at the data, everyone is staring at this side.But Griffith didn't notice.

He breathed heavily in his chest, and his fear and anger loosened his rational defense.

He wondered what kind of person could treat an innocent and lovely child as a commodity and blatantly auction it on the Internet for a limited time.What kind of person it is, can be interesting about that.

"Who are you messaging?" Griffith's voice also cooled down.His tone has always been very gentle, like fine porcelain from an ancient oriental country, this is the first time Hotch has heard him speak in such a cold voice.

Thomas stopped talking.The young man in front of him was probably the youngest of the agents in front of him, and he hadn't spoken since he came in, so Thomas didn't take him seriously at first.But now, he could hardly breathe under the pressure of the young detective.

"FBI, danger? Who are you alerting, huh?"

Even Cole turned around now, staring at Thomas.

"I guess your little hobbies are a bit special, are you interested in the child that was auctioned off?" Griffith's voice was still cold, but with just the right amount of femininity, "Do your colleagues know this?"

A woman next to Thomas took a step back, then took another step back as if the distance wasn't enough.The others also backed away.Soon, there was a space beside him.

Hotch walked over to Griffith and saw that he was going through Thomas' news log.The same number, the content is all about children, and there are some incomprehensible abbreviations. After reading it, Griffith said with a half-smile: "It seems that the friend you reminded has a good relationship with you, like-minded?"

"Who are you notifying?" Hotch asked.

Unlike Griffith, Hotch has always been stern-faced, with the message "I'm not easy to mess with" all over his body.Someone like Hotch is scary compared to Griffith.

Thomas began to defend: "It's Hugz, but I'm not a ****! I'm just helping him..."

Griffith tried to control himself not to attack: "Hotch, I'm going to tell Garcia to ask her to look up the number."

Hotch's phone rang to answer Griffith's words in his place. Hotch turned on the speakerphone, and Jareau's eager voice came: "Hotch, we found a child in captivity."

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