Chapter 33

A kind of regret, in fact, can be put on a very large scale.It can become a shadow in your life and affect your quality of life. —— Yu Dan

The other person involved in the car accident was a handsome young man who looked very innocent. He kept apologizing and enthusiastically dragged Griffith to buy a mobile phone. After Griffith persuaded him for a long time, he was willing to let him go. He also left a phone number asking Griffith to contact him when he bought a mobile phone, and he would pay for it.

Griffith, dumbfounded, got rid of the overly enthusiastic "culprit" and continued to run towards BAU.

He couldn't remember anyone's phone number in the group, so he could only pray that there was no emergency at this time, even if he was missing, it didn't matter.

...Probably, the perfect attendance award will still be deducted, right?

Griffith sighed morosely as he stood in the elevator.While loosening his tie to let himself take a good breath, he calculated his income and expenditure, feeling that life was too difficult.

As a result, he bumped into the preoccupied Reid.

Reid took the documents on the third floor and was about to take the elevator to BAU.While waiting for the elevator, his brain split in two, one half actively thinking about the case and Nathan, and the other half blissfully thinking about Griffith.

So his mind was basically like this: Nathan's suspicion can be ruled out... Why is there no news from Griffith yet? ...In this case, the test and writing last night is the only clue so far...Griffith was fine when he went back last night. I don't know if he finished reading the book I borrowed him last time...

The elevator dinged, and the metal door slowly opened. Reid stared blankly at Griffith in the elevator, and the half of the brain that belonged to the case froze quickly.

He felt the boulder hanging in his heart gently fall to the ground, raising a burst of down-to-earth dust.

Griffith silently refastened his tie, his cheeks stained a faint red from embarrassment.But Reid didn't intend to enter the elevator, until the elevator door was about to close automatically, Griffith quickly stopped him: "Reid?"

"Oh, well, good morning." Reid strode into the elevator, "Your morning, Hotch didn't contact you."

He was almost incoherent.

Griffith was very worried when he heard this: "Hotch contacted me? What's the matter?"

"A body was found this morning, marked 'failure'," Reid explained. "We went to the scene early in the morning."

"Are you sure it's the same murderer?"

"Well, the traits are the same. There's an angry feeling to the scene, as if blaming the police for not stopping him..."

Griffith frowned.

Reid has been paying attention to Griffith, and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

This was probably the most critical moment in his 20 years of life.

"No, I just think..." Griffith collected his thoughts, "Look, our test yesterday said that he is a very cowardly person, right? He was hesitant about killing people. There was an interval of three months for the second time, but this time, it seems to be less than a week?"

"He evolved."

"Actually, I think it's degeneration." Griffith said, "He can't control himself. You just said that there was a feeling of anger at the scene. He has lost self-control."

Reid fell into deep thought when he heard the words: "It makes sense, it's easier for him to make mistakes."

"Besides, there are three districts where the prostitutes are located in Washington, but the crime happened near Capitol Hill. Is it because it is more convenient for him to live there or because...the neighborhood of Capitol Hill can cause commotion?"

Reid looked at him in astonishment.

"You said yesterday that he seeks power. If he can be famous for it, shouldn't he be more satisfied?"

The elevator "ding" again, Griffith pressed the door open button, and Reid walked out of the small and intimate space one after the other.

"If that's the case," Reid said back, "we're all wrong."

"It's just an assumption. And if it's wrong, it's wrong," Griffith smiled. "It's impossible not to be wrong, is it?"

Interrupted by the new idea of ​​the case, Reid forgot his original intention: He was going to ask what happened in the morning and why Griffith didn't answer the phone.Then, he was distracted by Nathan's evaluation report and left the matter even more out of the blue.

However, although Reid forgot, but more important people did not forget.

Griffith saw Emily come out of Hotch's office angrily, and called Morgan to investigate on the street.Then their boss stood at the door of the office and called out to him, "Griffith."

Griffith immediately stood at attention: "Yes, sir?"

Hotch nodded to him, signaling to come to the office.

Griffith walked up to the second floor with trepidation.This time he remembered to close the door.

Hotch sat behind his desk and made an inviting gesture: "Sit."

Griffith sat down obediently.

Hotch cut to the chase: "I didn't call you this morning."

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir," Griffith said sincerely.

"what happened?"

"Uh, I was in a car accident this morning," Griffith said. "I wasn't hurt, but my phone was run over by a wheel and it was useless."

Hotch looked horrified with his deadpan face: "You can call us on a public phone. Sudden loss of contact can be serious for our profession."

"Yes, sorry. I just don't remember the phone number."

"Remember mine or JJ's, I don't want to have a next time."

Griffith straightened his back. "Yes, sir."

The officer looked at him for a while longer: "Reid is worried about you."

Griffith didn't hear the context for a moment, and didn't know why.

Hotch added: "So do we."

Griffith belatedly flashed a warm smile like an unresponsive patient.

First the eyes lit up, then the corners of the mouth slowly rose, and fine lines appeared in the corners of the eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, "…thank you."

Griffith stood in front of BAU's glass doors for the first time in late summer and early fall.Now that autumn has come to an end and winter is approaching quietly, he has truly become a warm member of BAU like the ice and snow melting.

Griffith had left the office, and Reid had just come out of Gideon's office next door.He looked a little lost, and he just smiled reluctantly in front of the figure who occupied half of his brain, and said hello that something to talk about is better than nothing.

Griffith followed him all the way to the pantry, sipping jasmine tea and listening to Reid.

Reid drank the coffee with astonishing sugar content as usual, before speaking after a while: "Gideon said, it's only a matter of time before Nathan kills someone."

Then came a suffocating silence.

Griffith felt he had to say something.It's not his strong suit, he prefers to listen.But what Reid needs right now isn't a listener.

"It's not your fault or your responsibility," Griffith reassured.

"I know, but when something like this happens, I always hope to help." Reid smiled sadly, "Look, it's like when you see someone fall, you will help him up, and it's him Whoever came to me for help, I don't want to disappoint him."

"There's nothing wrong with picking someone up when they fall. But what if you can't get up?" Griffith said. "You can't, Reid."

There are always irreparable things in the world, because the lack is indispensable in this world, because no one can be omnipotent.Even godlike Superman is afraid of kryptonite, and even the gods of Genesis fall.If you can't do it, sometimes it's not that you are not strong enough, nor is it anyone's responsibility, it's just that you are doomed to be helpless.

So, why do some people still try to make up for the shortcomings?

Reid finishes his coffee and refills himself.

He said in a low voice: "Yes, I can't do it."

However, I am still not reconciled.

At night, Reid received a call from Mrs. Harris.

The strong woman cried out to the young detective about the fact that Nathan was missing, so frightened that Reid ran out to find someone without even taking his bag.

Basically all BAU staff voluntarily stay and work overtime, which is the norm when there are cases.Morgan, who had just returned from the street, caught Reid after hearing about the cause and effect, and the two went to find someone together.

Not long after, JJ ran over in a hurry: "The police found another body, this time near Capitol Hill again!"

Griffith glanced at the clock and said hesitantly, "But it's nighttime..."

Gideon put on his coat as he walked: "Go and see, Griffith will follow."

Griffith had no choice but to follow, and waved to JJ before leaving.

This time the scene was very different.

Griffith crouched in front of the corpse, examining the wound through his gloves, while the new forensic department next to him flashed him a flashlight.

"One kill," Griffith concluded. "Uh... the process was too quick."

"It's not like him," Gideon said.

"There is a way to prove it." Griffith said, turning to the newcomer next to him, "Hi, can you make a mold through this wound?"

The newcomer had naive freckles on his face, and he nodded vigorously when he heard the words: "Yes."

"Then compare it with the mold made for the wound before." Griffith continued to order, "Give me the result, and you keep a copy. When is the soonest?"

The newcomer said with enthusiasm: "Tomorrow will do!"

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble." Griffith said politely, took off his gloves and stood up.The newcomer followed, but because of squatting for a long time, his feet were a little numb, so he couldn't stand firmly, and almost fell on the corpse. Griffith gave him a hand and was thanked excitedly by the newcomer.

...I always feel that this newcomer is not normal.

Griffith took a step back and stood next to Gideon, just as Reid and Morgan came to inquire.Then, a police officer brought news of Nathan, which made Griffith's heart hang quietly.

What if, this person was killed by Nathan?

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