Chapter 35

Love, your words are my food and your breath my wine. - Goethe

Garcia wiped her hands nonchalantly with the towel. Morgan put his arm around her shoulders and comforted her in her favorite low, sexy voice, but for the first time she didn't hear a word.Her hands were covered with blood, and Reid was a little more terrifying than her, as if the two of them had slaughtered a pig instead of saving people just now.

This is the first time Garcia has faced death head on.In the past, as a technical support, she rarely went to the scene, so that now, even if the photos displayed on the screen are too bloody, she will scream.

Morgan is distraught, but Garcia just doesn't say a word.

On the other side, Reid was wiping his hands like Garcia.The bloodstains were not so easy to wipe off. Reid worked hard for a long time, but could only turn the bright red hands into light red.As he wiped, he was in a daze, the adrenaline soaring returned to normal levels, and a huge sense of emptiness and powerlessness captured him. Reid even felt that his legs were soft, and he couldn't support his upper body at all, and would fall apart if he shook it casually.


Griffith ran all the way, and finally put on Reid's shoulder, out of breath. Reid turned slightly and saw his flushed face.

Griffith said intermittently, "You...Nathan he..."

"Nathan is fine." Reid finished speaking and looked down at his hands, as if he was wiping them seriously.

"You saved him," Griffith said.

"...Actually, I don't know if what I did was right or not."


"I saved him," Reid said, looking at the ambulance. "How many lives did I risk?"

Griffith followed his gaze.

Gideon was next to the ambulance, and Mrs. Harris was crying. Gideon whispered a few words of comfort to Mrs. Harris, and contributed his handkerchief.Then, he noticed Reid and Griffith and gave him an affirmative look.

"There's nothing wrong with saving him," Griffith said. "He's still a child, and the future is long. He might not become a murderer. Maybe he can be a police detective?"

Reid defended in a low voice: "That's basically impossible..."

Griffith smiled.He took the towel from Reid's hand and worked his hands for his absent-minded master.

Reid instantly froze into a popsicle stick.

Griffith wrapped a soft towel around Reid's fingers, carefully wiping the blood between his fingers. Reid's hand was bigger than Griffith's, except for the palm, there was not much flesh in the other parts, and it felt hard to the touch.

Reid couldn't think about Nathan anymore, all his thoughts were on his hands.The towel was soaked in cold water, and Reid held it for so long, his fingertips were already cold, when Griffith's hand touched it occasionally, Reid felt like he was scalded by hot water, it didn't hurt, but instead, a kind of appropriate warmth rolled from his fingertips all the way to the towel. bottom of my heart.

Fingers connected to hearts actually makes sense.

Griffith looked down, and Reid could only see his smooth black hair and the back of his neck when he looked down.He stared blankly at Griffith's messy hair, and suddenly heard him say, "It's impossible to ask: 'Where do you live?' It's impossible to answer: 'In that powerless dream.'"

"Tagore." Reid said subconsciously.

"Really? I don't know." Griffith changed the towel and continued to wipe, "I don't know what this sentence means, but this is how I understand—"

"Impossibility is non-existent, but we haven't achieved it yet. It may take a lot of effort to realize it, but it's not impossible, but the possibility is very small. If you think this way, people will be more optimistic, won't they?"

Reid didn't reply.

Griffith wipes off his last finger and hands the towel to the passing paramedics.Inevitably, there was a little wet blood on himself, but he didn't care, he cared more about Reid's sleeve.

The situation was critical when rescuing people, and Reid didn't even think about rolling up his sleeves.Large patches of blood remained on the white cloth, showing a unique dark brown color.

Griffith knew that it would never be washed out, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that your shirt is gone, it's quite handsome." After speaking, he waited for Reid's reaction, but Reid still didn't say anything, so he raised his head in doubt.

"Reid? Are you okay?"

Reid's eyes flickered: "What?"

"You... your face is so red."

Reid coughed heavily: "Really? It might be a little hot...I...I'll go see Garcia."

A gust of cold wind blew by, Griffith stayed where he was, looked at Reid's back, and thought hesitantly, "Reid...is he shy?"

The next morning, before Morgan could swallow his coffee, Hotch stood on the second floor and clapped his hands: "Everyone from BAU, assemble in the conference room."

Griffith yawned sleepily: "Why is there another case?"

He didn't get home until two o'clock in the morning, and he had to get up to catch the subway at 06:30.The lack of sleep made him sluggish, and the dull headache started to become a splitting headache after he drank a cup of coffee.

At this moment, he just wants to go home and sleep.

Of course, this is not his idea alone.

JJ walked into the conference room in good spirits and was taken aback by the depressed mood of his colleagues.She didn't get a call last night, so had a good night's sleep, and was the only person in BAU at work today.

While distributing the documents, JJ said: "Cheer up, I know you didn't sleep well yesterday, and you can make up for it later on the plane."

Garcia in the corner gave a big yawn—she couldn't get on the plane, so she couldn't make it up.

Gideon was the last to arrive.Also didn't sleep well, Gideon seemed more energetic than the team members.

Hotch stood by the monitor: "Okay, JJ."

JJ turned on the monitor well-trained: "Okay, the Las Vegas police called for help. A male body was found the day before yesterday."

Garcia let out a soft "huh".

In the photo, the male corpse was neatly dressed, with a serene face, and a wilting red rose was clutched in his hand on his lower abdomen.He lay quietly on the soft fallen leaves, if it wasn't for his blue face, he seemed to be just asleep.

"The dead man's name is Allen Finch. He was found in the woods a week after he disappeared. This is the third body found by the police."

Morgan frowned: "It's too clean."

Reid read the information: "The clothing was worn by the victim when he disappeared, and it seems to have been washed."

Griffith opened the autopsy report: "The cause of death was an overdose of sedatives, with traces of injection needle holes."

Gideon said flatly, "A death without pain."

Emily asked, "Where was the last time he was seen?"

JJ replied: "A bar called 'True Love', where all the victims disappeared."

Reid flicked through the files, he looked up at JJ: "'True Love'? I remember it was a gay bar."

"That's right, the case was reported by a small newspaper and caused dissatisfaction with the local gay rights association. In addition, the deceased Allen Finch was the son of judge Paul Finch. The police couldn't bear the pressure and finally came to ask for help."

"The deceased was fully dressed, which shows that the prisoner felt guilty about the deceased, not an anti-gay person," Morgan said.

JJ shrugged: "Anyway, the plane in half an hour."

Hotch knocked on the table: "Okay, let's get ready and take a rest after getting on the plane. After we get to Las Vegas, we will do a preliminary test, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

Emily closed the notebook full of notes, and planned to go out with some of her own materials. Griffith followed her and bumped into her inadvertently.

Emily turned her head: "Sorry...Griffith?"

She was surprised to find that Griffith was trembling. With such a bump, the things in his hands could no longer hold, and they scattered all over the floor.


Griffith closed his eyes.Familiar dread creeps up, but it's not the main character.The weird pleasure overshadowed the fear, like... a forced love.

"What's wrong?" Reid looked back. Emily supported Griffith helplessly, and shouted in a panic: "I don't know, he suddenly...does he have epilepsy?"

"No, you can't be an agent if you have epilepsy." Reid hurried over and grabbed Griffith's arm, "Griffith? Griffith, can you hear me?"

Griffith looked at him blankly.Those black eyes have no focus, like stagnant water that never flows.

Reid felt that his heart had been stabbed severely, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Emily helped Griffith sit down. Griffith's gaze stayed on Reid for a long time, and he smiled slowly at him.

At this point, Griffith seemed to wake up, and with a slight twist of his wrist, he broke away from Emily's hand.He bent down to pick up a water-based pen under the suspicious eyes of the two people: "Sorry, I scared you... This time the unknown person may be in a relationship with the victim. I think... this may be the unknown person's fantasy."

Reid pressed: "Are you okay?"

Griffith shook his head.

Emily said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Griffith doesn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't want to reveal it, Emily shut up wisely and bent over to help him pack his things. Seeing this, Griffith wanted to stand up: "Don't bother, I'll do it myself..."

Failed, he was pushed back by Reid - God knows why he was so hard.

Emily didn't know what happened, and didn't raise her head: "It's okay, I'll just come. Are you hypoglycemic?"

Griffith smirked. "Maybe, thank you."

"Pack up and we'll go." Reid whispered in his ear, "I'll tell Gideon, don't worry."

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