Chapter 46

I have no grievances with them, and they have never done anything to hurt me. On the contrary, other people have been hurting me. Maybe their family is paying off debts for other people. — Perry Smith

After returning from Golconda, BAU fell into a downturn as a whole. JJ deliberately turned down the complicated and difficult case to win a short recovery period for his colleagues.So on the weekend night, she teamed up with Morgan to take everyone to the old place - the bar.

Hotch brought Haley, and this was the first time Griffith and Emily met her, and the first time they saw Hotch's tender side.

"Don't drink ice, you'll get a stomachache." Hotch picked out the ice floe from Haley's glass. Haley slapped his arm with a smile. "Oh, please! What's the point of that?"

Griffith picked up the glass silently, offering his seat to Emily who came back with the drink.

Garcia was obsessed with Morgan's dancing, and even the thick lenses couldn't stop her fiery gaze: "Look, he looks like a cat."

Griffith glanced back at Morgan, who was surrounded by beauties, but didn't see that the strong man had anything to do with animals like cats.

Haley and Emily laughed exaggeratedly.

"He's more like a dog!" Emily exclaimed, laughing.

Griffith took a sip of his drink and decided to join Reid.

Reid is having a sci-fi conversation with a couple.He still wears a shirt and tie, under the blurred lights of the bar, he looks like a nerd who has strayed into the mundane world.

Griffith just overheard their bet: "Ask me a sci-fi question. If I can't answer within half a minute, I'll be fined to drink, otherwise you drink, how about it?"

"I'll time it?"

Reid looked back: "Hi, Griffith!"

"Hi." Griffith sat down next to him.

The design of the small round table in the bar is very small, three people can barely sit down, and four people are a bit crowded.Reid moved the stool towards Griffith so as not to bump into the lady.

The husband of the couple is also a sci-fi fan, and he is very interested in this challenge: "Well...back to the future."

"Back to the Future is a special episode of the second season. The alien visitor Sargon borrowed Kirk's body, and the other two borrowed the bodies of Spock and Dr. Mulhall."

"What species is Sargon?"

Reid raised his eyebrows: "Ha, you are cliché. He is an unknown species, and the Sargon body is a disembodied brain."

The man forcefully asked, "Then what famous quote did Dr. McCoy cite?"

Reid is stuck.

The woman's eyes lit up as if seeing the hope of victory.

Griffith could only stare at his watch dutifully as if he was listening to a scripture: "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

"I won't sell my body because I'm a doctor." Reid happily raised his glass, "Drink!"

He looked smug like a child, JJ couldn't hold back when passing by, and rubbed the big boy's hair with his hands. Griffith caught a glimpse of the solemnity under her smile, and couldn't help but be taken aback.

At this time, JJ has already opened the door and went out.

The man put down his glass and pointed at Griffith: "Come on, this time you come."

"But I'm not a fan of science fiction." Griffith said, "Well, I can answer your questions about medicine."

Woman is interested: "Oh, are you a doctor?"

Griffith shook his head, "No."

"It's a pity...you must look good in a white coat."

"Haha, stop teasing him." The man smiled, "Sorry, buddy, my girlfriend is a uniform control."

"I don't." The woman pouted, "Honestly. He must look good in a white coat."

Reid imagined it for a moment, and his face turned red.

JJ pushed the door open again and came back.

Her beautiful blond hair seemed to have dimmed a little, and that bit of gravity turned into an indelible shadow.

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, Spence, Griffith, we should go."

There is a wooden house in the deserted farmland.

The house was very old, and the white paint had peeled off a lot, revealing the decayed wood color inside.

The man stumbled and rolled out of the car.Under the cover of the black hood, no one could see his face clearly.

He was dressed strangely, except for the long black coat, he even had a pair of latex gloves on his hands, which were stained with blood.

But this place is too remote, no one noticed his strangeness.

He hunched over and almost fell when going up the stairs, but he helped him up, leaving a conspicuous bloody handprint.

The hood shook suddenly, and he seemed to be slapped by someone who didn't exist, and the gloomy male voice said sternly: "What are you doing?!"

Another voice said weakly, "I'm sorry..."

He took out the key tremblingly, but failed to fit the keyhole a few times, the gloomy voice reprimanded: "Trash!"

The key fell to the ground.

He didn't dare to say a word, and quickly picked up the key to open the door and enter the house.

The appearance of this small dilapidated house is not very good, but the inside is not as tidy as a single man's residence.As soon as he entered the door, he fell to the ground and said in a low voice: "This is not right."

The gloomy male voice said: "We are servants of God, we should be loyal to him, obey his commandments, and accomplish his will."

"It's not God's will...ah!"

"Shut up! Trash! Now, go clean up and do God's will."

Morgan grumbled over his coffee, "You know what? As soon as I move my ass and hop and shake, boom! We're back at BAU, no exceptions."

Griffith sipped his tea, grimacing.

Garcia beside him smiled unceremoniously.

Reid retorted: "Statistically speaking, the probability of a case happening has nothing to do with whether you go to a party or a gathering. It's just a psychological effect. We will remember more cases that happened at this time."

Emily laughed: "So, is it that hard for you to shake your ass and dance slowly?"

Gideon was the last to arrive, obviously not in a good mood: "Then we can only wait for him to fall asleep."

Morgan smiled and shook his head.

Hotch asked, "Where did you go tonight?"

"I said I'd go back to the Smithsonian." Gideon draped his coat over the back of his chair.

Emily spread her hands: "You missed a happy time."

Gideon sat down facing the monitor: "I had a good time."

JJ almost ran in, and she was even in the mood to make a joke: "The happy time is definitely over."

"The Kyle couple was killed an hour ago in the Atlanta suburb of Georgia."

"An hour ago?" Griffith asked in surprise.

"The killer called 911 from their home."

Morgan raised his eyebrows: "Murderer? Call 911?"

"The operator said the first man sounded terrified, begging, and said the other two were going to kill the sinners who lived here, one of them was Raphael."

"Sinner?" Hotch repeated.

The word "sinner" is more intriguing. With the addition of the name Raphael, this is another murder involving religion.

JJ nodded: "That's right, the operator will pass the recording to Garcia later."

Garcia nodded.

Reid, who had been obediently taking notes, raised his hand: "What's the police response time?"

"Four minutes and 26 seconds." JJ said as he switched photos, "And in four minutes and 26 seconds, they did this..."

Garcia exclaimed in a low voice, turning her back and not daring to look at it.

Behind her, the man was lying in a pool of blood, dying with regret.

The meeting room fell silent for a moment.

"Mr. Kyle is a rich man who made his fortune on the Internet. His company has the largest number of local employees, and the media will report it soon." JJ said.

"Less than four and a half minutes..." Emily swallowed, "They did that much?"

"And then in bed, they found this."

JJ switched photos again.

This time it was a torn page from a book.Someone marked a passage with a yellow highlighter.

Griffith squinted and stumbled, "Uh... I was watching, and I saw a gray horse, and the one on it was called Death..."

"...Hell follows him too," Gideon continued, "Revelation, Chapter 6, verse [-]."

"They feel like they're eliminating sinners," Hotch said.

"And mission killers don't stop," Reid said.

Hotch lowered his head to pack up his things: "Pack up, we're ready to go."

Griffith raised his hand. "Who's got the autopsy report? I want to see it."

Emily held up the folder: "Ah, in my..."

"No." Gideon flatly refused.

Griffith paused, then pulled his hand back.

Emily looked back and forth between them, puzzled.

"If you have any problems, come to me alone, if there is no problem, we will disband." Gideon said while putting on his coat.He glanced at Griffith, picked up the file and left.

The author has something to say: The beginning is quoted from the fourteenth episode of the second season of Criminal Minds, what Perry Smith said to the victim's family.

Raphael (Raphael) is the name of the archangel.

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