[75] Zhao Yan falls into a dream

Chapter 48 Another Year of Spring Comes

Mu Yan yelled a few times at the door but got no response and couldn't help feeling worried. When she opened the bathroom door, she saw Shang Yuze lying on the ground holding Zhan Zhao's shirt.Mu Yan hurriedly picked him up and put him on the bed, and asked the girl to invite the doctor.

The doctor quickly rushed over with the medicine box.After taking the pulse, he kept shaking his head: "This child is too weak, and the whip wounds on his body are inflamed and festered in many places, leading to high fever and fainting. Now I can only prescribe a prescription and try it out. Whether it can recover or not depends on the child's willpower."

The decoction was quickly prepared and brought up, Mu Yan slowly fed the decoction into the child's mouth with a spoon.While feeding the medicine, Xingchen brought Xiaoshu into the house, and when he saw the child on the bed, he was surprised: "Sister, who is he? How did you get hurt like this?" Mu Yan turned her head to look at Xingchen: "In the past, no matter whether he was Who, from today on he is your cousin, you know?"

Xingchen was stunned, he had an extra cousin, but seeing his sister's serious expression, he didn't dare to ask more questions and could only nod in agreement.Xingchen waited with Mu Yan, and waited until the sun was setting, and waited until Zhan Zhao returned and Shang Yuze woke up.

When Zhan Zhao entered the room, he naturally saw the child lying on the bed, and heard Xing Chen introduce him as his cousin. Zhan Zhao was even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, why another cousin appeared so embarrassing.Seeing Zhan Zhao, Mu Yan explained Shang Yuze's background, and couldn't help but sigh when she saw the scars on the child's body and Zhan Zhao's frostbite.

Zhan Zhao persuaded Mu Yan to go to see the child and take a rest, and he woke up here with Shang Yuze.Mu Yan couldn't resist Zhan Zhao and could only go to rest by herself, and fell asleep after playing with the child for a while.

Zhan Zhao sat by the bed, fed Shang Yuze another medicine at night, and waited until the middle of the night, so sleepy that Zhan Zhao leaned against the bed and fell into a drowsy sleep.

As the sky was getting brighter, Shang Yuze on the bed slightly opened his eyes, turned his head slightly and saw the person leaning against the bed, and was taken aback. Who is this person?Shang Yuze stood up slightly, and Zhan Zhao was awakened as soon as he exerted his strength.Seeing the child on the bed waking up, Zhan Zhao stretched out his hand to support him, and took a pillow to cushion him behind: "Are you awake? Shall I get you a glass of water?" The child nodded, and Zhan Zhao lifted the kettle from the cage Poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Shang Yuze, seeing the sweetness of the child drinking from the cup, Zhan Zhao also smiled a little.

"How old is cousin?" Zhan Zhao asked with a smile. "Cousin?" After being called by this name, Shang Yuze came back to his senses. This was what the lady said to him before he fell asleep. It turned out that she didn't just say it casually.Just who is this person?

Seeing his doubts, Zhan Zhao explained to her with a smile: "I am your cousin-in-law. My name is Zhan Zhao."

"So that lady is Nan Xia Zhanzhao's wife." Shang Yuze nodded to show that he knew.But he opened his mouth and still couldn't say anything.Zhan Zhao looked at the child and remembered what Mu Yan said, and he couldn't help but feel distressed when he was so stimulated that he couldn't speak.It's not easy to ask him anything at the moment, just let Shang Yuze have a good rest, and then ask the doctor to take a look.

What Mu Yan saw again was Shang Yuze who woke up again. Seeing Mu Yan coming in, Shang Yuze was very happy and ready to stand up and salute her. What are you doing with so many etiquettes?" Shang Yuze smiled shyly when he heard Mu Yan's words, and nodded a little embarrassedly.Mu Yan touched his forehead and felt that the temperature was right and he was no longer hot. The monk Yuze explained a few more words and let him continue to rest when he saw that he was a little sleepy.

Mu Yan went out of the room and went back to her room to look at Zhan Zhao who was resting on the bed, Mu Yan smirked and was going to scare him.Who knew that as soon as he walked to the bed, Zhan Zhao stretched his ape arms into his arms, Mu Yan was held in Zhan Zhao's arms, and when he saw Zhan Zhao who opened his eyes and smiled at her, he couldn't help pouting: "You are really bad, Woke up and didn't make a sound."

"If you didn't mean to scare me, how could you be scared by me instead?" Zhan Zhao asked with a smile.

Mu Yan was annoyed for a while before throwing it away. Anyway, Zhan Zhao's kung fu is so good that he wouldn't be ashamed if he found out.The two hugged and rested for a while, and Mu Yan asked about Zhan Zhao and Shang Yuze again. According to Zhan Zhao's understanding, it is impossible to casually recognize an official slave as a relative.Mu Yan begged Zhan Zhao to help her find a way, but Zhan Zhao was tortured by her and could only agree to ask Mr. Gongsun to find a way.

The next day, Zhan Zhao made a special trip to seek advice from Mr. Gongsun. Mr. Gongsun thought for a long time before saying that he could only let the child change his name and send him outside for a few years so that he would not be suspected by others. The appearance of a child changes very quickly. After two or three years, no one will recognize him, and no one will suspect him when he is brought back.

That night, Zhan Zhao relayed Mr. Gongsun's meaning, and Mu Yan expressed her understanding.Although she felt sorry for the child Shang Yuze, she didn't want to cause trouble for Zhan Zhao because of this matter.

After a few days, Shang Yuze's health improved a lot, and he was able to go out for a walk.Mu Yan would chat with him every day, and tried Shang Yuze to ask him to change his name, but he didn't get a positive response.At noon that day, Mu Yan was playing with her sons and Shuang'er came in and said that Shang Yuze had come, so Mu Yan hurriedly asked the girl to bring him in. Wa went out to play with Brother Huan and Brother Xi in her arms, and it seemed that there was something important to tell Mu Yan.

There were only Mu Yan and Shang Yuze left in the room. Sitting in front of Mu Yan, his young age seemed to contain countless secrets.The two sat in silence for a long time, and it was the first time that Shang Yuze spoke in front of Mu Yan, perhaps because he hadn't opened his mouth for a long time, Shang Yuze's voice was very hoarse and slightly jerky: "Sister, what did you say?" I've thought about it? I can change my name but I can't take your surname. I want to be named Liang with my mother, but I don't know what to call my name. Sister, let me figure it out, don't make it too unpleasant." After finishing speaking, Shang Yuze spoke again. When she started talking about her parents, Mu Yan had never heard of Shang Yuze mentioning family matters. Only this time did she know that Shang Yuze's father was actually the third-rank official in Jinling Mansion in charge of salt affairs, and was accused of corruption. The whole family went to jail.I don't know about the other child, after all, he is just a child.It was these things that I heard from the jailer one sentence after another.

After finishing speaking, Shang Yuze walked to Mu Yan's side, and half-kneeled beside her: "Now that you know my background, won't you like me anymore?" Mu Yan looked at this little person, smiled and pulled her up. He: "You were like this when I met you. Since you are an official slave, there is a story, but no matter what the story is, you should not let you be a child to bear the fault. So I don't care who you were before. What about the past, you will be my distant cousin Liang Xinghua in the future. My eldest brother is called Xingyun, and my second brother is called Xingchen. I can’t think of what to call you for a moment. From now on, you will be called Xinghua after my younger brother. okay?"

Shang Yuze whispered the name several times silently, with a smile on his face, he nodded vigorously: "I will be called Liang Xinghua from now on, but can I never be called Shang Yuze?" The name of the year, the child is still a little lost.

"The name is just a code name. Even if you have the surname of Sun Wukong, you are still your father's son, aren't you?" Shang Yuze is a child after all, when he heard Sun Wukong's name, he asked who that person was, and Mu Yan immediately spoke to him in vernacular version of Journey to the West.

Just when Mu Yan was telling Xinghua about the disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, Zhan Zhao entered the room.Seeing the two of them talking happily, Zhan Zhao asked her with a smile, "What are you talking about so happy?"

"Brother-in-law. My sister told me the story of Monkey King." Zhan Zhao looked at Shang Yuze who spoke in surprise, it shouldn't be Liang Xinghua.Seeing Zhan Zhao's return, Mu Yan turned around and coaxed Xinghua to go back, promising to tell him a story tomorrow before sending him back anyway.Seeing his figure turn around the vertical flower gate, he turned around and told Zhan Zhao about the Shang family.Zhan Zhao said that he already knew, and laughed at Mu Yan, saying that there is no one as stupid as her who would drag her to recognize her brother without knowing anything.

Only then did Mu Yan know that Zhan Zhao had already found the Shang family's files from the Ministry of Criminal Justice to learn about the past of the Shang family.Although his father deserved it, as Zhan Zhao himself, he felt that it was too pitiful for a child to suffer such a big crime, so he acquiesced in Mu Yan's approach.

Seeing that the twelfth lunar month was about to end, the family became much more lively due to the addition of a few people, and Liang Xinghua's identity was gradually accepted by everyone, Mu Yan asked everyone to call him the young master.At first, both Xingchen and Mu Yu were quite upset, but later they slowly accepted this elegant and handsome boy during the process of getting in touch. In order to let Liu Shi accept Xinghua, Mu Yan also brought him back to Chenliu with a new year gift. At first, Mrs. Liu did not understand her decision, but during the next three days, Mrs. Liu gradually fell in love with this shy child. Li followed Xinghua around.

After staying in Chen for three days, Mu Yan brought Xinghua back to Kaifeng.A few days later, it will be New Year's Eve, and the whole family sits together.Zhan Zhao took Brother Huan, Mu Yan, and Brother Xi in his arms, Xingchen, Muyu and Xinghua sat next to each other, girls and boys opened a table alone, and it was very lively.After the reunion dinner, Mu Yan let the girls go back to rest, the couple took the children to watch the night, and when it was still too late, the children all went to bed one after another, Zhan Zhao carried the children back to sleep one by one, and waited until the last star He was also carried into the room by Zhan Zhao drowsily.After Xing Chen settled down, Zhan Zhao went back to the main room and looked at Mu Yan who was sitting next to the smoker with a smirk. His heart fluttered, and he walked up to Mu Yan, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

Early in the morning of the first day of the lunar new year, Mu Yan opened her eyes and saw Zhan Zhao's handsome face full of smiles, she couldn't help but blush when she thought of the obsession between the two of them last night.Zhan Zhao saw her shyly laughing softly, stroked Mu Yan's long hair and said with a smile, "Where did your courage go? Now that you are an old couple, you are still shy."

Mu Yan stretched out her hand and twisted Zhan Zhao's waist fiercely, Zhan Zhao gasped in pain and grabbed Mu Yan's troublesome little hand: "Do you want to murder your husband?"

"Cut! If you are murdered by a weak woman like me like this, you don't need to be called Nan Xia anymore, you can just be called Nan Xia." Mu Yan teased Zhan Zhao, her troublesome little hand was still under the quilt explore.Hearing her teasing, Zhan Zhao felt the little hands under the brocade quilt ready to move. He turned over and pressed Mu Yan under him, clasped Mu Yan's hands above her head with one hand, and scratched her waist and eyes with the other hand. I was out of breath laughing.The two were laughing on the bed and the door was knocked lightly. Zhan Zhao got out of bed and opened the door. Two red bean dings at the door looked up at Zhan Zhao who opened the door: "Daddy, happy new year."

Zhan Zhao looked at the two sons who were dressed in festive clothes like dolls in New Year's pictures, and immediately stood up happily, bent over to pick up the two children, turned around and entered the house, took off their shoes and put the children on the bed to play.

Brother Huan and Brother Xi were so excited when they saw their mother lying on the bed, they couldn't stop screaming.Seeing the two fat boys sitting on Mu Yan's body, Zhan Zhao hastily pulled the children off Mu Yan's body.

Mu Yan covered her aching stomach where the two children sat on her and got up.While putting on clothes, he scolded the two sons: "You abuse mother so much, be careful that mother will not marry you a daughter-in-law in the future." Zhan Zhao smiled and helped his son speak: "Be good son, don't pay attention to your mother's words, father's son How can it be impossible to marry a wife?" Who would have thought that Brother Xi would nod Yuanyuan's head in a serious manner after hearing his father's words.Brother Huan on the other side actually nodded over and over again.Mu Yan and Zhan Zhao laughed so hard, the family of four laughed together, and the maids and women in the front yard turned their backs on their backs when they were looking for two dolls.Xiaodouzi and Mengwa were waiting at the door of the master, but no one thought of reporting a letter to the front yard. When the nanny came and saw the door, listening to the laughter and laughter in the room, Xiaodouzi and Mengwa couldn't help scolding .

Zhan Zhao inside the house heard the sound of the nanny scolding people outside and opened the door, and saw the ears of the two children outside being held by the nanny's hands from left to right. Mengwa and Xiaodouzi wanted to cry but were afraid of alarming the owner of the house. The expression looked very strange.

Mu Yan pulled her two sons and appeared behind Zhan Zhao, the smile on her face hadn't faded: "Nurse, on the first day of the new year, you can't get along with your children, why bother?" And Xiaodouzi sent the nanny to the front yard to deliver the message.When the nanny was out of sight, Mu Yan signaled Mengwa and Xiaodouzi to enter the room, rubbed the two children's hot ears, grabbed two handfuls of copper coins from the jar where the copper coins were placed, and handed them a few words to comfort them. let them go.

New year and new weather, Zhan Zhao and Mu Yan sat in the main hall to accept the New Year's greetings from their family members. The children each received a New Year gift and a purse filled with gold and silver pouches, and the servants each sealed a thick red envelope. Everyone was happy.

The happy days passed quickly, and it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in a blink of an eye.After the Chinese New Year, Zhan Zhao started busy business again, and Mu Yan began to worry about the new season's dishes of the Bai family. Before the fifth day of the new year, she received a message from the shopkeeper of the Bai family restaurant asking her to think of new dishes suitable for spring. For the dishes, Mu Yan has racked her brains to think about this for the past few days.In spring, peach blossoms bloom, and Mu Yan wants to cook a healthy peach blossom meal. She writes the recipe from memory and after several attempts, she finally came up with six peach blossom-themed healthy meals, including four dishes, one soup and one dessert.The shopkeeper who handed it to the shopkeeper of the restaurant was very happy.While waiting for the dishes to be served, the shopkeeper was overjoyed to see the exquisite dishes. With his many years of experience, these few dishes will definitely sell well when they are on the menu of the restaurant. The hand holding the menu trembled with excitement. When he got up, he seemed to see countless silver bills rolling in.

After completing the task given by the Bai family, Mu Yan was relieved, and she was at leisure.After a few days of free time, Mu Yan started looking for new clothes for her family. The children in the family grow up so fast, and Mu Yan doesn’t like to wear big clothes for the children, so she makes clothes for the children every year, and embroiders for the children. After measuring the size, Mu Yan took the child to choose the material for the clothes in person before giving up.After that, I started to work on the spring planting of the farmland again, and I didn't finish my work until the end of February.

This afternoon, Zhan Zhao came home early for a rare occasion, accompanied by a few mice, saw six people entering in a file, Mu Yan hurriedly asked Qiu'er to take care of the sons, and prepared a sumptuous dinner by herself.Every time a few mice came, they had to eat and drink to make their bellies round before leaving with their waists supported.Moreover, Mu Yan is required to cook in person every time. After a long time, Mu Yan will get used to it. Fortunately, the Five Rats hang around in the empty island all the year round and do not come to the capital often. On the contrary, Tang often came here in the name of trying dishes, not only was he a fool, but he was also picky, every time he tried to get rid of Bai Yutang, it gave Mu Yan a very headache.

Bai Yutang came here more often, and Mu Yan gradually figured out a way to deal with him, that is, new dishes and Nurhong.Now that all five mice have come, the way to deal with it is the same.It took more than half an hour to prepare a table of good dishes, several jars of 30-year-old daughter red were placed on the table, and the six people on the table started a battle for food.

The mess was replaced, and the maids offered fragrant tea.A few people chatting and chatting are very comfortable, and the topic of chatting about a few people involves a strange case that happened in the capital today.

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