left hand

Chapter 4 Paragraph 4

The reflection of the setting sun became fragmented on the river surface, and the fine golden light fluctuated with the water surface.Walking on the bridge, the sun hid behind the floor, and the shadow in the water disappeared.

When I got home again, everything was still the same. It didn't take long, but I was already tired of it.It's really hard to imagine how I got here in the past few years.Such a long time, just turned around, but it has passed.It seems that the new year has just passed, and this year has passed.Time began to matter little.No matter what happens, it will always be spent, and then annihilated in the long river of time.

The wind outside was very strong, the curtain was turned out of the window, and was dragged in the air by the mischievous wind, it was reaching out to me for help.I walked to the window, and a strong wind came to my face, which was very comfortable.

Although the wind is strong, it is not cold.Looking at the sunset that is gradually sinking, it is so red and so gorgeous.It is extraordinarily gorgeous in the sky polluted by industry, which is not seen in nature, as beautiful as poppies.

Shades of crimson, orange, pale pink, and dark blue mixed together, with an eerie tinge of purple in places, and the clouds were like burning fire, struggling to devour everything.

At this time, I only had one feeling, and an idea emerged in my mind: a drop of deep red blood dripped on it, and in an instant, it turned into a red cloud with a "squeak".A strange scene that came out of nowhere.

When I walked to the room, I realized that I forgot to buy batteries, and the small alarm clock was still at ten o'clock, motionless.Pick it up, remove its battery, and throw it into the trash can. The battery is very harmful to nature and cannot be thrown away. It needs to be collected and handed over to relevant departments for management.But who would do that?Recyclable garbage and non-recyclable garbage are annoying enough to be reluctant to sort, and now there are more troublesome guys who don't need both ends.Batteries have just not been cast aside like plastic bags, they are not as needed and used as plastic bags.

Human beings are really ridiculous. They don't pay attention to the environment, but they curse plastic bags. Isn't this plastic bag also produced by human beings?There is no good, evil, beauty or ugliness in the world, but human beings impose their own thoughts and imaginations on other objects.

Who said carnivores must be evil, and who said herbivores must be good?Vegetation is also life, so it can be said that vegetarianism is also killing.Everything in this world is about sacrificing the other party so that you can survive this world, and exchange your life for your life.All life is like this, but human beings are different.Because they will be greedy, vain, and hurt others for things that have no real meaning.

Humans are actually a kind of omnivorous and carnivorous animals that live in groups, but people just separate themselves and compare themselves with animals.They are like gods, holding the power of life and death of animals and plants, and a single thought will end the "life" that is not "life".

In fact, every life is the most beautiful miracle, and there is no distinction between high and low lives.It is impossible for any artificial product to be so subtle and complete.

Looking at my hand, the lines on it can be seen clearly without much effort. The lines are unique in this world and accompany everyone's life, which proves that you are different and that you are unparalleled in the world.Everyone is so ordinary and special.

Night fell again, and few stars could be seen in the sky, but the lights of Wanjia were brighter than the stars, and the world seemed to be turned upside down.

As for that, every part of the body has appeared once, so what about today?

When it was time to go to bed again, I actually got a little excited.It's strange that I don't understand myself more and more.Who knows, what kind of psychology am I doing this?

Gradually, I began to dream.A vague figure, although I can't see clearly, but I'm sure he is smiling, I don't know why, there will be a feeling of relaxation.

Upon waking, the feeling became more pronounced.Today is very special, what appeared was not a certain part of the body, but a complete body... I don't know if I can say that, but I can feel that lifeless breath, a corpse.

He was lying behind me, with his arms around me, a gesture of hugging me.A certain feeling seems to be more obvious, how to describe it?sense of security.

Yes, I feel so safe, like being protected, in my arms, I have the urge to cry, a sour feeling floods my nose, I stroke the arm that encircles me, and take a piece of it. cold.

This is something I want extravagantly, a kind of protection, a kind of concern, a kind of inexplicable thing.I've been alone for too long, and I wish, wish I could stop doing this.I dare not ask for it, I can only wait silently like this, when did it start?

It was as long as waiting for centuries, and at the moment when I was slowly becoming numb and about to die, the fire of life was ignited all at once.In my memory, it seems that except for my mother, no one has ever given me such a feeling.Because I am a mother's child, my mother loves me twice as much as others. I am like a weed in other people's lives. No one is willing to selflessly dedicate such warm love and care to me.

I got it today, although it is a lifeless corpse, but I really got it.Although it all seems so incredible and inexplicable.I don't want to think about it too much. Anyway, my meaningless life is not a pity to die now.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the sound of my suppressed breathing can be heard, and my breathing is a little choked.In the second half of the time, I was half asleep and half awake, the people behind me disappeared, and I was lying on the bed alone again.Just got up, it was only after five o'clock.

Sigh~ Forget it, go to work early and make up for yesterday's work.This time I went out earlier than any other time, the sky was still dark, and it was as dark as night.The street lamps gave off a dim light, not very bright, and a little cool.

I shrank my neck, and the sound of the sprinkler came from the front, which seemed so abrupt, as if only this kind of sound was in my ears, and it gradually approached, approached.

I stood a little farther to the side, but I was still drenched in the mist, with the smell of hot vehicles.After a while, the sky became a little blue, and the clouds and the sky could be distinguished.

Walking slowly, I arrived at the place of work in a short while. As soon as I entered the door, the sleepy-eyed cleaner glanced at me, yawned and said, "It's so early today." I responded and walked to the office go.

"Tch, you look amazing." I heard someone behind me cursing in a low voice.

This is not what I want, I have to be like this, I can't remember people's faces, I just don't want people to know, it's a kind of hurt to my friends, after playing for so long, I still don't remember them.So I remain a stranger to anyone, and I don't want to make friends with people.I am very careful in everything I do, lest I make a mistake.Anyway, it has been like this all the time, living alone.

I was the only one in the office, and when the door was closed, the sound was extraordinarily loud.Sitting in my seat and looking out, the sky has already turned pale, and it looks like it will be dawn soon.But I worked until seven o'clock, and the genius lit up in a full sense.

Colleagues came one by one, and the office returned to the lively scene.

"Hi, good morning." You don't need to look to know that the only person greeting me now is that person.

"Morning." I simply replied.

Really, it was indescribably disgusting, the man's gaze seemed to be staring at an interesting prey, pretending to be gentle on the surface and killing it.There are so many perverted people in this world, and they must be targeting people like me who no one cares about even if they die. This is really a sad fate.

The sun has risen, and the light almost fills the entire office, making people warm. The fake flowers on the table have never faded, but they have dimmed. I don’t know when they were placed here, maybe where One day, it will be discarded by people, just like the waste paper in the trash can, it will be full and fall to the ground, crumpled.

Work, work, I'm going to keep working.There was a regular tapping sound on the table, making people feel relaxed and active.More moving than humming talk or pop music.

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