Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 98 Public Opinion Shock Change

In the past few days, the discussion about the mutant school massacre has not dropped in popularity. Instead, many people are on TV and arguing on the Internet every day.

At the beginning, the military forces dominated by the forces behind Colonel William Stryker occupied the upper hand, and repeatedly listed the harm and potential harm that mutants brought to modern society, and used this Case in point, the 'Sorrowful Grief' call for every parent to join him in an attempt to see mutants as a genetic disease and advocate the theory of a cure for them.

However, not long after, an article about campus violence and discrimination against mutants came out. First, a lot of evidence was given to prove that in the 'mutant campus massacre', those students who died were all campus violence during their lifetimes. They bully and humiliate classmates with different skin colors, and those who are disobedient will be taken to the bathroom every day to be repaired, and the school knows all this but ignores it.

There was even a student who was also affected by campus violence and voluntarily announced his experience, saying that he lived in a nightmare every day...

One time I was taken to the bathroom by them, and then suddenly they started punching and kicking me. I fell to the ground, and I curled up and didn't dare to resist. Each of them was kicking me with all their strength, and then someone grabbed me. My hair smashed my head into the small (crab) urinal, my entire lips were covered in blood, I was so frightened, I could only lie on the ground and hope those people could leave quickly...

Oh, my God, how dare they do this, are the teachers and the principal just decorations? the reporter.

On that day, my body was covered with sewage, and my clothes were covered in blood. I walked into the principal's room in such an embarrassed manner. I complained to the principal for their atrocities. However, at that time, the principal treated me like this. Said, 'These children will grow up sooner or later, and they will one day converge.' And I stood in front of him, covered in sewage from the bottom of the small (crab) urinal, and my lips were all broken. , it was all blood, and the school let me go home.

Very emotional: When I got home, I took a pistol out of my dad's drawer and put it in my mouth, because at this moment, no one in the whole school was willing to lend a hand to me. , will the bullying problem in this school never be solved one day?

I'm sorry, I...I don't know how to answer you...I'm sorry. The reporter was silent.

You don't need to be sorry, it's not you who abused me. The reason why I stand up and say this is to tell everyone that those bastards are not worthy of sympathy. If I had the ability, I would put a gun into every one of them. One person's mouth, blow their heads! Pete has done things that the rest of us dare not do, I admire him, even if he is a mutant now, but in fact I am not afraid of mutants Man, because the bad guys around me are far more terrifying than mutants!

. . . . . . . . . . .

With the publication of this well-founded article, the issue of school violence was brought to the forefront in a short period of time, and more and more people who were persecuted came forward to be interviewed by reporters. All of his actions were carefully revealed, and the usual image of the student who suddenly awakened as a mutant was slowly drawn.

Countless people began to sympathize with the plight of students such as Pitt, who had been bullied by school violence. Many turned their guns on the families of the victims, saying that their children did not deserve to be called human beings.

And this time, no matter how badly these people sell in public, no one will buy it, because no one wants their children to experience such hellish school life one day, let alone become a part of the abuser. .

Against school violence, those teachers and principals who don't pay attention to it should all be fired!

It's hard to imagine that there is such a dark side in this day and age, shouldn't the president stand up and say something?

Don't put all the blame on the mutants. When this happens, even ordinary people can't wait to die with those bastards!

That's right, mutants are far less scary than we think, but the devils in human skins are scary!

How about telling the truth? It's the mutants who are discriminated against and excluded because we are afraid of those powers that we can't have. To put it bluntly, it is jealousy!

I hate mutants, but I hate those school bullies even more, all die!

. . . . . . . . .

Public opinion exploded instantly!

From unilaterally discussing the harm of mutants to society, it has shifted to the focus of campus violence and whether mutants can coexist harmoniously with ordinary people. A large number of celebrities have jumped out to brush their presence, saying anything. Even the president had to make a public statement, saying that he would never tolerate school bullying, and would send someone to investigate and explain to the public in the near future, but he kept his mouth shut about sensitive groups like mutants.

After the president had spoken, the first one who couldn't bear the pressure was Menver High School. When faced with a student whose mouth was full of blood and his body was covered in small (crab) sewage, he could say, 'Sooner or later, these children will become presidents. Adults, they will converge one day. ’ This kind of bullshit headmaster was the first to announce his resignation, followed by the teachers who usually turn a blind eye to bullying.

Maybe they are just protecting themselves, because for various reasons they can't stand up for the oppressed children, but dereliction of duty is dereliction of duty. The vocation of a teacher is not just to teach knowledge step by step. On this basis, they should also teach students how to be a 'person' ', instead of letting students be a scumbag!

The wind of public opinion has completely changed, and William Stryker, who planned all this, smashed everything around him.

He doesn't care about bullshit school violence, what he wants to convince the public is that mutants may kill you in the next second!

The sudden intervention of S.H.I.E.L.D. caught him by surprise. He couldn’t understand why S.H.I.E.L.D. would be involved in such a thing, but after careful investigation, the forces behind him clearly told him that this sudden intervention was mysterious. The power comes from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Unlike William Stryker's anger, Professor X, who was far away at Xavier's Gifted School, was quietly relieved. He didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, and that part was not annoying. The mutant's remarks made him extremely happy, feeling that his persistence over the years was not in vain.

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