Strong Waist

Chapter 20 London! focus!

The entire city of London has entered a heavy atmosphere, especially in North London. Google search reading

Arsenal fans along the street looked coldly at the Manchester United bus passing by on the main road in front of them.

It was clear to them that here sat a man whom they had once cheered for.

They were proud of him, and he even wore the Arsenal captain's armband.

But he betrayed the trust they had given him!

The Dutch are just as annoying as the Spanish!

Arsenal fans are furious.

This can be seen in their eyes. If possible, they would really stop the bus and ask questions carefully.

They gave him all their love and trust, why did they choose to betray him in the end?

Didn't you say that you would go to other competition areas?

Didn’t you say that you will never be an enemy of Arsenal?

Why were the promises not kept? !

How much they loved this person in the past, now how much they hate him.

In the BBC live broadcast room in England, pre-match warm-ups are taking place.

Arsenal fans quietly looked up at the TV, looking at the man they once cheered and proudly watched on the TV, the Arsenal captain Van Persie.

He was wearing a Manchester United jersey, sitting in front of the camera and talking.

"This is a painful thing. In fact, many times, I don't know what to do, but it is something that must be faced. I put on the jersey of another team and returned to the Emirates Stadium, and I became their enemy. This was something that was never imagined before, but now it is a reality!”

"I had to leave Arsenal. I wanted to play in the Champions League and gain higher honors, so I chose to leave!"

"But even so, I still love Arsenal deeply. No one loves her more than me!"

"Celebrating? No, no, no! I won't celebrate! That's the team I love deeply. Even if it's a goal, I'll apologize."

Arsenal fans couldn't help but sneer when they heard this.

"He almost moved himself to tears!"

"Leaving for honor? That's disgusting!"

"A traitor, I really hope he can be silenced!"

"Bah! He was blind at first. Give him the captain's armband!"

After saying that, the Arsenal fan made two more noises.

"And there's Cesc Fabregas! They're all the same guy!"

On the other side, inside the Kearney training base.

Wenger put away the tactical board and said loudly: "Okay, boys, pack your luggage and gather on the bus!"

The players turned around silently and returned to the locker room to pack their belongings.

Lucky is also among them. Not surprisingly, he once again entered the big list.

Since this season, he has been a regular on the roster, and he has received many opportunities and performed quite well.

Lucky finished packing his things, put his shoulder bag on his back, and found many teammates standing in front of the locker to pray.

Lucky did not disturb them and walked out silently.

The bus stopped opposite the locker room, and Lucky walked straight up.

Not long after, the Arsenal players came up one after another.

Their expressions were solemn, and it was obvious that this game put a lot of pressure on them.

Lucky is still sitting in the last position, where he can see the expressions of every player in his eyes.

Finally, Wenger stepped up.

He patted the driver's seat and the vehicle started to move.

But Wenger did not sit down, but propped up the backs of the chairs on both sides and said, "Now let's announce the starting lineup!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

They usually go to the stadium and announce the starting lineup after warming up.

This time it was announced on the bus!

Without thinking too much, Wenger had already started reading the list.

"Szczesny, Jenkinson, Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Sagna, Artea, Cazorla, Suarez, Podolski, Walcott"

Wenger closed the list and read the last name: "Kai!"

The bus was still quiet, and no one was surprised.

Lucky's starting position is already an established fact, and he has become Arsenal's defensive gate.

Facing such a powerful opponent as Manchester United, they do not want to have problems on the defensive end.

After Wenger finished reading the starting list, he sat down.

The bus began to move slowly towards the city.

The road leading to the Emirates Stadium was already occupied by Arsenal fans.

Looking around, the whole street is red and white, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

In the crowd, Zheng Xin and Kevin stood together.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Kevin pulled Zheng Xin and ran forward. Zheng Xin said helplessly, "There is still time, don't be in a hurry!"

Kevin still insisted: "Hurry up, it's too late!"

Zheng Xin could only be pulled forward.

Zheng Xin and Kevin have become good friends.

Yes, they are good friends.

The two got connected because of Lucky.

As fans of Lucky, they also share the same support, and the friendship between the two quickly sublimated.

Zheng Xin never thought that one day he would become friends with an 11-year-old child, discuss the game with him, and cheer for Lucky with him.

But Zheng Xin does not reject this feeling.

Because in the stands, they are all the same Arsenal fans.

It’s just that the players you support are different.

Kevin, Billy and Zheng Xin all acted together before.

But since the ‘Black Jersey Fans Organization’ came back two rounds ago, only Kevin and Zheng Xin are left.

Billy went to join the support group and no longer acted with them.

After the game, he would pick up Kevin.

As for Zheng Xin, Billy is also quite reassured based on the bond between Lucai.

The two kept walking and soon walked out of the street and came to a larger street.

As soon as they emerged, a cheer came from not far away.

“The black jersey is coming!!”

"Boss Meadows!!"

"The leader of the East Stand!!"

Amidst deafening cheers, the crowd began to separate automatically, and soon a team of about 2,000 people headed forward.

They look different, dress differently, are tall, short, fat.

But under the leadership of a sturdy man, he showed an extremely strong momentum.

Especially the huge flags carried on the shoulders, which are five meters long when unfolded.

In the crowd, Kelvin Meadows suddenly raised his arms and roared; "Forward! Arsenal!!"

The crowd is excited! !

Raise your arms like a forest! !

"Forward!!!! - Arsenal!!!! -"

In the crowd, Kevin looked at Meadows with admiration.

Zheng Xin, on the other hand, felt that his body was trembling.

The huge sound shook the ground, as if it was about to cause an earthquake.

The people in black jerseys in front of them had firm eyes and were heading straight towards the Emirates Stadium.

Los Angeles, USA

Inside Matt Damon's villa.

"No need to call me again, I won't go. Today's game is very important! Do you have a girl? Then you won't go! I said the game is very important, don't disturb me!!"

Matt Damon hung up the phone, immediately turned off the phone, ran over and unplugged the phone line, and then turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast.

Boom, boom, boom! !

There was a knock on the door, and Matt Damon put on his cap and sunglasses and walked over to open the door.

"Your pizza, fried chicken and beer!"

Matt Damon took the takeaway and closed the door.

He arranged the food neatly on the table, opened another can of beer and took a delicious sip.

Finally, he ran into the bedroom and when he came out, he was wearing an Arsenal No. 4 jersey.

'KAI' is printed on the back!

This is something he customized with great difficulty, and is an official and authentic product.

Arsenal did not sell Lucky's jerseys yet. He could only buy a jersey for that season, and then found a number printing shop to print a set according to Lucky's jerseys.

Matt Damon had just sat down when two commentators appeared in the TV camera.

He took another sip of beer, rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Just right!"

Hong Kong, China, in a mansion.

Eason Chan wore a chicken-feathered head and black-rimmed glasses while watching the live game on TV.

Arsenal VS Manchester United!

Manchester United must win!

As a Manchester United fan, Eason Chan is extremely concerned about this club. When he is not working, he will watch every game, and sometimes even go to the scene.

Today, Eason Chan has just completed the follow-up processing of the "" album. Before the promotion day, he is at home and ready to watch this game.

Eason Chan chose mainland China’s Sina Sports.

And compared to the procrastinating explanations in Hong Kong, he also prefers the cross talk-style explanations of Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu.

At this time, the two commentators had already begun to analyze the situation on the field.

"This is the Sina Sports Premier League live broadcast room. The upcoming game is the tenth round of the Premier League in the 2012/2013 season. The Gunners Arsenal vs. the Red Devils Manchester United. I am the commentator Zhan Jun."

"I am Zhang Lu!"

Zhan Jun: "Today's game is interesting! Manchester United doubled Arsenal last season and even massacred it 8-2. In this summer transfer window, Arsenal's former captain Robin van Persie joined Manchester United. All these factors show that Arsenal Na must regain some dignity at home."

Zhang Lu: "Arsenal and Manchester United are old rivals. Wenger and Ferguson have been at loggerheads for a lifetime. Ferguson used Class 92 to bully Wenger, but Wenger turned around and led the generation of gunmen led by Henry back. This time As time went by, the two clubs changed people one after another, and the two head coaches began to lead different people to continue fighting! "

Zhan Jun: "So, which club do you think has a greater chance of winning?"

Zhang Ludao; "On paper, it is definitely Manchester United, but Arsenal is not a vegetarian. In the last round against Queens Park Rangers, they performed very well. If we continue this state, it is not impossible to win the game!" "

Zhan Jun: "What do you think is the key point?"

Zhang Lu: "It must be defense. Lucky's role in this game is very critical. Whether it can withstand Manchester United's offensive impact will test Arsenal's defensive linkage!"

Eason Chan looked at the two explanations happily.

At this time, a cute little daughter came over.

"Daddy, I can't sleep!"

This is Eason Chan’s daughter, Kandy Chan.

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