Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 66 Layout

Fire wolf, you are crazy, let us out quickly.

It's unreasonable, we want to report to the king to destroy you and imprison you in the Valley of Ten Thousand Insects for the rest of your life.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty...

The coyote, golden wolf, and wind wolf howled loudly one by one, their faces full of anger.

Stop arguing, let's admit it, the fire wolf dared to do this, either it was the king's order, or the king had died in his hands. The water wolf stopped the other three wolf generals, and said helplessly. Obviously, the king has no reason to treat them like this, so there is only the second reason.

Water wolf, you are indeed the brains of our five wolf generals. No wonder the blood wolf values ​​you so much. Now that I am the king, as long as you obediently act for the king, your status will not change. Fire wolf said.

When the hyena, golden wolf, and wind wolf heard that the fire wolf had killed the blood wolf king, they all jumped into a rage and cursed.

It seems that you haven't recognized the situation clearly. You have only two choices. The first is to seek refuge with the king, and the second is to die! Fire Wolf's smile narrowed, and his eyes flickered fiercely. Whoever hinders him now, no, whoever hinders the lord will die.

Coyote, Golden Wolf, and Wind Wolf suddenly fell silent, realizing their current situation. Their lives are now in the hands of this guy who used to look down on them.

But the water wolf looked at Qi Bei who was sitting not far away, and then glanced at the black armored army around him, with a wry smile on his lips, he said, We are willing to submit to Qi Bei. Viscount Nord, I beg you, Lord Viscount, to hold your hand high and let us live.

Qi Bei looked at the elegant-looking Water Wolf with some surprise. This kid has a quick mind, so he should be a good helper.

The rest of the three wolf generals looked at Qi Bei in shock. This is the little nobleman they had disdained before, and they actually carried them in his hands?

In one night, killing the blood wolf, supporting the fire wolf, and restraining their four major wolf generals, the great power of the blood wolf was in his hands without any effort, which was too terrifying.

Are you really willing to surrender? Qi Bei stood up and asked calmly.

Water wolf is willing to surrender. Water wolf took the lead to lie down, buried his head between his hands, and performed the highest etiquette of werewolves.

We are also willing to surrender. The other three wolf generals also got down on the ground when they saw this.

Qi Bei looked up to the sky and laughed, and injected his Shenlongjue internal power into the four wolves, completely controlling them.

Qi Bei's first move in Xiling City was perfectly closed.


At night, it was very dark, and the wind and snow were still raging in the northwest, with no sign of stopping.

Huo Lie, Iron Head, and One Eye walked into a bar called Adventure Paradise, shoulder to shoulder.

As soon as he entered it, the warm atmosphere rushed towards his face, and the coldness on his body was also swept away.

Adventure Paradise is divided into upper and lower floors, every seat is full, and many people are standing, and the maids of rabbit people and fox people, who may be pure or charming, shuttle back and forth, serving all kinds of drinks for the guests. Their breasts and buttocks were attacked by salty pig hands from time to time, but they just scolded a few times coquettishly, obviously they were used to such things.

The three of them were all big men, and they exuded a strong evil spirit. Experienced adventurers were extremely sensitive to this kind of atmosphere, and generally would not provoke such a desperado with blood on their hands. Therefore, the three of them squeezed into the big bar smoothly.

What do the three warriors want? A waiter at the bar asked with a friendly smile.

Three dozen rye wines, said One-Eyed.

Soon, three dozen rye wines were placed in front of the three of them.

The wine glass is too small, take the biggest wine glass you have here. One Eye knocked on the bar and said.

The bartender turned around and took out three wine glasses the size of a skull, which immediately attracted the surprised eyes of everyone around.

A dozen rye wines were poured into this glass, just to the top.

The three of them were drinking, and soon began to chatter wildly, most of the things they said were somewhat legendary, so it made the people around them listen with great interest, and made jokes and jokes from time to time, creating a lively atmosphere.

Although drinking from such a big wine glass is good, it's not as good as drinking from a glass with a human head. Huo Lie let out a mouthful of wine, shaking his head.

A human head is a cup? Big man, you are bragging. Someone laughed.

Huo Lie laughed, and said: Boy, you are still too tender. Use a freshly severed human head to dig out the brains, and just pour strong wine in it. At this time, it is still warm, and drink it like this with blood. How cool is that?

As he spoke, he fiercely licked his lips, revealing a reminiscing expression.

The fiery expressions and realistic narration made some people pale at the moment, and the wine in the glass in their hands seemed to have a tinge of blood red.

Did you really drink like this? One-eyed traveled all over the world for many years, and had never heard of such a thing.

He has. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

The three of them looked over, but saw that the one who answered was a young man who looked a bit cold.

It's you. Tietou said in surprise, but this young man was the city guard who was confronting them at the gate of the city at that time. I remembered that Du Shou called him Yi Shiba.

Boy, how do you know? Someone asked.

Because I drank like that too. Yi Shiba responded coldly.

Huo Lie's eyes shrank. Not everyone can drink the head wine glass. In the army, only soldiers who beheaded the enemy's general are eligible to drink the head wine.

Since we are fellow travelers, let's have a drink together. Huo Lie invited.

Yi Shiba did not refuse, and came over to sit with the three of Huo Lie.

At this time, someone suddenly mentioned Qi Bei, the city lord who was about to take over Xiling City, and discussed whether he dared to really take over Xiling City.

One-eyed and Huo Lie looked at each other, and said, You said Qi Bei. Nord, a caravan I was escorting met them on the way. They are almost here, and you are still guessing whether he dares to come.

Really? Then Qi Bei. What does Nord look like, and how many people did he bring? someone asked.

Hehe, Qi Bei's looks are nothing to say. He can definitely fascinate women from eighty to eight years old. There must be at least a thousand of them. One-eyed said.

Hahaha, I saw it too. That kid is really not bad looking. He is surrounded by three pure elf beauties. He is not afraid of being squeezed dry at night. He is really blessed.

At this moment, the bartender seemed to be aroused, and asked, A pure elf? What does it look like?

Beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful! Tie Tou tutted while touching his bald head.

There are still three different professions, an elf warrior, an elf archer, and an elf magician. They are really obedient to Qi Bei. Cyclops continued.

The waiter flashed his eyes and called someone to replace him, and he quietly left the bar and went to a yard behind the bar.

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