The Exorcist

Chapter 8 The God of Gamblers Chapter 39 Mirror Fight

A rooster crows, and the sky finally lights up. Hong Hao looks at the dying Xiaoxia, forms a barrier, and then leaves angrily and happily.

Xiaoxia tried her best to open her swollen eyes, and with the last bit of consciousness, she spit out the contents of her mouth onto her chest. It was a small folded talisman that Bao Datong used to extract poison from a corpse last time. It was made of special paper and cinnabar and could not be burned or soaked. She had just put it in her mouth when she fell. , use the tip of your tongue to push the charm, which is folded into the size of a fingernail, to the side of your mouth without affecting your speech.

She had known that Hong Haohao would definitely tie her up, so she hid this charm in case of emergency. The situation was similar to what she expected. She just didn't expect that Hong Haohao would come up with such a torture method to torture her.

As soon as the sky dawned, the mosquitoes had sucked her blood and left, so the spell fell directly on her skin that was so red and swollen that her original color could not be seen. The authentic Taoist power on the spell instantly melted the invisible force that bound her. rope.

She had a strong idea in her heart that she must find Abai as soon as possible to rescue Ruan Zhan, so although she felt that the world was spinning and she would fall after taking two or three steps, she still tried hard to distinguish the road and got out of the dense forest. , walking towards the mountain road.

After her bad luck, as the sun rose, her good luck also came. As soon as she reached the mountain road, she met the head of Naman Village who was coming down to do some business. Her whole body was swollen and her face was deformed, but the village chief still recognized her at her call and quickly carried her back to the village. According to her intermittent explanations, he also rescued the shop owner and his family of three, otherwise he would have If they stay in the dense forest, they will die sooner or later.

The shop owner and his family had no idea what was going on, so the local witches and witches came to calm the situation, while Xiaoxia woke up after being in a coma for a long time. Looking at her body, the witch doctors in the village had applied herbal medicine all over her body with local methods. They said that if she didn't crawl out by herself in the morning, her life would definitely be in danger. The vicious mountain mosquitoes would not only bite her to death, but also poison her to death. .

Seeing that it was already dusk and the day was wasted, Xiaoxia ignored the numbness and pain caused by the witch medicine on her body and insisted on going to the Octagon Building. She had no choice but to lie to the village chief, saying that it was because she dreamed of Abaya. Jin just came here, but she didn't expect that Gui would be confused halfway and wouldn't let her help this great Ya Jin.

Although Abai Yajin has been dead for many years, he is still loved by the people here. The village chief especially believes in this, so he no longer stops Xiaoxia and just insists on going with her. Xiaoxia had no choice but to think about going down into the well. If Hong Haohao didn't come out on her own, but ordered someone else to untie the rope, she would be trapped in the well. She thought it would be a good choice for the village chief to follow her.

When she slowly crawled down the well, Abai was startled, I was feeling restless last night. It turns out you -

It's okay! Xiaoxia tried to smile, but the muscles on her face were so paralyzed that she couldn't feel anything. She was covered with a layer of black and green ointment. It must have been uglier than crying. It's too early for you to get up at this time. Yes, but I have something urgent to trouble you.

What trouble are you talking about? But what's wrong with you? Abai touched Xiaoxia's face distressedly. Her palm touched it, and Xiaoxia felt better.

Keep your voice down, who knows if the village chief is eavesdropping. Xiaoxia pointed to Inoue, I can't cover up what happened. I can only say that you entrusted me with a dream and asked me to help you, and he believed it.

It doesn't matter, I will enter his dream at night and tell you the lies. Abai said, Let me tell you what happened first.

Xiaoxia told the story in a low voice. When it came to Ruan Zhan's life or death, tears flowed down, diluting the medicine on his face, and he immediately felt burning pain.

Did Hong Haohao bully you like that last night? Abai, a kind and amiable person, couldn't help but get angry when he heard Hong Haohao's methods, and frowned, That's what people in the mountains use to punish those who rebel against the clan. Her method is too much!

Xiaoxia shuddered and didn't want to do it again, but she comforted Abai and said: It's over anyway, am I not dead? Now I want to ask you, can you save Azhan?

She looked at A Bai nervously, fearing that she would say nothing, but A Bai gave an ambiguous reply: I can't answer you now. I have to think about it carefully. Now I want to treat your injury. It can’t completely cure it, but it can relieve your pain.”

It doesn't matter to me, the important thing is to save A Zhan! Xiao Xia was a little anxious, And we have to leave now. Not to mention that A Zhan can't wait long, even Hong Haohao won't let us go. If we don't leave, she Even though she can’t get down this well, she might harass the village to force us to show up. Your magic power is greatly damaged now, and she is extremely ferocious. I’m afraid she’s no match for her, so I can’t harm you too.”

It's getting dark now. If we can't get out of this mountain, we will meet her. Abai frowned and said, You didn't implicate me. This is the fault planted by Anan back then. As his wife, I should be his wife. Bear the consequences.

It's all my fault. It would have been nice if I hadn't gone up the mountain all night last night. I was in a hurry and did something wrong.

Don't be stupid. None of us knew that she was resentful of Anan, let alone that she had been wandering nearby. Fortunately, she didn't see you last time. If you didn't go up the mountain in the middle of the night, she would be in the town this time. If you make a fuss, you will harm more people. This woman is obsessed with it, and only she can protect others from harm. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough magic power now, so I can only protect myself but not help others. Otherwise, even if I am a soul, I will not be able to help others. We cannot allow evil spirits to cause trouble in this mountain forest. Abai said seriously. In Xiaoxia's eyes, it was the first time that she knew that this weak woman also had the courage and determination to defend her hometown and people. There was a little more admiration.

What should I do? I also brought the immortality stone you gave me. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to leave with me during the day, so I wanted you to keep it. Xiaoxia said.

I can't leave today. I can do it myself, but if you are caught by her again, you won't survive. Besides, I have to think carefully about whether I can save A Zhan and how to save him. This stone belongs to me. I never took it to heart when my master passed it on to me. She told me a lot about the uses of this stone. I have almost forgotten it. I want to stay here to stimulate my memories. If I go to a strange place, I will not be able to remember it. . Abai thought for a while and said, We will live in the Octagon Building tonight. I have hidden something in the secret compartment of the building. The terrain is also high. We will think of a way to hold her back overnight, and we will think of a way tomorrow morning.

Xiao Xia thought about it and felt that A Baiyan was reasonable. It is unwise to leave at this time, and if they hide in the well and do not come out, Hong Haohao will go to the village to hurt people. But if they are within Hong Haohao's attack range, and they continue to fail her, Hong Haohao will not be able to attack them. Time is spent hurting others.

So, Xiaoxia asked Abai to attach herself to the immortality stone she carried with her and climbed into the well. She made up a few nonsense words, sent the village chief back, and then moved into the octagonal building with Abai. Seeing A Bai busy arranging something, Xiao Xia felt a little scared. Fortunately, she hid the Immortal Stone well. Fortunately, Hong Haohao did not search her body, otherwise Ruan Zhan's hope of resurrection would have been completely shattered.

As soon as it got dark, there was a commotion outside the Octagon Building, and all kinds of strange noises came and went. In the room, the emergency light that Xiao Xia had given to the village chief was being used as lighting equipment. A Bai looked like an elegant and calm person, not panicking at all, and carefully used his own methods to treat Xiao Xia's injuries. After seeing Xiao Xia wash off the wounds on her body, she After taking the herbal medicine, there was no inch of good skin all over my body, and some places even started to fester, which made me really angry.

With a hiss, a bone of an unknown animal came in through the window. The black air emitted from the bone began to evaporate rapidly, and the bamboo floor turned black as if it had been scorched. Xiaoxia, who was receiving treatment, almost jumped up, but Abai held her down, calmly waved his hand, and muttered a few words, and then he saw the copper basin on the basin stand suddenly jumped up and hit the bone upside down. superior.

The bones seemed unwilling to be trapped, and made a ping-pong-pong-pong-pong sound in the copper basin, as if someone was beating a gong in a hurry. The copper basin also started to tremble, and it was almost lifted several times, until Abai picked up the bed. The bamboo pillow was smashed again, and then it gradually became quiet under the copper basin.

Abai frowned and whispered: I'm really far behind, not even one-tenth of what I was before.

Before Xiao Xia could answer, Hong Haohao's cold snort came from outside the window, It's good to know, this is no longer your world.

This is not your world. At least, I still have Anan with me, and I will not hurt others. Abai said, letting out a sigh of relief, and the treatment of Xiaoxia finally came to an end. Although Xiaoxia will still feel uncomfortable for a while, and it will take some time for the itchy and painful red spots on her body to slowly disappear, but now her whole body is no longer red and swollen, and has returned to its original appearance. It is no longer so deformed that it is unrecognizable.

Anan is dead! Hong Hao shouted sharply: The person you protected killed our man, and you are still protecting her!

He's my man, not ours. Abai corrected him seriously, And he's not dead. He has a soul with me. That's enough. You just want to get a lot of things. You don't understand how this kind of love can make you I'm satisfied.

Abai's answer was a bang, and a window in the octagonal building disappeared. Abai stood up quickly, made a gesture in his hand, and pointed to a tall tree outside the window. The tree immediately leaned towards the window as if bending down, blocking the windowless side with its dense branches and leaves.

Boom! Another window was blown away by the unprovoked strong wind, and a huge face appeared beside the window, it was Hong Haohao. She suddenly transformed into such a big size, her eyes blazing with rage, as if she wanted to swallow up the people in the building.

Abai took a step forward, stood in front of Xiaoxia, opened her arms, and beat the small drum on her waist beautifully like a dance, which she found in the secret compartment of the octagonal building.

The sound of the drum was clearer and more beautiful to Xiaoxia's ears, but judging from Hong Haohao's face, she didn't enjoy it that much. She tried to break through the window several times, but was knocked back several times by the sound of drums. After a stalemate for a long time, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and retreated for the second time.

A Bai's figure flashed, and Xiao Xia hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but the support was empty, and then she realized that A Bai was just a soul and could not be touched.

I'm here to help you, what do you want me to do? she asked urgently.

My witchcraft is no longer good, but if you can trust me, give me all the spells. Abai's face was pale, and it was obvious that it was very difficult for her to fight off Hong Haohao.

What are you talking about? Why don't I trust you? Xiao Xia scolded, placing all the charms on the window sill in front of A Bai, and at the same time took off the bone chain from around his neck.

A Bailing had an idea and Fu'er said a few words to Xiaoxia. Before Xiaoxia could object, the third window began to shake again. This time it was so powerful that it felt like the whole building was shaking slightly.

You want to act, but you still do it scene by scene. There is no reward for wasting things. Xiaoxia yelled angrily.


The third window opened, but Abai had already arrived at the window earlier. The moment the window opened, he reached out and used the charm Xiaoxia gave her. She is the wife of Sima Nan, and Sima Nan is a master of Taoism, so although she has never learned it, she has heard of this forbidden method of the Five Elements. At this moment, using her witchcraft to cast this authentic Taoist method is like The appearance was decent, forcing a gust of black wind to retreat step by step without being swept into the room.

From Xiaoxia's point of view, she felt that when Abai used these spells, she was not only much more beautiful in posture, but also more powerful. The water spell was elegant, the wood spell was light, the earth spell was steady, and the metal spell was sonorous. Even the fire spells were powerful. The talismans also fell to the ground one after another. From a distance, they looked like sparks planted all over the ground.

Bao Datong's blood spell is good, and A Bai's witchcraft is good, so although Hong Haohao's ability is stronger than A Bai's, he has been unable to attack. The more she couldn't get in, the more anxious she became. The evil wind was blowing around the entire octagonal building. Broken branches, broken leaves, and lumps of sand and earth were rolling around, making the bamboo building crackle, making Xiaoxia feel like she was on a cliff, teetering on the edge of collapse.

No, I can't hold on any longer. We are ready to implement our plan. Abai's voice suddenly entered Xiaoxia's heart.

Xiaoxia didn't say anything, and got under the bed in a very shameless manner. As soon as she lay down, the only door was suddenly pushed open, and a pair of women's feet stepped in, and then a pair of feet wearing embroidered shoes greeted her. Go up.

Xiaoxia couldn't see above. She only saw two pairs of feet that didn't touch the ground going back and forth on the floor. Tables, chairs and benches hit the ground one after another. In less than a few minutes, all the movement and the two pairs of feet disappeared together. Inside the building There was dead silence.

Xiaoxia quickly crawled out from under the bed and saw that everything in the room was destroyed. Only the table was still intact. There were emergency lights and an ancient bronze mirror on the table. However, the mirror was pitch black at this time and could not reflect any light. out.

Following Abai's instructions just now, she quickly walked to the mirror, used Bao Datong's strange talisman to touch the mirror surface, and immediately found that the black air coiled on the mirror surface had dissipated, and there were two little people fighting with each other in the mirror. It is Abai and Hong who are doing well.

The two seemed to be fighting, but Hong Haohao was attacking, while Abai kept dodging, and was obviously at a disadvantage. Xiaoxia was so anxious that she quickly moved the emergency light and took a closer look. She saw that the two of them were going back and forth faster and faster, and gradually they became two shadows, and they could no longer distinguish each other.

Abai, be careful! Xiaoxia yelled regardless of whether she could hear him or not.

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