The Exorcist

Part Two Bloody Mary Chapter Eleven Thousands of miles away...

Another week passed, and there was still no news about Tao Xiaochun. It was obvious that there was more danger than good, but the question was how she was killed.

Tao Xiaochun didn't know how to avoid the Bloody Mary, something unexpected must have happened. They had planned to model her course of action at school, but it turned out that the range of possibilities was too large to be a good idea.

Although everyone in the school is very careful, no major incidents have happened so far, but the danger that may appear at any time is like an indissoluble cloud, hanging over the fragile hearts. Who knows where and when? The best way to get rid of it completely!

But how?

As time dragged on, Xiao Xia began to think wildly. She thought that perhaps a Chinese mage like Ruan Zhan might not be suitable for exorcising western demons, so she contacted Wanli in Italy on the Internet and asked him to inquire about the situation of Bloody Mary. See if you can invite a bishop or something to show international humanitarianism, or ask whether garlic or silver daggers work.

You can drop by the Vatican, isn't that a religious resort? Xiao Xia suggested. In fact, she doesn't know anything about Western religions, and she heard it from hearsay, but if there is a 1% possibility, you have to do your best, right?

Wanli agreed to her.

He respects any religious belief, even if he doesn't believe it, but at least he can help investigate the opinions of Western religious figures, and it is best to get some holy objects, hoping to help Xiaoxia.

It just so happens that the uncle of one of my Italian friends is a priest. He told her, You are lucky. When you want to eat ice, God will send you hailstones. There is that guy Ruan Zhan to help you, and there is someone like me outside. Make a lot of friends and collect information, if you don't become the devil's killer, you will be sorry for yourself.

I hope it's not enough to be overcome by the devil.

Your director is ruthless enough to ask you to handle this kind of case again.

Wan Li's reply flickered on the computer screen, but Xiao Xia could only smile wryly. What can she do, it seems that there is a hand of fate that always connects her with such events. Who made me capable! She typed her anxiety and helplessness to far away Italy through the keyboard, The director even reminded me that this is just a consultation. If you enter the legal process, don't forget to charge two lawyers' fees .a consultation, a lawsuit.

Sure enough, people are treacherous, horses are slippery, and rabbits are hard to handle when they are old. By the way, how are you getting along with Ruan Zhan?

It's okay. But even though I try not to be noticed, there are still a large number of women who want to kill me with their eyes every day. In fact, I reminded them that Ruan Zhan only owed me a debt, and I only lived with him. I have no special relationship with him.

Who will believe you when you say that, it will only make people more suspicious, how can Ah Zhan's calm and unhurried virtue seem to be in debt.

I'm telling the truth! What happened to Li Jingming last time, I saved his life. So he owes me.

Miss, you're reasonable! Wan Li on the other side of the computer couldn't help but laugh, Ah Zhan was in danger to help you, shouldn't you help? This will save his life!

He's a man, he's crazy to reason with women, and the fact is that if I hadn't given him the Bloodwood Sword, he would have confessed at the bottom of the river. As a lawyer, it's natural to look for evidence in your favor and use it desperately. Besides, I didn't force him this time. Although Xiao Xia said this to Wan Li, she felt a little guilty because she finally decided to accept Ruan Zhan's help in order to drive away the evil spirit.

This makes you very conflicted?

I said you know me best in the world.

Wanli didn't reply for a long time. Just when Xiaoxia thought there was a problem with the network, another line of words appeared on the screen: Actually, I really hope you can force Ah Zhan.

What do you mean? Xiao Xia wondered, Is it better to say bad things to make me happy?

Don't you think so? Ah Zhan seems to be living in a cage he has designated, and I want you to pull him out.

This time it was Xiao Xia's turn to be speechless for a long time. That's right, Ruan Zhan's living conditions are problematic. If Wan Li doesn't say it, she will think he is just weird, and now she also thinks that it is not just his ability that the man sealed himself. But what made him gentle yet tough, kind yet indifferent?

Did something happen before? she asked.

I think it has something to do with his parentage. I told you he was adopted at the age of five, and no one knew about that, not even how he was sent to our town, why he was born with That ability is also a mystery. And his father was a Taoist priest who was forced to return to the secular world. According to my parents, although he never told people fortune-telling or housekeeping, many people believed that he had some knowledge. *When , because our town was the residence of many rich people before liberation, so there were a lot of people who were tortured. Every day, some people committed suicide due to unbearable abuse, let alone died. It is said that at night, people were particularly embarrassed, walking on the street Every night, his back gets chills. But every midnight, his father would come back drunk from somewhere, walking around the long street in our town from one side to the other. The strange thing is that as long as he When the sound of kicking shoes passes, you will feel much safer, and the crying children who wake up in the middle of the night can also sleep soundly. Therefore, the old people in our town say that his father keeps the party safe.

What happened to his father?

His old man was already very old when he adopted Ah Zhan, so he passed away when he was in high school, but I heard from relatives in his hometown that his death was a bit strange, and it was like a mystery. Judging from these things, Ah Zhan's life experience and growth The environment is very different from others, even unique. Of course, his personality is more difficult to understand. Even if I have been friends for many years, I don’t know his little-known side. What everyone sees on the surface is his disguise. But I can be sure that he particularly dislikes his ability, it can be said to be extremely repulsive or evasive.

You mean that I am born to be useful, and what God gives must have a reason for existence. You think he should make good use of it, or at least not deny himself?

From a psychological point of view, being recognized and affirmed by others and yourself is a psychological need.

But I think he faced this matter very calmly. What are you worried about?

That's just the surface. He actually hates everything about him and treats everything indifferently. This has been the case since he was a child, which is why he sealed himself. I think his ability is amazing, but he has only used it twice since he was a child. Strictly speaking, it was two and a half times. The other half was intended to be used but failed to save people, so he hated it even more. And hating is a very, very unhealthy emotion, and it is the root of his unhappiness.”

You're talking about him as—what's your terminology—antisocial personality disorder. But don't you know the dangers of involving him in these psychic events?

Of course I know, I have faced him twice, but the redemption is painful.

Do you really think it's necessary to break his peace? Although this peace is a fake, your attitude is not like a psychiatrist. Xiao Xia was surprised, she never knew Wan Li's affection for Ruan Zhan was so deep.

I'm looking at it from a best friend's point of view. I know it's like meddling, but I'm trying to give him a hand.

You think I can help you do that?

Let's put it this way, since I was a child, I have never seen him be so helpless to anyone.

Sounds like sarcasm to me.

Praise in disguise. Tell me first, what would you do if you had his ability?

If I had half of his ability, I would be sorry for myself if I didn't become a Midnight Woman, a Speed ​​Girl, etc. I would always be immersed in my own world like him.

That's why I said you have always been a chivalrous person. Wan Li praised Xiao Xia, but she accepted everything.

Yes, so I promise to help you. Of course, I will try my best to make him less risky. Don't worry.

What are you going to do?

According to what you said, persecute him! Haven't you heard a famous saying-character determines destiny. His personality is too passive. Although he looks gentle and amiable, he is indifferent and ruthless inside. He has no sense of social justice. He has no sense of social justice. Indifferent, you have to force him to let him exert his energy. Although I have known him for a short time, he is also incomprehensible to me when he is hot and cold, but I found a big characteristic of him-Ruan Zhan is like a sponge As long as you squeeze the water in it, there will always be some water in it.”

Wan Li on the other end of the computer almost laughed out loud when he saw this.

But I have a condition, Xiao Xia asked, I want you to tell me about him, at least one thing.

Isn't it past nine o'clock with you? Do you dare to listen in the office alone at this late hour? I can tell a story about our childhood. It's not so scary, but it's still a bit chilly.

It's okay, there are security guards in the building. Xiao Xia tried to be brave, but still made a large cup of hot tea and put it on the table to prevent shaking.

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