The Exorcist

Part 2 Bloody Mary Chapter 20 I finally found it...

The wind was so strange that Xiao Xia hid behind Ruan Zhan.

What are you doing, at least let me know, so I can be mentally prepared.

They haven't gone far, I'll bring them back.


I can only try. Ruan Zhan looked at the cracked banner, it didn't get bigger, which proved that his ability was not enough. If he hadn't sealed his ability when he was very young, but had been cultivating all the time, his ability at this time should make the banner one foot wide and three feet long, and he can capture the ghost no matter where it is, unlike It must be done now before they are far away, but even so, he is not sure. He couldn't even fully grasp the Bloodwood Sword, and it was too reluctant to use the Fragmented Sword.

Arrested for what?

It's the path you chose to resolve resentment.

That is to say—negotiation?

That's right. It's here. Ruan Zhan took a few steps forward and opened the curtains that were suddenly still. Xiao Xia followed closely, and immediately saw a group of black shadows struggling in the invisible cage in mid-air.

Just one? she asked nervously.

You forgot that my RPG level is not high. Ruan Zhan laughed at himself.

Don't joke around at this time!

Okay, let's negotiate. Ruan Zhan resumed his indifferent and proud attitude when he was hunting ghosts, and he was completely different from his usual appearance. He looked up into the sky, Stop scaring people, or it won't do you any good.

It's her! The female ghost pointed to Xiao Xia who was poking her head behind Ruan Zhan, It's her enemy who wants to save me, don't blame me!

That--I think I need to explain. Because Ruan Zhan is here, Xiao Xia is not very afraid, Tao Xiaochun's despicable behavior has caused you a lot of misery, of course the crime is heinous. But she is dead and has been punished. We are not To help her is just to find a way to find her body—”

No! Hei Ying interrupted Xiao Xia, I want her body to be gone, and her soul will be so trapped that she will never be reborn!

The ferocious appearance of the female ghost made Xiao Xia flinch, but her lawyer nature still made her continue to argue.

But her body will be discovered sooner or later. You know that Bloody Mary can't leave the school, so she doesn't have the ability to hide Tao Xiaochun so secretly. It's only a matter of time before the body is discovered. As for her trapped soul, I think——it should be brought back to accept the punishment. I don't know about your world, but I think there must be rules 'over there', and it may be more fair. Don't you want to personally accuse her of crimes and let her receive a fair trial?

Ruan Zhan frowned. Such a statement is not convincing enough in France, how can it resolve resentment!

As he expected, the female ghost didn't pay any attention to Xiao Xia's long-winded speech. She was floating in mid-air like a trapped beast, as if stuck in a swamp, unable to get out or get in. There was no way out, no escape, and she could only utter gloomy and vicious curses. .

In a trance, Xiao Xia looked at its rolling eyes, and suddenly remembered that Qian Li was the only one whose eyes hadn't been gouged out, and felt deep pity for the despair under its resentment.

Are you Qian Li? She asked, Don't be like this, okay? What do you think Liu Tie would think if he saw you like this? He once told me that you are the kindest, cutest, and gentlest woman in the world. child.

Well, that's a good point! Ruan Zhan secretly praised.

What good will it do you? Seeing the female ghost suddenly quiet down, Xiao Xia continued, I know you have been wronged, you hate, and you are not reconciled. If I had the same experience, I might be more intolerable than you. , but your life is irretrievable, no matter how much you fight, you can’t do it all over again, why don’t you let go of your resentment and reincarnate happily? Maybe if you vote fast, ten or twenty years later, you will meet again in the prime of life Liu Tie, I will renew your love. Even if you are unlucky and have no chance, you will have a new life, you will meet many other people, and you may find the greatest happiness in the world. But what about you, stay here and do this most unnecessary and useless act of revenge, immersed in resentment, miserable and lonely, what can you get? Lost soul or constant pain? If you insist on not Forgive, refuse to forgive, and commit other murders without leaving even a little kindness and compassion. Maybe you will have the most unfortunate experience in the next life. Do you hope so? Do your parents, relatives and friends hope so? Liu Tie will Do you hope so? You think you are taking revenge on Tao Xiaochun, but in fact you are taking revenge on yourself and denying your chance to start again. She did such a heinous thing to you, but you use this kind of consequences to punish yourself, you are clearly Let yourself never see the light of day and never be reborn!

The female ghost still didn't move, it could be seen that she was struggling in her heart, and Ruan Zhan was about to applaud.

There are gods above your head, I believe you have heard this sentence. Ruan Zhan strikes while the iron is hot, There is a law of nature in this world, don't be too busy, wait slowly. Maybe humans can't understand, but you know it, no What would get away with death.

Yes, yes, maybe Tao Xiaochun will become a pig in the next life, and you can eat its meat. Isn't that a very comfortable and satisfying method?

Afterlife? the female ghost asked sullenly, staring at the two people in the room suspiciously.

Xiao Xia endured the numbness of her scalp and nodded violently, but for some reason, the quiet female ghost suddenly became violent again. It began to hit the invisible restraint with all its might, and Xiao Xia was so frightened by its ferocious appearance that it took a big step back and bumped into Ruan Zhan's chest, feeling his strong heartbeat before he felt relieved.

Finally, a gust of whirlwind blew by, and the female ghost suddenly disappeared.

What -- what's going on here? Seeing that the outcome of the negotiation was not guaranteed, Xiao Xia was extremely annoyed, What did I say to offend it, or should I not mention pigs, is she a pig or a dog? I didn't mean it!

It's okay. Ruan Zhan patted her on the shoulder, walked over to close the window, and drew the curtains. It's my lack of ability, so I can only trap it for a while.

Then what does it mean, has the resentment disappeared?

It's not that easy, let's see and talk. At least she talked about it, and he could see that the female ghost was hesitating, and the soaring resentment had weakened.

What do you mean?


You said--that no one would get away with death. What did that mean?

It means—death is just the beginning.

Death is just the beginning? ! These were the coldest words Xiao Xia had ever heard.

At noon the next day, they came to the school as agreed, and Liu Tie had already been waiting by the flower bed at the entrance. Seeing the nervousness on Liu Tie's face, Xiao Xia teased: You didn't play well today, you have to be kind to give treasures to the beautiful sister you have a crush on, you have to be a bit courteous, you look like you are on the battlefield, you should have a smile.

Liu Tie forced a smile.

It's no wonder that he thought it was a bit of fun when he planned Tao Xiaochun's words last time, but later he began to suspect that there was something inside this matter. Although he still didn't quite understand it today, the boss was very serious when he told him about it, so he had a hunch There will be big things, big bad things.

Don't embarrass him, let's go. Ruan Zhan said.

He felt that someone was staring at them and looked around. Except for the students in twos and threes, there was nothing suspicious. Could it be that he felt wrong? But he is not in the mood to think about it now, because when he followed Liu Tie to the old garage in the remotest part of the campus, he immediately felt that this place was unusual.

Yin, death, and evil interweave a cold atmosphere, covering this small abandoned garage, making the midday sun shining on it cold, without any warmth.

With a creaking sound, the heavy door was pulled open with difficulty, and a damp musty smell rushed towards the face, as if this was a cave that no one had visited for many years. people.

Xiao Xia walked in rashly, Ruan Zhan pulled her behind and went in first.

In the garage, as Liu Tie said, there were two small old trucks parked neatly side by side in the corner, and only the one in front could be seen clearly at a glance. The body was covered with thick dust. moved. Near the garage door was a really cool motorcycle, still smelling of gasoline and paint, with a little gift box on the ground beside it.

At this time, the direct sunlight happened to shine on the pair of bright rearview mirrors of the motorcycle, emitting a dazzling light, which made the three people who had just entered the dim area unable to see clearly for a while. When they bypassed the reflection of the sun, they saw an open space about ten meters long between the motorcycle and the truck. There was a shocking dark purple mark stretching across the open space, dragging ferociously from the motorcycle to the truck intermittently. At the same place, crawling and tempting like an evil snake, it turned a strange corner at the rear of the first car and disappeared.

What is this? Liu Tie pointed to the imprint and asked, It wasn't there when I came last time!

His voice echoed in the empty space, conveying a message of panic and uneasiness, making Xiao Xia flinch and grab Ruan Zhan's sleeve.

Ruan Zhan didn't answer, he knew what the imprint meant, and he also understood that Bloody Mary was deliberately summoning it—it was blood, the blood of a person who betrayed the contract.

Xiao Xia, you go out first. He looked at the turn of the blood, almost sure that the result was here, and he didn't want to scare her.

Xiao Xia shook her head.

Be good, or I won't help you in the future, I will do what I say.

Xiao Xia hesitated for a while, but finally dared not challenge Ruan Zhan's determination, and obediently went outside the garage.

Ruan Zhan walked slowly towards the second car hidden behind the first car, and saw that the bloodstains stopped abruptly here. The body of the second car was also covered with thick dust, and a beautiful handprint was abruptly printed on the dust, and the finger was pointing at the door in a menacing manner, and a round area in the center of the window glass had been wiped clean in advance.

He twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, with a faint sneer on his face, he didn't care that it was pretending to scare people, he followed the instructions without hesitation to look into the car, and as expected, he saw a large canvas covering a human figure on the back seat s things.

And as he opened the car door, the corpse suddenly turned over and sat up, the eyeholes without eyeballs stared straight at the visitor, and the mouth that had rotted so badly that there were no lips was cracked strangely, like a malicious smile!

The maggots were busy crawling around, and the strong stench of corpses came over us!

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