Breathtaking operation.

Everyone in front of the TV opened their mouths and looked at the silver thug in surprise.

Even those who worked overtime put down their work and watched the live broadcast in amazement.

Another drift, and eight ten-meter-long blue flames burst out.

According to calculation.

If the air density, car shape and other factors remain unchanged, if the car really wants to take off on the road, it must reach a speed of 900 yards per hour.

The Silver Thug itself had reached a speed of seven hundred miles an hour.

Now that the nitrogen speed-up power is fully turned on, the speed has skyrocketed to over 900.

At such extreme speeds, it is entirely possible to achieve a mid-air hovering turn around a curve.

Coupled with the fact that he can use inertia to maintain balance, it is not difficult for Li Ang to negotiate corners while hanging in the air.

The difficult thing is how to get the car back onto the road safely after cornering without being thrown off.

This is a great test of skill.

Even Li Ang had to hold his breath and control the vehicle carefully.

I was afraid that if I let out my breath, the car would lose control and rush out of the mountain road.

It's now!

Li Ang's eyes lit up, he controlled the steering wheel, and the car's teleportation arc changed.

We finally made it back to the mountain trail successfully!

"Phew~" Li Ang breathed out, his palms covered with sweat.

No matter how skilled he was, it was still thrilling to go through such a curve, so he had to be careful.

If he made any mistakes, he would fly out, and the car would be destroyed and people would be killed.

Finally, he passed smoothly.

The audience in front of the TV was also sweating for him. As long as there was a slight mistake, the vehicle would fly out, but if it fell, it would be worse than death. Uncomfortable!

"This technology is enough!"

"Awesome, you can drive through this"

"If you don't agree with the wall, just obey him!"

"Next is the double-ring winding mountain highway!"

People who are familiar with the mountain road are already faintly excited.

In the past, drivers were cautious on this kind of curve.

They used the experience of their predecessors to negotiate the curve.

Because the technology and vehicle performance are different, some people passed successfully and some failed.

But like Li Ang He was the first one to make such a violent turn!

There was a two-story winding road behind him

, and then he changed directions and the last difficult level appeared.

And the performance of a sports car.

Of course, the double-circuit mountain road is also very dangerous, and the road is as small as the previous one.

This means that Li Ang has to stay in the air for two consecutive laps. Is this possible?.

At the same time, he was also excited. What if he succeeded?

This is already the highest rating tonight!

No one changed the channel!

They were all looking forward to his performance. Performance!

Tracy was excited.

Their TV station's ratings had been declining year after year, and there were rumors that it would be closed down tonight. Now that Li Ang appeared, Tracy seemed to be worried.

She saw hope!

Maybe this man can save the TV station!

Tracy secretly decided to interview him after he stopped the car!

It depends on Li Ang!

The roar of the engine brought her back to reality.

For a moment, Li Ang was about to climb the double-ring mountain trail!

He was speeding up in preparation for climbing!

"this speed……"Tracy was stunned, opening her mouth and unable to speak.

It's so fast!

It was like a movie was played at double speed, and the Silver Thug was racing at an incredible speed.

One wheel is close to the edge and will fall off if you are not careful.

In this case, Li Ang is the only one who has the courage to speed up! rush!!

Li Ang's eyes lit up and his blood boiled.

The pores all over the body feel relaxed and the pressure is just right, reaching the most comfortable state.


There's a curve right in front of you!

Li Ang pressed the electronic handbrake button on the steering wheel.

Turn the steering wheel slightly and start drifting again!

At the same time, eight blue flames were sprayed out from the tail as always.

Extremely arrogant!

It seems like he is mocking the riders all over the world!

He is number one in the world!

People watching the live broadcast were excited!

Cheer and shout for him!

The wheels are still in the air, once again conquering the audience with technology!

He literally drifted up the mountain road with half a car!


The audience's hearts are filled with the word"Fatigue" in capital letters.

I admired him so much.

This is a slap in the face to the entire racing world, causing many drivers who claim to be the best in the world to show their shame.

The ratings are 7%!

It’s so exciting!!

More and more people are conquered by Li Ang's driving skills. so cool!

The two circles of mountain road are neither long nor short.

Under Li Ang's subtle control, it turned around in less than a minute.

There are two deep scratches on the dirt road on the mountain road.

Shocking and exciting.

Maybe these two wheels will become myths and legends in the future.

Become a place of pilgrimage for racers!

As long as he succeeds today, these may become a reality.

Li Ang successfully climbed to the top of the mountain.

This is the highest peak of the hillside.

There is only one road ahead.

And it’s still broken!

It's more than ten meters long, can you rush through it?

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