Regarding Li Ang's request, fortunately the system is humane enough and gives him two options.

"1. Paid inheritance. Spend 200 million to inherit a new car without loss. It is 100% matched and does not need to be repurchased."

"2. Recycling at a discount, but since it is a gift and reward from the system, the host did not spend a penny, so no money will be given."

One is to spend 200 million to inherit, and the performance is the same.

The other is not to give you a penny, and all the things are confiscated.

When you want to buy it again in the future, of course the price will be more than 200 million.

As long as you are not a fool, you can choose which one Clear

"It seems that buying a car is not an option."Leon curled his lips.

He was still thinking about buying a car, keeping the Silver Thug, and giving it to Letty.

Now, the price of Diomas is only 700 million. How can he have 200 million to inherit the upgraded accessories? He can only Trade a silver mobster for a Diomas, leaving just 200 million to inherit accessories.

Even so, he still has a net worth of 40 million.

"I trade Silver Thug for Diomas"

"Ding dong, the system reminds you that the engine of the original Diomas is mid-range and uses plasma power. The top-range MG stone engine needs to be upgraded at an additional cost."

"Weapons such as super-powerful gravity waves also require paid upgrades"

"sure?"The system emphasized again.

MG stone is mysterious and has huge energy. It is one of the most powerful energy sources.

Because of its scarcity, the system charges for upgrades.

Fortunately, plasma power itself is not bad, it is faster than nuclear energy and is very light. , simpler and safer.

Because lighter weight means faster speed and stronger performance,

Li Ang can completely accept it.

"How much does it cost to upgrade gravity waves?"

"The regular version is 50 million, the enhanced version is 100 million, and the supreme version is 300 million."

The strength is naturally more powerful than the other.

The normal version can interfere with a car, and the enhanced version can crush vehicles and pull off airplanes. The extreme version can collapse bridges and high-speed rails, it is so ferocious. You can buy a new car at this price.

The power It would be strange if it is not fierce!

"Upgrade later. Give me Diomas first and carry over the important accessories."

"Received, money is being deducted from the account……"

There was a ding, and 700 million was instantly gone from the account.

700 million has not yet warmed up, and returned to the system.

Fortunately, he was left with 40 million, which made him a small rich man.

Within a few minutes, the system will prompt that the upgrade is complete.

"The new car has arrived at the garage, please go and check it out."

Li Ang was not even in the mood to brush his teeth, so he got up and rushed to the garage.

Opening the garage door with the key, a brand new vehicle appeared inside.

The system has adjusted the appearance of Diomas.

The vehicle is all black, and the doors are made of bat Xia Chariot has a unique open style.

When the door is closed, there is no trace of the door.

It breaks the tradition and is very cool.

The windshield also turns red. A pair of devilish eyes, full of murderous intent and threats.

Anyone who encounters him will be under great psychological pressure!

"handsome!!"Li Ang was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the system actually moved out the four-wheel drive brother's car.

It's even more handsome than the car in the original anime! It

's a bit bigger than the Silver Thug in size.

Compared with it, Medusa is just a Petite girl.

This is a car driven by men!

Li Ang is very satisfied with the performance of Diomas.

"How does this car run?"

"Diomas uses plasma power, which has more track advantages than nuclear power"

"The maximum speed is 900 kilometers per hour, the torque is 20,000, and the battery life is permanent."

A simple number, but it makes people ecstatic.

Like nuclear power, plasma power also has a permanent endurance. It is also more stable and safer than nuclear power.

Not to mention the speed, 900 kilometers is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

Wait until the other party wants to When developing a sports car with a speed of 700 kilometers per hour, Li Ang had already reached 900. Maybe when he developed the plan for a sports car with a speed of 900 kilometers per hour, Li Ang was destined to become a person who despaired of scientists.

"Let’s see how you respond?"Li Ang's lips curled up with a touch of pride.

Only by constantly setting new records can opponents feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Perhaps Dominic and O'Neill are studying tactics to deal with him at this time.

All of this is based on the imaginary enemy of the Silver Thug.

Who knows? He changed another car?

It became Diomas, a magical car that did not exist in reality. When they were confident enough to find Li Ang to race again, they found out that he had changed a car.

He felt confused.

Thinking of their surprised looks, Li Ang couldn't help but laugh.

After closing the garage door, Li Ang started to wash up and prepare dinner. It was not surprising that he stayed up until the afternoon.

Salads, steaks, and pasta were all eaten on the table, and the TV was turned on to watch the news and programs.

"Last night, the West Coast car god was officially born……"

Li Ang's popularity has not diminished, but has become more and more popular.

News coverage still promotes his games.

Strange, why no one called me?

Li Ang wondered, if he became famous, a large number of reporters would call him.

He picked up his phone and found that it was out of battery.

While waiting to be charged and turned on, the phone instantly receives thousands of text messages.

Almost bursting the card.

Li Ang was stunned.

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