Li Ang's machine gun firepower is comparable to that of a helicopter.

The tree was hit, cut off directly in the middle, and fell down with a creak.

The street light pole was hit, the first shot penetrated, and the second shot was directly interrupted.

As fierce as a horse.

Let alone scolding them, they didn’t even dare to show their heads.

"Damn it, where did he get the machine gun? ?"The nigger cursed in a low voice.

Who would have thought that such a shabby maintenance workshop would have weapons with such powerful firepower.

This kind of heavy firepower mounted on a helicopter would actually be equipped in an auto repair shop.

Once again, Li Ang The nigger was caught off guard.

This machine gun was not an ordinary thing, but Li Ang had just spent 10 million to buy it from the system. Its biggest feature was its powerful power, unlimited bullets, no need to cool down, and a fast rate of fire as long as the enemy did not die. Just, he can keep playing. What

's even more awesome is that it can be installed on vehicles purchased through the system.

It will be automatically installed after being placed in it. Use.

After installation, enter the location and car���The rear of the car is fine.

Whatever his mood.

It would be a waste of time to shoot after seeing those people hiding behind a hard solid body.

He immediately opened fire as cover and said to the system:"Is there a pistol with unlimited bullets?"

"Yes, five million yuan, unlimited bullets, no recoil, lossless silencer, and auxiliary aiming."

The system listed a lot of features in one breath.

It almost made up for all the shortcomings of the pistol.

Five million for one, it's worth it!

Now Li Ang still has 31 million, five million is affordable


"OK, it's actually being shipped.……"

Then, a silver pistol appeared at Li Ang's feet.

Made of new metal, the surface is polished smooth and beautiful.

Like a mirror, it reflects the surrounding scenery.


Li Ang grabbed the pistol, held the machine gun in the other hand, and walked down to the first floor.

"Turn on the machine gun interface."This is what he said to Diomas.

A crack was opened in front of the car, signaling Leon to put the machine gun inside.

He quickly came to the front of the car and put the machine gun down.

Bang bang bang... the enemy's gunfire rang out again. When the guys outside the door saw that the firepower was gone, they started to fight back with their guns. Fortunately


Li Ang turned sideways and hid behind the car calmly.

I'm not afraid of bullets of this level.

No matter how hard the opponent fires, they can't penetrate the sports car's defense.

It's too weak! It's impossible for the opponent to stop firing and change the magazine after more than a minute.

The situation inside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Ang pulled out his pistol and rushed out, quickly reaching the location of the first person.

The guy just took out the magazine and was shot to death by Li Ang before he could change it.

The person next to him was shocked and wanted to hit him with the butt of his gun.

The gun was broken by the kick, and he fell to the ground with a scream, a mouthful of blood spurting out, and his chest collapsed and died.

Li Ang quickly advanced, found the third person's position, and fired wildly.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth people fell under his gunshots, and the luckiest ones were.

He loaded the bullet and just raised the gun.

He was about to pull the trigger, but he was still beaten to death by Li Ang.

The whole process took less than a minute, and the speed was terrifying!.

Even if he is a cyborg and has been transformed by Aideen, he still thinks that he can't run as fast as a car.

Are Asians so powerful now? Trembling.

Full of fear for Li Ang.

"come out!"Li Ang raised his gun and pointed it at the nigger's car.

He knew that the nigger was hiding here, but it was not easy to kill him.

The bullet was not fast enough and might be dodged.

This guy is equipped with an auxiliary dodge system.

The moment the bullet comes out, the system inside will calculate the trajectory of the bullet, so the bullet will not necessarily hurt him.

, there was also unwillingness and struggle.

Suddenly, his eyes were sharp and he threw out the gun in his right hand.

Taking advantage of this gap, the nigger jumped over the car with a quick and fierce kick.

Li Ang fired, hitting the nigger right in the heart.

The powerful force of the bullet drove him back.

It was even more powerful than ordinary bullets.

The power of this bullet was probably twice as strong!

"The movement is too slow."Li Ang laughed.

His reaction nerve reached 300, and he had already seen through everything in advance.

The nigger has computer assistance, and Li Ang purely relies on his own attributes.

After comparing the reactions of the two, it is obvious that Li Ang is superior.

"It seems that your technology is not good enough."Li Ang sneered.

He dared to treat him as an ordinary auto mechanic. It would be a pity for such a blind person to die.

"goodbye."Li Ang didn't talk nonsense and pulled the trigger decisively.


(Tomorrow, 4,500 kilometers of racing~~ Is the old driver sitting tight?)

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