38 cups of green tea

Tong Xuelu returned home and found that the atmosphere was a little different from usual.

Tong Jiaxin sat facing the wall with his arms folded, as if he was angry with someone. Tong Jiaming sat in front of him, and his face was not very good-looking.

Tong Mianmian's big eyes were watery. Usually when she came back, she would see her eyes curved into crescents, but now she was full of worry.

She looked at the second brother, then turned to look at the third brother, her big eyes flickering: Second brother, third brother, don't quarrel, I will give you sweets.

She stuffed the toffee in her hands into the hands of her two elder brothers, but Tong Jiaxin, who was usually gluttonous, didn't take it this time.

Tong Jiaming touched her head and comforted her softly: Brother didn't quarrel, you can eat the candy yourself.

Yes, you guys had a fight!

Tong Mianmian stubbornly wanted to put the candy into their hands. In her little heart, as long as she ate her candy, her brothers would be happy, and then there would be no more quarrels.

What happened?

Tong Xuelu took down the army satchel and put it on the table and asked.

Tong Mianmian was the first to run over kicking her short legs: Sister, the second brother and the third brother had a quarrel, and the third brother hurt his head.

Tong Xuelu picked her up and walked towards Tong Jiaxin: Why did you hurt your head? Did you hit it yourself, or did something happen?

Tong Jiaxin, who had been facing the wall silently, suddenly turned around, staring at her with red eyes: Don't worry about it!

Tong Mianmian was taken aback, her lips were flattened, and she said in a crying voice: Third brother, you are bad, you can't talk to your sister like that!

Tong Jiaxin bulged his eyes and shouted: She is your sister, not my sister, who wants her to meddle in her own business!

After finishing speaking, he turned and ran out of the living room, and then there was a heavy closing sound from the other side of the room.

After Tong Jiaxin left, the living room was quiet for a few seconds.

Tong Jiaming and Tong Mianmian looked at Tong Xuelu with four eyes at the same time, with worry and caution in their eyes.

My sister is sorry, my third brother is bad, my sister is not angry.

Xiaotuanzi is a small person, but he knows that his sister has been wronged.

At the same time, she was faintly worried that her sister would scold the third brother. She didn't want her sister to quarrel with the third brother, so she apologized for the third brother.

Tong Jiaming pursed his lips, and said dryly: Jiaxin doesn't know what's wrong.

If it were the Tong Xuelu from before, she would have lost her face a long time ago.

Since you think I'm meddling in other people's business, that's fine, I don't bother to care about your life.

But having experienced so many things in her previous life, the first thing she learned was to be calm when encountering problems.

Tong Jiaxin is a brat, but he has a sense of proportion.

When she returned to Tong's house on the first day, the two brothers had objections to her in their hearts, but in that case, Tong Jiaxin didn't make her look bad in person.

Although up to now, he still doesn't want to call her sister, but he usually does what she says and arranges.

Therefore, his sudden behavior today should be due to something happened to him, and it is most likely related to her.

When Tong Jiaxin turned around just now, she also saw the wound on his forehead. There was no bleeding, but a large bruise.

Could it be that he was bullied at school?

Thinking of this, Tong Xuelu frowned.

School violence exists no matter what era it is in, and it doesn't mean it won't happen just because the people of this age are simple.

On the contrary, the more simple people are, the more terrifying they are when they bully others.

Tong Xuelu saw Tong Mianmian's small mouth was flattened, looking like she was about to cry, so she comforted her first: Sister is not angry, sister is thinking about something, have you eaten yet?

Xiaotuanzi ordered his head melon, and said in a childlike voice, I've eaten it, the dishes made by my second brother are not as good as my sister's.

Tong Xuelu couldn't help laughing when she heard this, the little man has learned to pick and choose.

She pinched her nose, put her down and said, Go and play by yourself, sister has something to tell your second brother.

Tong Mianmian tilted her head and thought for a while, then kicked her short legs to find Tong Jiaxin.

When did you find out that Jiaxin was injured?

Tong Jiaming frowned slightly: I asked him after school, but he didn't say anything.

Tong Xuelu thought for a while and said, Then don't ask him any more, go to school tomorrow to inquire, and pay more attention during get out of class time to see if someone is bullying him.

Tong Jiaming nodded: OK.

In fact, if she didn't say anything, he planned to do the same tomorrow.

Tong Xuelu nodded, stood up and was about to boil water for a bath, when Tong Jiaming suddenly heard, Aren't you angry?

Tong Xue green tea said angrily: Don't be angry, because you are all my younger brothers, and I came back to protect you!

Tong Jiaming's heart seemed to be pinched hard, and it was sour and swollen.

He lowered his eyes and didn't make another sound.

Tong Xuelu's red lips hooked slightly: By the way, what's Jiaxin's favorite food?

Tong Jiaming didn't expect her to ask this question, he was taken aback and said, Jiaxin likes to eat meat, and noodles with scallion oil.

In fact, Tong Jiaxin likes the scallion noodles made by their mother the most, but they can no longer eat them.

Tong Xuelu nodded, turned around and went out to boil water for a bath.

Tong Jiaxin didn't come out until before going to bed.

The next day, Tong Xuelu got up an hour earlier than usual to cook.

She planned to make scallion noodles for that brat Tong Jiaxin.

In her previous life, she had a best friend who was beautiful, had good family conditions, and a warm family relationship, but she always lacked a sense of security. She didn't understand it at first, but later she heard that she was the second child in the family and was ignored by her family since she was a child.

Her eldest brother is the first child in the family and has received much attention and love. The younger sister is younger than her and is the last child of her parents. She is cute and cute, and her parents dote on her very much. is the one that gets the least attention.

She felt that Tong Jiaxin should feel the same way, so she planned to give him some warmth and care today.

Tong Xuelu poured the flour into the basin, put a little salt in it, kneaded it into a dough with cold water, and then covered it with a cloth to wake up.

The key to the noodles with scallion oil is the scallion oil. She washes the scallions, cuts the scallions into sections, and cuts the shallots into chopped green onions.

Then cut the cucumbers brought back from the state-run restaurant last night into shredded cucumbers for later use.

Put cold oil into the pan, after the oil is hot, throw the scallions into it and simmer over low heat. When the scallions turn brown, add soy sauce and salt, then add a spoonful of sugar and stir, and the aroma will soon come out.

Finally, fish out the discolored scallions, and the scallion oil is ready.

At this moment, the noodles also woke up. She made the dough into ramen noodles, then put them in a pot to cook, and put cold water after cooking.

When the noodles were cooked, Tong Jiaming and the others just got up.

After Tong Jiaxin woke up, he was no longer angry, but regretted that he lost his temper last night.

But even if he asked him to apologize, he couldn't say it.

He secretly glanced at Tong Jiaming, and found that Tong Jiaming was looking over, he immediately turned his head and pretended to be looking at the ceiling.

Tong Jiaming said: Get up and go wash and eat.

Tong Jiaxin was silent.

Tong Jiaming didn't scold him, turned around and went out.

After Tong Jiaming walked out, Tong Jiaxin sat up, scratched his head angrily, and made his hair into a chicken coop.

As soon as Tong Jiaming walked out of the room, he smelled a domineering fragrance coming from the kitchen.

It smelled a lot like scallion oil.

He suddenly remembered what Tong Xuelu had asked him last night, and he quickened his pace and walked towards the kitchen.

The closer he got to the kitchen, the stronger the smell, and his stomach couldn't help but growl with hunger.

Tong Xuelu looked up just in time to see him coming: You came just in time, the scallion noodles are ready, you can take them to the living room to eat.

Tong Jiaming looked at the fragrant scallion noodles on the stove, and the feeling of soreness and swelling in his heart came again last night.

He gave a hmm and took two bowls of noodles with scallion oil and went to the living room.

When walking through the room, Tong Jiaxin happened to come out of the room.

Seeing the noodles with scallion oil, his eyes lit up, and he immediately forgot his awkwardness and said happily: Second brother, did you make this? How do you know that I want to eat noodles with scallion oil?

Tong Jiaming glanced at him: I didn't do it, she did it. She asked you what you like to eat last night, and I told her you like noodles with scallion oil.

Tong Jiaxin's eyes widened, as if he didn't understand what he said, and he didn't seem to believe it.

Tong Jiaming didn't say a word, and went to the living room with the noodles.

Tong Jiaxin stood there for a while before going to the yard to wash his face and brush his teeth.

While brushing his teeth, his eyes fell on the other side of the kitchen from time to time, and as soon as he saw Tong Xuelu's figure appearing in the window, he immediately lowered his head like a small animal that had been found.

Tong Xuelu guessed that Tong Jiaxin would be awkward, so she didn't go to the living room to eat, and directly wiped out the scallion noodles in the kitchen, and then went to wake Tong Mianmian to get up.

Tong Jiaxin was worried that it would be embarrassing to meet him later, but he didn't want to meet Tong Xuelu until he went to school.

He couldn't explain why, but he felt a little lost and uncomfortable.


Tong Xuelu took Tong Mianmian to Wei's house, and returned the flour bought at the supply and marketing agency yesterday to Wei's house.

Suddenly, she remembered the piece of ceramic that Wen Rugui gave her, and asked, By the way, Grandma Shen, is there anyone you know who can make clothes?

Shen Wanrong: What? Do you want to make clothes?

Tong Xuelu nodded: Well, I have a piece of 'Zhenliang' cloth in my hand, and I want to make it into a skirt, but I don't know how to do it myself.

Private business is not allowed now, and most people either go to department stores to buy ready-to-wear clothes, or do it themselves, but some tailors will secretly do a little private work, but this kind of work requires an introduction from an acquaintance to find someone.

Shen Wanrong smiled and said: Then you have found the right person, all the clothes in my house are made by me.

Tong Xuelu's eyes lit up: Really? Grandma Shen's craftsmanship is so good, I thought you all bought your clothes in department stores!

The smile in Shen Wanrong's eyes became wider: I did it all. I have a sewing machine at home. You can bring the cloth here and I'll make it for you.

Thank you Grandma Shen, but I usually have time after get off work at night.

Working in a state-run hotel is very easy, but one disadvantage is that there are three hundred and sixty-five days a year, except for the Chinese New Year, almost all year round.

Shen Wanrong smiled and said: It's okay, you can come over when you get off work.

Tong Xuelu thanked her again and again, then said goodbye to her and Tong Mianmian and went to work.

When Tong Jiaming went to school, he kept thinking about Tong Jiaxin. He was distracted several times in class and was criticized by the teacher by name.

After class, he rushed to the lower grades.

He didn't go directly to Tong Jiaxin's class, but asked people around and asked about it.

It's just that this kind of thing is hard to inquire about. People who know Tong Jiaxin don't know about it, and people who don't know Tong Jiaxin don't know what happened.

I asked several people, but there was no clue at all.

There is not much time between classes, and he can't spend it here all the time. He is going to go to the toilet and then go back to class.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the toilet, I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind the toilet.

Tong Jiaxin, you coward, didn't you say you were going to tell the teacher? Why didn't you go?

Of course it's because he's cowardly. If he dares to go, I'll eat all the shit in the toilet!

Hahaha...you are too disgusting! But you just reminded me, you go to the toilet and get some shit, I want to feed him!

Tong Jiaming was furious when he heard it, and clenched his hands into fists, exposing the blue veins on his forehead and back of his hands.

He ran towards the back of the toilet, and then saw Tong Jiaxin being pressed against the wall of the toilet by several boys, his mouth was stuffed with a shoe and he couldn't make a sound.

In addition to the forehead, there are several more scars on the face.

There was a buzz in Tong Jiaming's mind, and the line of reason broke instantly.

He blushed and rushed over, kicking the sharp-mouthed boy's ass.

The sharp-mouthed boy didn't expect that someone would sneak up on him from behind, so he jumped forward and hit the wall with his whole body.

His mouth and nose were numb, his nose was sore and swollen, and a hot stream gushed out.

He reached out and touched it, oh my god, he was bleeding!

The sharp-mouthed boy cursed, turned around and threw himself into a ball with Tong Jiaming.

The other two boys reacted and immediately joined the fight.

Tong Jiaxin had been caught with his hands and couldn't move. Now he saw three people beating his second brother alone. He took out the shoe in his mouth and threw it at those people, and quickly joined the fight.

Several people fought inextricably, which quickly attracted the attention of others.

Someone immediately reported to the teacher.

Then the teachers came, and several people were separated and taken to the office.

Ma Mei is Tong Jiaxin's class teacher and also the cousin of the sharp-mouthed boy.

Seeing that her nephew was beaten with a bruised nose and a bloody nose, she poked Tong Jiaming's face with her finger: It's a shame that you are a senior student, and you actually bully the younger with your big one. I think you don't want to study in school anymore!

Tong Jiaming said coldly: They bullied my brother first! Teacher, why don't you criticize them?

Ma Mei sneered: Why don't you think about it, why do they bully your brother if they don't bully others?

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