The military-industrial scientific research system of the academic master

Chapter 99 The Rebirth of Turbojet 14 (Part 1) (2-in-1)

After determining the target position, the two aircraft simultaneously performed a roll away and soon came to the vicinity of the suspicious aircraft. As usual, they sandwiched the target one to the left and one to the right for accompanying flight confirmation. .

"Eagle 01 reports that we have discovered an aircraft..." Lin Kang, the lead pilot, looked at the aircraft not far away through the cockpit glass with a narrow field of vision.

On the surface, this looks like an ordinary Boeing 707, but the stars and stripes on the vertical tail and the eye-catching letters "WR" below the flag undoubtedly indicate that it belongs to the U.S. Air Force.

Although the entire Chinese aviation force does not have a serious special aircraft at this time, Lin Kang, who has served for nearly 20 years, has never given up using various channels to collect various information about the imaginary enemy air force.

Although this is supposed to be the job of intelligence services, not fighter pilots.

This gives him some relatively obvious advantages when conducting similar accompanying flight verification tasks.

For example, at this moment, he knew that "WR" represented the 93rd Air Control Wing from Georgia.

But he couldn't find a similar model in his memory.

After slightly lowering the altitude, Lin Kang finally saw the huge long fairing under the belly of the opponent's aircraft.

"A reconnaissance aircraft on the Boeing 707 platform. It should be an electronic reconnaissance model, but it is not an RC135. This is the first time I have encountered it."

"Understood, keep flying with it, and report immediately if it makes any further movements."

A slightly nervous voice came from the radio.

In fact, if the near-face-breaking conflict at the beginning of the year hadn't woken up some people, there might not even have been an emergency takeoff in the face of aerial reconnaissance.

The Chinese military, which is relatively immature in the field of sea and air confrontation, is actually not ready to face similar incidents in terms of technology and experience.

Pilots like Rincon's generation do not lack courage.

But there is only courage.

Courage alone is not enough.

Compared with the clear territorial boundaries between Jingwei and Weiwei, the situation in the sea and air domains is much more troublesome.

The legal status of airspace over the exclusive economic zone is a rather complex issue.

There is no doubt that this is not airspace.

Relevant provisions of international law state that flying or navigation in this area must respect the sovereignty, national defense and security of the other country, etc., but these vague and metaphysical provisions are not operable.

Therefore, when countries face similar situations, the general approach they take is to use non-force means to interfere and expel.

Non-force means.

It sounds harmonious and much safer.

But just like in martial arts novels, the level required to open mountains and crack rocks is often not as good as the ability to retract and release freely. In actual operation, this is much more difficult than firing down a target.

After the plane turned 180°, it still maintained its original route.

"Requesting interference with the target's flight path!"

Rin Kang roared into the radio.

Whether from the perspective of national dignity or intelligence security, he was unwilling to allow such a reconnaissance aircraft to fly for a long time more than 100 kilometers away from the coastline.

There was a rustling sound in the headphones for a few seconds, and then a steady voice.

"Requesting approval, but the other party has not entered the airspace and cannot use weapons!"

Lin Kang naturally understood the relevant principles, but the commander of the 4th HNA Division on the other side of the radio was still worried that his best pilot would be impulsive, so he emphasized it again:

"Also, be sure to keep yourself safe!"

Many cases that he had seen in books or internal materials flashed through Lin Kang's mind like a revolving lantern.

Most of them came from the Soviet Air Force.

In addition to more extreme cases such as the scalpel in the Barents Sea, the Soviets, who were extremely experienced in confrontation, naturally had other ways to deal with provocations from the NATO air force.

For example, for heavy-duty aircraft such as the Su-27 or MiG-25, when two engines with a total thrust of more than 20 tons turn on afterburner, the airflow ejected will affect most aircraft.

Lin Kang didn't know if his little plane could do it, but he decided to give it a try.

After a brief communication with Chen Haisheng on the other side, he adjusted the position and attitude of the aircraft and pushed the throttle lever to the end with his left hand.

The turbojet 7BM is really not an engine with excellent performance. The number displayed on the tachometer increased slowly and unhurriedly, which made the J-7's action of passing by the reconnaissance aircraft almost lack any aggression.

Lin Kang again controlled the aircraft to keep flying in front of the target, but the mere 6.5 tons of afterburner thrust was really difficult to effectively interfere with a Boeing 707 platform aircraft.

Correspondingly, the atmosphere in the cockpit of the E8C was much more relaxed.

Of course, they were no strangers to Lin Kang's actions to interfere with flight. Before 1991, the two of them had faced similar scenes countless times over Eastern Europe.

But at that time, the situation was much more intense.

There was even one time when an RC135 piloted by Lieutenant Colonel Albert stopped both engines on the right side in the air due to close interference from a Su-27.

It was 1988, and the entire crew was about to die on the spot with only the last 300 meters to go.

"Look at this little plane, it seems to be saying hello to us in a friendly way."

The co-pilot looked at the fighter jet that looked very similar to the MiG-21 not far away in front of him and couldn't help but reveal a bright smile.

"Then it seems like we should return the favor as a sign of friendship?"

Albert gently turned the steering wheel in his hand left and right, making a motion of shaking the wings.

The three people in the cockpit burst into cheerful laughter.

"I think the pilot must have received our goodwill." The flight engineer behind said.

Lin Kang, who was in the J-7 cockpit, saw through the rearview mirror that the aircraft behind him shook its wings provocatively.

Naturally, this action made by a 150-ton aircraft cannot be called sensitive, but it is undoubtedly to show that his flying posture is under control and is not affected at all.

It was as if he was laughing at the little plane in front of him that was overestimating its capabilities.


Even though Lin Kang had been well-educated since he was a child, he couldn't help but curse in a low voice when he saw this scene.

He reached for the emergency fuel release switch in the air.

When a large amount of aviation kerosene is released in a concentrated manner, it will give the following aircraft the feeling of being peeed. In addition to the psychological impact, it will also interfere with the pilot's vision.

Before flipping the switch, Rin Kang habitually looked at the plane's fuel gauge.

At the same time, the teacher's voice came from the radio again.

"Eagle, report remaining fuel."


Lin Kang exhaled a sigh of relief.

"The remaining 40%."

As a light fighter, the fuel capacity of the J-7HH has always been a huge problem.

The maximum takeoff weight of the J-7 is only about 8.5 tons.

In the transition state with auxiliary fuel tanks, the ideal range is less than 1,400 kilometers.

For comparison, the Su-27 can carry nearly 9 tons of fuel in the aircraft alone, which is heavier than the entire J-7 aircraft.

Excluding the distance from the airport to the mission airspace and the extremely high fuel consumption when flying with afterburner.

There was really not enough fuel for Lin Kang to squander.

Even judging from the current situation, they would have to return in about ten minutes.

Obviously, the reconnaissance plane behind noticed this and acted completely unhurried.

"Get ready to return. Two aircraft from the Air Force brotherhood will take over for you."

The teacher's voice was also full of reluctance——

The Air Force took off with the same two J-7s, and they also encountered the same problems as Lin Kang and Chen Haisheng.

Facing the reconnaissance plane that was obviously malicious and loitering not far from their door, they had no choice.

But if you don’t give in, what can you do?

The performance of the aircraft will not change due to the subjective initiative of the pilot.

The J-7, no matter what, can no longer hold up the sky of a huge country like China.

Compared to the earth-shattering incident at the beginning of the year, this incident did not cause much of a stir in the media on both sides of the Pacific.

For most people, this is a very normal day.

But for others, it's not.

The news quickly spread as far as confidentiality allowed.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that there is no problem with the naval aviation's response.

The problem is not having the right equipment.

No matter how good the purchased Su-27 is, if it does not have the corresponding aviation industry strength to provide maintenance and support, it will not be able to exert sufficient combat effectiveness. Even flying around is very difficult.

And the aircraft produced by ourselves are really difficult to use.

About a week later, at the end of a regular meeting, Yang Fenghata produced a press release.

Of course, what happened will not be written clearly in it, but people here have basically heard about it.

What makes everyone feel dazzled is the last sentence of the draft.

"Make full use of the accessibility of existing equipment, solve problems such as equipment deployment, network chain construction, and multi-domain support, and maximize the combat performance of equipment to promote the overall improvement of combat effectiveness..."

Although on the surface it talks about positive things like troop training and preparation for war, there is bitterness and helplessness between the lines.

"Comrades, every word here is poking our spines..."

Yang Fenghata looked at the members of the Turbojet 14 attack team and said in a slightly sad tone.

The entire venue was silent for a while.

It was Chang Haonan's intention to show the draft, but it was more appropriate for Yang Fenghao to say some things.

Compared with the high-profile mobilization rally, this method has obviously better motivational effect.

As the saying goes, you will be polite after hearing it, and you will be brave after knowing your shame.

Although no one took the initiative to say anything, the work efficiency of the entire research team has improved to a higher level.

On the second night, the Mach number contour maps and wall limit flow spectra corresponding to several typical rotor/stator blade stacking line designs were sent to Chang Haonan, who had been waiting for a long time.

In the original plan, this should be the last part of the regular research step.

After this, you can start optimizing the compressor blade design to maximize the surge margin.

However, he didn't feel any relief at all.

Because last week, Du Yishan from the capital contacted Institute 601.

A research team from Bingcheng University of Technology found that flow loss can be reduced by opening a gap between the pressure surface and suction surface of the compressor blade.

Relevant experimental data was quickly mailed to Chang Haonan.

After receiving the information, he spent one night conducting a simulation on an ideal stage35 compressor model.

Combined with the data provided by Associate Professor Na Fei, it can be determined that this phenomenon is real.

However, it is always simple to study a single independent variable on an ideal model.

To apply it to actual design, more realistic factors need to be considered.

In particular, after the turbojet 14 compressor blades were improved by Chang Haonan, they will inevitably have a large number of bending, twisting, and sweeping designs, which will lead to a huge gap between the actual flow field and the ideal two-dimensional flow field.

Looking at the data submitted in front of him, Chang Haonan faced such happy troubles for the first time——

There are so many ways to improve performance, should we use them all?

Compared with the swept design that focuses on increasing surge margin, blade slits can also reduce the total pressure recovery loss caused by the compressor, especially at a certain angle of attack.

Although it has little effect on the maximum thrust of the engine on paper, it can significantly improve the performance and stability under harsh air intake conditions.

This is what the J-8-3 currently needs most.

"Only children make choices..."

As an adult, he naturally wants it all.

But on the other hand, Chang Haonan had never been exposed to theories related to jet slits even before his rebirth.

This was new knowledge to him.

Since the current project being carried out by the system only considers modifying the blade shape, if you want to temporarily add a new independent variable, you have to rely entirely on yourself.

With Chang Haonan's current proficiency in numerical simulation, this job is not impossible.

But without the work efficiency buff provided by the system, there is no guarantee of progress.

Fortunately, this trouble did not last long.

Because early the next morning, Yao Mengna found Chang Haonan, who had been sleeping in the computer room for two nights.

"Junior, regarding the blade slit issue, I have a few areas where I need your help."


The sleepy Chang Haonan turned his head back in confusion, his bloodshot eyes startling the latter.

After a few seconds, he finally woke up:

"Wait...meaning you have already studied it before?"

This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

"Well, actually before Teacher Du contacted us, I had already seen the article published by Tai Fei's research group in a journal. I have been studying it for about two weeks, but..."

Speaking of this, Yao Mengna was a little embarrassed and tried to trim her hair:

"It's just that I've been stuck in the accelerated convergence part of the simulation method, so the data I got is very limited."

"Originally, I wanted to see if I could complete research on a topic independently without relying on your guidance, but...compared to my own obsession or face, the progress of the project is more important."

Although Yao Mengna had found many reasons to convince herself not to ask Chang Haonan for help, she couldn't deceive herself.

She knew very well that the most important reason was her obsession with proving her ability——

"Even if you can't compare, you can't be left too far behind."

What really made Yao Mengna decide to let it go was the draft that Yang Fenghao took out at the end of yesterday's meeting.

When she read the last paragraph, she realized that she seemed a little too narrow-minded.

There are many ways to prove yourself, and there are many opportunities.

At this critical moment, we must focus on the overall situation.

"I should have told you about this when I received Teacher Du's call last week. I'm sorry."

"No, it doesn't matter, or rather, you came at the right time."

Chang Haonan stood up and strode to Yao Mengna at the door:

"Take me to see your results."

After such a long period of cooperation, he probably knows Yao Mengna's abilities in the field of numerical calculations.

Since the other party said that the part he was stuck on was that he did not know how to accelerate convergence, it means that the entire simulation idea should be OK.

If improvements can be made on this basis, the amount of work required will be much smaller.

You may even have reached some useful analytical conclusions.

The two quickly arrived at another computer room not far away.

"It's all in this." Yao Mengna pointed to the workstation that was still on and in the process of calculation:

"I'm really new to numerical simulation in the Unix environment. Can you... can you slow down the operation a little later? I want to see where my problem lies."

"Of course you can, but... don't rush the operation now. I'll take a look at the data you calculated during this period."

Chang Haonan said as he walked forward, stopped the ongoing simulation process, and called up the previous results for analysis.

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