The Original Seeker

Chapter 16 Autumn of Linghe

During the three days that Bai Mo was sleeping, according to incomplete statistics from the media, there were nearly two million people in the world who gained abilities through the Spirit River, and on average there were hundreds of thousands a day. How to treat the newly emerged social group of people with abilities has become a problem that many social scientists and even society as a whole need to face. This group represents millions of people with abilities. Although they are not much different from ordinary people now, and the abilities of most of the espers are only at the level of magic at this stage, the case of the evolution of esper abilities in Hawaii that caused a sensation across the island made everyone lose their abilities. There are doubts about the inability of the player's ability to evolve. If in the near future, someone can really attack the country alone, how should we treat this class composed of former compatriots? Will the social structure undergo profound changes and the strong will be dictatorial? Whether the time will come or not, these are all issues that need attention.

Many people think of works like X-Men and the Marvel series. They are all products that explore the relationship between extraordinary people and ordinary people in fantasy. However, in their settings, the number of extraordinary people is far smaller than ordinary people. , so rare that most people think that people with abilities are just urban legends. This setting is inconsistent with the current situation.

But now, people all over the world know the exact existence of ability users. They are not rumors or legends, but countless people around them. The news even mentioned the fragments of high-level ability users who appeared in Hawaii. Moreover, with the support of those rivers surging with unknown gas, the number of huge ability users is still increasing day by day, and all countries feel at a loss what to do with this sudden change.

Among the mainstream opinions of mankind, there are mainly three factions: those who support ability users, those who oppose ability users, and the neutral group. Some people believe that ability users represent the direction of human evolution and strongly support their emergence. Many of those who strongly support the emergence of ability users are young people, and of course the ability users themselves and their relatives and friends; while some die-hards believe that they can no longer Human beings who are called orthodox should not be regarded as ordinary people; of course, there are more people who are not so-called neutrals.

Some people who were dying soon began to plan to capture some people with abilities to conduct experiments in an attempt to find a way to live longer. In order to survive, some of them can no longer survive for long, but madmen with amazing wealth and power will always try their best to fight, even if there is only a glimmer of a chance.

These lunatics become extremely crazy under the pressure of life countdown, without considering the consequences. On the third day after people with abilities began to appear, cases of missing people with abilities began to occur in small areas around the world. At the beginning, no one paid much attention to the disappearances. After all, there were not too few disappearances in major cities every day. It was not until the families of the missing people got in touch that they discovered that almost all those who had disappeared in the past few days were newly acquired abilities. people.

This time, not only the people with abilities but also the whole world were in a state of excitement. There are millions of people with abilities themselves, and when their relatives and friends are added into the mix, they become a population group in the tens of millions. Many of the police officers responsible for investigating cases are even people with abilities themselves. .

Under huge public pressure, police from various countries began to desperately search for missing people with abilities. Many human trafficking and smuggling organizations also suffered disaster.

Under the vigorous attack of police from all over the country, the organization that captures people with abilities has become increasingly difficult. They can only shrink their power, throw out some victims who are too late to transfer to divert attention, and at the same time leave scapegoats to let the golden cicada escape. In the end, the organization is wiped out. At that time, more than ten people with missing abilities were still missing.

On the other hand, the spiritual rivers around the world have been able to "baptize" hundreds of thousands of ability users every day in the past few days, and the group of ability users is rapidly expanding. However, the huge quantity cannot make up for the empty quality. Except for a few abilities such as teleportation, curses, and invisibility that have considerable combat effectiveness as soon as they have the ability, the vast majority of newly born ability users have only a few abilities. trick. The flame type can create a small flame, not even as good as a cooking stove, and its discharge output is about the same as a dry battery. The ice type is very convenient for making ice cream.

Everyone has only gained the ability for a few days, and they have not yet had time to become familiar with the ability, let alone figure out how to strengthen it. At this stage, the power of the ability users is still dominated by social status and wealth, and the strong ones After all, the concept of respect must be established on the premise that the strong is strong enough... If a strong person can only defeat three or four ordinary people, then there will be nothing wrong with the strong person.

From the day Bai Mo returned to the hotel, more than a week passed before the Linghe River, which flowed non-stop all day long, gradually became thinner. In the end, it became not much different from a small stream. Anyone can easily walk there. The source, but at this time, the Linghe River can no longer induce abilities for ordinary people.

In more than a week, more than 1 billion people queued up to enter various spiritual rivers for "trials". This is a quite terrifying number. Behind these billion opportunities to enter the spiritual rivers, 12 million abilities were generated. These include nearly 1 million official soldiers dispatched by various governments around the world. The unknown gas was eventually given the official name - Spiritual Qi in the news, and this incident was also called the "Autumn of the Spirit River" ".

Bai Mo, who had woken up a week ago, has been staying in the hotel and surfing the Internet these days to avoid trouble. Because of the previous appearance of high-level ability users in Hawaii, many forces have increased their investigators in Hawaii.

Through various media, Bai Mo paid careful attention to the news about people with abilities around the world, as well as the nutritious discussions about people with abilities on some forums, and at the same time, he also began to test his new abilities one by one.

Under Bai Mo's test, the perception range of Shen Nian is now about a radius of 400 meters, and it starts to become blurry any further away; the perception accuracy has not changed much from before, and it is still possible to roughly perceive the internal operations of cells.

Bai Mo, who had gained his telekinesis through a desperate effort, found that at this stage, he could barely see the accuracy and intensity of his telekinesis beyond a radius of 20 meters. The closer he got within a radius of 20 meters, the greater the amount and precision of telekinesis he could control. high. It is estimated that he can only pick up an egg at 20 meters, but he can carry a two-ton car within a radius of 2 meters; within a radius of 2 meters, Bai Mo can control the pen to write with his mind, but when it reaches 10 meters Basically, I can only take the pen over and throw it back.

It seems that Bai Mo's telekinesis is not worth the life-threatening price, but one thing is very important. Bai Mo's telekinesis evolved from the ability of spiritual telepathy, so as long as he can see objects, it can work. This kind of telekinesis combined with Bai Mo's telekinesis The clairvoyant eyes... When encountering an enemy, he only needs to control the opponent to explode a few cerebral blood vessels as soon as he gets close. It was not until this time that Bai Mo felt that his risking his life was worth it, and he finally had the combat power to save his life. It's not just a support role like before.

Then, Bai Mo began to look inside his body. Under the perception of his spiritual mind, Bai Mo discovered that his body had been washed away by the high-concentration spiritual tide of the previous day. The energy-absorbing skin had evolved again and had integrated with the digestive system again, becoming the only energy intake - processed into spiritual energy. system, Bai Mo has officially left the days of relying on eating for energy, and his mouth and nose have officially become backup tools. Of course, you can also eat food, but after eating it, it will be directly decomposed into energy by the energy-absorbing system.

The effects of a whole day of spiritual tide training don't stop there. Bai Mo saw that his heart had become almost completely spiritual - the heart had turned into a ball of light under the vision of his mind, becoming the spiritual energy storage center of the energy-absorbing system, and at the same time radiating spiritual energy to the body like a small sun. Every corner of the body, and the blood vessels originally connected to the heart also began to become spiritual, and began to slowly evolve into a structure composed entirely of spiritual energy.

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