The Original Seeker

Chapter 5 Transaction

In the next two days, Bai Mo found that his body suddenly turned into a bottomless pit. No matter how much he ate, he would start to feel hungry again after two hours.

This also brought up a problem that had been alleviated before - having to run to the toilet all day long. After all, matter is still conserved.

In this troublesome situation, he could only choose to buy more food to fill his "emptiness".

Of course, being troubled by such a big trouble, he could only call the laboratory and ask for sick leave to cover up the truth.

Because he was worried about arousing others' suspicion, he only bought enough food for ordinary people to eat for a month in the supermarket. If he bought more food, he would feel unsafe as he became more sensitive and suspicious.

After a round of calculations, he concluded that an average person's food intake in one month is similar to his own food intake in three days.

Because the environment near the school is quite desolate, except for the supermarket set up within the school, there are basically no other places to buy food, so he chose to shop online.

After buying enough high-energy food for normal people for 10 days in seven or eight online stores, he chose to have the items delivered by express delivery within three or four days of delivery to avoid suspicion among people living in the same building.

Although he is not so neurotic that there are always unscrupulous people trying to harm me, but he does not want to take the risk that any secrets may be discovered.

At that time, he made an appointment with Professor Zhao to meet at 3 pm that day, but he did not expect that his body would be in such a condition, but he had no choice but to go to the meeting.

Fortunately, it was already early November, and the weather had gotten a lot cooler. He immediately put on the coat with the most bags in his wardrobe, filled each bag with compressed biscuits, and then held a one-liter bottle of water in his hand. Go out and walk to the laboratory.

"Bai Mo, are you still recovering from your cold?" Lin Hai, the classmate sitting next to him who happened to be going out when Bai Mo entered the laboratory door, asked.

"Thank you for your concern, Lin Hai. There's nothing wrong now. Just wear thicker clothes."

"take care!"

"Well, walk slowly."

Bai Mo sat on his desk, looked at the time and saw it was two fifty, quickly unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, ate a pack of compressed biscuits, wiped his mouth and pretended to be fine.

Zhao Jiasen has always been very punctual. At two fifty-eight, less than half a minute after Bai Mo finished wiping his mouth, he stepped into the door of the laboratory.

As soon as Zhao Jiasen entered the door, he walked towards Bai Mo's seat.

"Xiao Mo, how did the experiment go?" Zhao Jiasen, who got the experiment report a few days ago, took the time to do some related verification experiments in private and found that what Bai Mo said was indeed true. But he still asked knowingly, as if he wanted to hear Bai Mo tell the good news again in person.

"Good afternoon, instructor. According to the results of the experiment, adding a small amount of sample powder to the smelting of steel can greatly improve the hardness of the smelted steel. After preliminary testing, adding 20 grams of sample powder to each ton of raw iron ore It can achieve the best effect, and the Mohs hardness of the finished product can reach 10, which is comparable to diamonds.”

"As for the impact of the samples on other industrial materials, because the number of samples was insufficient, no more tests were conducted. The detailed experimental test results were sent to your email in the form of an experimental report three days ago." He continued Explained seriously.

"Well done, I said that this unknown material must have its special features. Now it has finally lifted a corner of the veil. The discovery of this excellent additive will definitely greatly promote the development of our country's materials industry. Xiao Mo, you are indispensable for this discovery. It has also added honor to our laboratory. I will not leave you behind when I write the report."

Zhao Jiasen began to transfer the credit to himself verbally, but seeing that Bai Mo didn't have any dissatisfaction, he secretly felt that Bai Mo was quite good, so he decided to compensate Bai Mo from other places.

"It's a trivial matter that there are not enough samples. In my memory, I saw a lot of this material at the foot of the volcano in Hawaii. You can go there to investigate. Well, I will grant you one month of field investigation time to go to Hawaii. On the one hand, we can collect enough samples for a series of subsequent experiments, and we can also search for similar minerals.”

"In terms of budget, I will allocate a sum of money from the scientific research funds in my name. As long as it is your local inspection expenses, you can deduct it from this."

"In order to get this result on his own head, my tutor just sent me to Hawaii for a month's vacation. It is estimated that when he came back, his papers had been published, and his 'great achievements' could be seen in the newspapers. So all this money He probably treated it as cover money, but it wasn't his own money, it was just the country's research funds. It was natural to give generously to others, and the money didn't mean much to him. After all, it was all There is no place for people who are nearly 70 to spend a lot of money." He quickly changed his mind.

"And this money tied me up. If I exposed the truth after he published his paper, the money would probably become evidence that I defrauded scientific research funds, and then I would be ruined. As expected of a veteran in the scientific research world, with both hands Prepare everything, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t plan to be famous anyway, and nothing can compare to being able to practice quietly and become stronger.”

Then Bai Mo agreed to Zhao Jiasen's arrangement without hesitation, "Teacher, when will I set off?"

"You can prepare your visa and take all the necessary equipment with you and leave. I will ask my assistant to transfer the money to a new account tomorrow. When you come back, just give the finance department a reimbursement list. I have something else to do. If you have any questions, please contact me again." After that, Zhao Jiasen left in a hurry, looking in a very good mood. "Why are you in such a hurry to publish? No one is competing with you." Bai Mo complained in his heart, with a smile on his face. After eating another pack of compressed biscuits, he continued to ask for sick leave from the laboratory, and told the laboratory about Zhao Jiasen's arrangements, indicating that he would be away for a long time. After making arrangements, Bai Mo quickly slipped back to the dormitory. After all, with his current appetite, it would be easy for people to see problems when he was in a crowded place. In the next week, Bai Mo basically stayed in the dormitory except for the time to apply for a visa. Finally, on the eighth day, Bai Mo found that his demand for food finally began to drop significantly and returned to the level of normal people. Curious, he used the ability of perspective eyes to look at his skin and found that after the eyeballs, there were some strange tissues under the skin. "What are these strange tissues?" He began to use his imagination again. "After having these tissues, my demand for food has decreased. Could it be that the purpose of these tissues is to absorb energy? If they grow on the surface of the skin, then their function should be to absorb free energy in the air. Fortunately, these tissues do not have chlorophyll, otherwise they will absorb solar energy like plants and turn their bodies green, which will be the end. They will definitely be caught and sliced." "But these newly grown tissues did appear in time, just before I went to Hawaii, which reduced a lot of trouble and eliminated the risk of exposure." "The mentor seems to have a very close relationship behind him... In order to make me disappear in China as soon as possible, he actually used his own connections to speed me up." Bai Mo, who got the visa in less than ten days, complained a few more times. Before leaving, he conducted a detailed test of all his current abilities. The first was the enhanced vision that appeared first. When he was fully focused and did not use the perspective eye, he could distinguish the expressions of humans within 1,000 meters. Secondly, the perspective eyes that appeared later, with an effective range of about 50 meters, and the resolution accuracy has also been improved to a certain extent. It can clearly perceive the outline of the cell. Although it is still impossible to see the situation inside the cell, it is a big step forward compared to the previous vague perception.

Finally, the test of basic physical quality, in terms of sprinting 100 meters, his current speed is about 8 seconds; in terms of endurance and physical fitness, he has tried to run a marathon in an hour and a half; in terms of strength, he can probably carry 400 kilograms of weight. In general, if Bai Mo participates in the next Olympics, the champion of most events will have nothing to do with others.

Of course, the superhuman physical fitness did not make him lose his vigilance. He is still just a mortal body, and pistol bullets can also cause him minor injuries, not to mention various machine guns, sniper rifles and missiles. It is still far from his self-protection goal of carrying a nuclear bomb.

In the next few days, he packed his luggage, as well as various experimental equipment for this trip to Hawaii, and started his journey in Hawaii with the bank card sent by Zhao Jiasen's assistant.

According to Zhao Jiasen's original intention, Bai Mo would spend one or two days picking up stones this month, and then let him spend the rest of the time on vacation in Hawaii. After Zhao Jiasen had sorted out the results he had obtained and the matter was settled, he would come back to continue his research work.

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