The Original Seeker

Chapter 90 They are all crazy

"George!" Mary flew to where George was based on her memory, flew past him like an eagle catching a chicken, and carried him back to the high altitude. It seemed that only high altitude could give her a sense of security.

"What's wrong?" asked George, who was caught in the sky with a confused look on his face.

"That lunatic! He actually wants to eat me!" Mary flew as hard as she could toward the two's lair.

"Eat it?"

"He swallowed nearly a liter of the blood essence I produced after burning blood!" Mary gritted her teeth and said, "Originally, I planned to activate the burning blood and give him a fatal blow, but I didn't expect that his skin was too thick. Oh, he received such a blow head-on and it was only a minor injury! He even used the moment I turned my blood to resist the impact to swallow my blood! If I hadn't chosen to use the small amount of blood I could control to launch a blood explosion in his body, the situation would have been terrible. He turned it around."

"Is he catching up now?"

"I don't know. He is also seriously injured, so he may not choose to continue the pursuit. But we are both seriously injured now, so we should go back to the castle to recuperate for a while."


On the other hand, Bai Mo, who stayed on the spot, did not choose to continue the pursuit. The impact of the Burning Blood Dragon was less harmful to him. The blood explosion in his body damaged many organs in his body, and he also needed some time to recuperate.

"Fortunately, I used my mind power to suppress the power of the explosion. The life field's protection of the body is far less powerful than the surface of the body. I finally remembered this fact through a painful experience."

"If you don't die to eat this thing, maybe it will just be a minor skin injury." Bai Mo used his mind power to wrap the remaining blood of the vampire who had wiped out his will before the blood explosion in his body, and endured the severe pain to slowly remove the remaining blood from the damaged body. The contents of the digestive tract were taken out through the throat.

"This is unscientific." When he used his mind to wrap up the blood washed by the spiritual digestive fluid in his stomach and his own will, he was surprised to find that the originally bright red blood turned into a dark red liquid metal-like fluid!

"Is it possible that these vampires are actually Terminators?! No wonder they can be reborn infinitely. It turns out that part of the body has become liquid metal. If I knew this at the time, I shouldn't have killed George just because I was in a good mood. Run with the corpse." Bai Mo now regrets that he missed valuable research materials just to get some information about vampires.

"But what is lost is gained in the east. I still have this puddle in my hand, although the price is a bit heavy." Bai Mo coughed and started walking towards the hotel.

Due to internal injuries, he could only control his speed at about 80 meters per second, and it took him more than 20 minutes to return to the city from the mountainous area.

Bai Mo, who was in tatters all over his body, walked on the street, moving at a speed that could barely be seen by the surrounding pedestrians. As soon as the passersby smelled the smell of blood, a white shadow had already crossed them.

When passing near the base camp of George's subordinates again, Bai Mo slowed down. He scanned the inside of the base camp with his spiritual thoughts and found several corpses placed in a corner. The cause of death seemed to be multiple stab wounds from a dense collection of sharp weapons.

"I don't remember that I have killed anyone here. Could it be that they are fighting among themselves?" With doubts and curiosity, he continued to scan the rest of the base camp.

"This traitor actually wants to resist! Fuck it! Aren't you very good at it!" "Ah!" The man with a sinister smile inserted steel needles into the tightly tied woman's fingers, and then There was a sharp scream.

"Does any of you know where George's lair is?" Bai Mo suddenly appeared in the lobby where the screams were heard.

"Who is this lunatic? He wants to disturb Boss George? Just find someone to break his legs and throw him out." The man sitting in the deputy chair wearing a big gold chain looked very unhappy.

"I was the one who beat George to the ground, and now I'm here to ransack the house."

"It seems that he is a brat who wants to play hero and save the beauty. He makes up a lame excuse to break in. Does he want to save the traitor? He doesn't care about his own moral character or how much he weighs. He can't find an excuse. George The boss is immortal, how can he be defeated?"

"So much nonsense."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Almost everyone in the room had a hand blown off in an instant, and screams one after another echoed in the lobby. This group of ability users without the protection of a life field were defenseless against the attack of telekinesis.

"Can you be obedient now?"

There was silence all around. Some people wanted to rush forward and fight for their lives, but as soon as they took the first step, one of their legs self-destructed and they could only roll to the ground and twitch.

"I said before that I could kill all of you in ten seconds. It was pointless to resist."

After hearing these words, everyone present recalled the person from more than an hour ago, but now Bai Mo, who was gray-faced and covered with scars, could not be related to the heroic person before.

"Are you the oldest here?" Bai Mo asked, pointing to the man with the gold chain who was sitting but now paralyzed.

"What we are talking about is faith! Even if I die, I will not betray Boss George!" The man with the gold chain refused Bai Mo's question very firmly.

"What about you?" Bai Mo looked around. Everyone was filled with indignation. I don't know whether it was because of pain or hatred, but their faces were ferocious. They wanted to eat Bai Mo alive.

"In this case, let's change the interrogator first."

With a "click", the rope tied to Mousse's body was torn apart by the power of mind. The iron rings that originally fixed her hair were also broken, and she fell to the ground with scars all over her body.

"I'll let you go. In exchange, you have to help interrogate the vampire's lair. They can't move except for their mouths. Please do whatever you want." Bai Mo made a gesture of invitation, "I'm really curious what a crazy woman can do. Which step."

Because he wanted to interrogate information, Bai Mo did not seal their mouths, but suppressed them all with his telekinesis, and then took a small bench to watch the live broadcast.

"Try...not to kill them all, please be careful."

Mousse nodded, "Don't kill them all." She emphasized the word "all".

Mousse was the first to go to the man who had tortured her the most just now, pricking her fingers with needles repeatedly.

All kinds of ugly words came out of his mouth, but Mousse seemed not to hear it, and put her hair into the open wounds on his arms.

Bai Mo saw from his mind that many hairs like thin iron wires were inserted from the exposed blood vessels and continued to advance along the blood vessels, as if they were taking root in every corner.

At first, the man was still yelling and cursing, but soon there were only screams, and then there were no screams anymore, because her hair pierced the brain along the blood vessels, and she died directly.

"Are you doing this out of pure torture and revenge? What about the interrogation that was agreed upon?" Bai Mo, who had witnessed the whole process, asked dissatisfiedly.

"Scum, damn it."

"I seem to have released a madman... A lot of things seemed to have happened just now. Forget it, go ahead. Don't move the man with the gold chain in the middle, and just leave two more alive."

"Well, if you don't want to say anything, let's continue watching the live movie." Bai Mo turned the head of the man with the gold chain to face Mousse, but the other party remained silent.

Mousse pulled out half of the blood-stained hair from the first person and slowly walked towards the next person...

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