The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 12 What's so hard about slingshots?

In the next few days, every time Gu Ye came to check, there would be something to gain from these two traps, and it never failed. Sometimes, there is more than one prey.

She looked around, and there was no sign of frequent activities of small beasts nearby. Where did the prey in the pit come from? Did it fall from the sky? Gu Ye shrugged, she didn't believe that pie could fall from the sky!

However, after carefully examining these prey, and there is nothing unusual, she will not worry about the source of the prey. As long as there is meat to eat, who cares where it comes from? In addition to developing medicines in the laboratory, Gu Ye is actually a neurotic guy with extremely poor self-care ability. This was also the reason why Ling Juechen dared to continuously throw prey into the trap.

The two brothers and sisters ate chicken soup with medicinal herbs for six or seven days in a row, and their thin body has improved significantly. Gu Ye's skinny face is no longer scary like a skeleton, and Gu Ming is also a little fatter. The biggest change is the complexion of the two, no longer as gray as before.

Gu Ye, who was tired of chicken soup, completely lost interest in pheasants after eating roast chicken for two days. When the prey appeared again in the trap, she simply handled it, put it in the space, and replaced it with polished rice and white flour when the cashier came. Coarse grain pancakes, she has already eaten enough!

As for the hare! The mutton taste is strong, and it must be braised with heavy seasoning to taste good. The one or two that occasionally appeared in the trap were all skinned and air-dried by her and put into the space.

For two days in a row, the sister who was in charge of checking the traps was not seen to get her prey back. Gu Ming was afraid that she would lose her prey, so she comforted her: In a few days, the mountain goods will almost be picked up. I will walk into the mountains and dig a few traps. When the time comes There must be more prey caught than now.

Brother, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't go into the mountains alone? Gu Ye pretended to be unhappy, staring at him with a pair of ridiculously large eyes, looking at him disapprovingly.

Gu Ming hurriedly said: I'm not going alone! When Zhang Lihu and his father entered the mountain, I went with me. You know, Hunter Zhang has hunted bears before!

Gu Ye searched for vague memories from his memory, and Zhang Orion did carry back a blind bear. However, he said that the blind bear fell into the trap, and only one breath was left, and he was cheap. However, Hunter Zhang was the only person in the village who dared to go hunting in the hinterland of the mountain, and the villagers admired him very much.

Gu Ye also wanted to go into the mountain to have a look, but was unable to find the opportunity. Perhaps that time she fell off the cliff, leaving a shadow on Gu Ming's heart. Every time she entered the mountain, she had to tell her not to go too far, and to make sure that she was within his sight, so that she could go to pick mountain fruits with peace of mind. Pick up mountain goods. Having a clingy older brother is also a sweet burden. Gu Ye sighed infinitely.

Brother, what kind of bird is on that tree? Gu Ye heard that there are many birds on the mountain, and the taste is very delicious. When he looked up, he saw the gray birds parked on the branch, and he couldn't help asking.

Ling Juechen, who was hiding in the dark, had a small pebble between his fingers, thinking about the best time to shoot the pigeon. That girl's greedy cat-like expression successfully pleased him. In the previous life, many birds have become extinct, and there are fewer and fewer edible birds and beasts, but it is not as abundant as the prey here.

Gu Ming glanced at the tree and said, That, it's a wild pigeon! I heard that the wild pigeon soup is more nourishing than chicken soup. Sister, tomorrow I will borrow his slingshot from Zhang Lihu and make a wild pigeon soup for you. drink.

Gu Ye's cooking skills are not good, but his tongue is very cunning. She didn't want to drink the chicken soup that smelled like medicine every day for the past few days. Maybe the pigeon soup tastes different?

Gu Ming's voice just fell, and a voice in the changing voice sounded not far behind the brothers and sisters: Little Mingzi, why do you miss me again?

Gu Ye turned his head to look, a sturdy, simple and honest boy appeared in the sight of the two of them. This dark-skinned boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was Zhang Lihu, the son of Zhang Orion.

Brother Lihu, have you brought your slingshot? I want to shoot a wild pigeon and go back and make soup for my sister. Gu Ming smiled and waved at the boy.

Zhang Lihu strode over, put his hand on his head, and joked with a smile: With your skills, it would be good for our sister to drink the pigeon soup you made next fall! Dove, look at me!

Zhang Lihu took out a poorly made slingshot from his arms. The elastic part was made of good deer tendons. It had good elasticity and a long range. He was the only one in the whole village. Usually, this guy loves his slingshot.

He stooped to pick up a stone of the right shape, drew his slingshot, and aimed at the wild pigeons in the trees, combing their feathers. The left hand was loosened, and the stone was shot out. Unfortunately, missed! The wild pigeon was startled and fluttered away!

Zhang Lihu scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said with a dry smile: Miss, mistake! Uh...sister Ye'er, do you like to eat turtledoves? Why don't I shoot turtledoves for you...

It's a pity that he was unlucky today. He came down in the morning and didn't even shoot a single prey. This made Zhang Lihu very embarrassed.

Brother Lihu, can you lend me the slingshot? Gu Ye felt itchy. There is a small hand crossbow in her space, which was given to her by the ice cube face in the previous life when the turbulent times began. It is the most suitable for self-defense hunting. Unfortunately, she couldn't find the opportunity or reason to take it out.

On weekdays, Zhang Lihu treasured his slingshot the most, and he would not touch it easily, so he hesitated for a moment. Seeing this, Gu Ming, the girl-protecting madman, was unhappy: Brother Lihu, you are 'our sister' every single bite, and you also said that you treat my sister as a real sister. My sister just wants to see your slingshot, but she is not willing to do so. Dare you to call your 'sister' in vain these days? Brother Lihu, I didn't expect you to be so stingy!

Zhang Lihu heard the words and hurriedly said: Who said I'm stingy? I'm not afraid that my sister will not use it and hurt myself? Ye'er sister, the deer tendons are strong, be careful not to shoot your hands. The slingshot was stuffed into Gu Ye's hands. But his eyes were very faithfully fixed on the slingshot.

This is a slingshot made of ya-shaped tree branches, the handle is polished smoothly, the elastic rope is made of deer tendons, and there is a small piece of animal skin on it. Gu Ye gently pulled the slingshot and quickly got used to its strength.

It just so happened that a wild pigeon flew over the forest at this time. Gu Ye aimed, pulled the rope, and launched it in one go. The wild pigeon fell not far away under the surprised sight of Zhang Lihu and Gu Ming.

Ling Juechen, who was hiding in a dense canopy, twitched the corner of his mouth a few times. With his excellent eyesight, he could clearly identify that the prey that was shot was the carrier pigeon of the special training department of their army.

Uh... to be hunted by the little girl and become every meal on her plate, it can be considered that it has completed its mission! Ling Juechen had no intention of caring about the reasons for the appearance of carrier pigeons.

Zhang Lihu ran over quickly, and the moment he picked up the pigeon, the bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's feet fell. And he didn't notice it at all.

Sister Ye'er, when did you practice the slingshot so accurately? Even at such a high distance, even my father may not be able to shoot so accurately! Zhang Lihu's eyes flashed with adoring little stars.

I'm a blind cat and a dead mouse! I'm also surprised, I don't know how I shot it. Gu Ye glanced at his prey and felt that there was a certain difference in appearance from the wild pigeon just now.

However, Zhang Lihu, who has been hunting all the year round, didn't think there was anything wrong with the prey, so she accepted it with peace of mind, and later found a place where no one was around, entered the space and stewed the pigeons. Uh... There should be pigeon stew in the cookbook in the space, right?

Gu Ming became more and more aware of her sister's changes - she was no longer as timid and crying as she used to be, she dared to fight against Liu's, and behind her back there was a big man who wanted to bully her... These changes were all his hopes. saw.

However, when his sister raised the slingshot, he clearly captured the moment of confidence that bloomed like brilliance on her face. This wild pigeon was not randomly beaten by the younger sister! However, when did my sister practice shooting slingshots? Gu Ming was very puzzled.

Although Gu Ming was a little clever, he could never have imagined that his sister's body had been replaced by a soul, a powerful soul wandering from another world!

The days passed quietly as the brothers and sisters dug wild vegetables, picked mountain fruits, and picked up mountain goods. In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

During this month, the team led by Ling Juechen's deputy had climbed the Nine Peaks, and found the Snow Soul Fruit on the summit. Ling Juechen dragged and dragged, and finally, ten days ago, he led the pair of elite soldiers under him, leaving Cangmang Mountain, Dongling Kingdom, and Yan Kingdom with reluctance towards Gu Ye girl.

After more than 20 days of secret observation, Ling Juechen confirmed that the Liu family would not cause any harm to the girl, so she held back and did not deal with the mother-in-law, and left it to the little girl to pass the time when she was bored! However, uneasy, he still left a hidden guard to protect the little girl secretly. He finally reunited with the girl in a different world, and did not want to repeat the mistakes of the previous life due to a momentary negligence, causing irreparable regrets.

After being hoarse for a month, Liu's voice also recovered. One morning, when she inadvertently cleared her throat, she found that she could make a sound, and Liu was so excited that she cried out.

The ghost knows how she got here this month. After the villagers learned that she had become mute and unable to speak, they secretly said that she had done too many things because of her immorality. This was God's punishment for her. At first, she wanted to rush up and fight. But I can't beat and beat, and I can't scold, and over time, I'm numb.

During this month, she is also reflecting. If it's punishment, it's because Gu Yeer's dead girl was so angry that she didn't choose to say anything, so she offended the gods. During this time, all the anger in her heart, all the grievances, all the humiliation... She put all the blame on Gu Ye'er's head!

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