The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter fifty-one hospitality

Little genius doctor, I've been waiting for you! If you don't come again, I'll stop taking the medicine tomorrow. You're here too timely! Seeing Gu Ye, Ding Dashao was like a long-lost orphan, seeing his relatives , with tears in his eyes and excited expression. If Gu Ming hadn't stepped forward to stop him, this guy would have rushed towards Gu Ye!

Gu Ye looked at him for a moment, smiled lightly, and said, I haven't seen you for more than half a month, Ding Dashao is very energetic. Controlling diet and exercising, Ding Dashao's plump body lost a circle, and his eyes They all look a lot bigger, and the spirit of the whole person is quite good.

Ding Dashao was busy laughing and complimented: It's not because of you, the little genius doctor. I strictly follow the diet and exercise plan you made for me. I also take the medicine on time, and now I will never take it easy again. My heart beat faster and I couldn't breathe.

Yeah! You have to continue to take the medicine. With diet and exercise, you don't have to worry about the aggravation of your condition. In addition, you should not be overjoyed and bereavement if you have a heart attack, and be careful not to have great ups and downs. Given the current conditions, performing heart surgery is an extravagant hope. Night can only slowly ease the other party's condition.

Yes, you must follow your instructions from the little genius doctor. Ding Da Shao rubbed his hands and continued, My father has always been thinking about you as a savior, and said that he must thank you in person. Just now, if It's not that the old man has fallen asleep, so I will help him come over to entertain you. If you are slow, please include the little genius doctor!

The old man is too polite! As the saying goes: the doctor is benevolent. I believe that any doctor will not die if he has a chance! I have only achieved the most basic professional ethics of a doctor! Speaking of the scene, Gu Ye was not afraid. In the past life, it was only someone who helped her bear it, and she was too lazy to socialize.

Gu Ming, who was holding tea beside him, looked at his sister with a new look. Could it be that studying medicine can change a person's face? It made the originally cowardly and timid sister become confident and strong. He thanked Grandpa Zheng from the bottom of his heart, and was happy to see his sister change.

Your remarks really have the demeanor of a genius doctor. Young Master Ding hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth, You may have heard that most of our Ding family have heart problems, and my aunt's symptoms are similar to mine. , slightly more serious than mine. Could you save more medicine this time?

The quick-acting heart-saving pills that Gu Ye brought this time were not only made by herself, but also by her master Yaosheng. Said to be practicing hands, in fact, each bottle of medicine has achieved the required effect, but it is not as good as the medicine she made.

This time, she brought ten bottles made by herself, originally for the father and son of the Ding family, and now adding an aunt of the Ding family is not enough. Fortunately, Young Master Ding and his aunt were not seriously ill. Taking the medicine made by her master was enough to control the condition.

Yaosheng has a bit of a childish temper. After learning to make heart-saving pills, she made more than 20 bottles in one breath, and she put them in the space and kept them.

Hearing that the little genius doctor brought thirty bottles of medicine this time, Ding Dashao couldn't help but be overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered his servants to go to the cashier to get a bank note, for fear that Gu Ye would change his mind.

Little genius doctor, are you still at the last price this time? Young Master Ding took two out of the thick banknotes, suddenly remembered something, paused his hand, and asked weakly.

Thinking that there are twenty bottles in it, which were made by Master's practice, Gu Ye felt a little guilty, coughed, and asked, What? Do you think the price is too expensive?

It's not expensive, it's not expensive! The young master and the shopkeeper of Jimintang saw the medicine that the little genius doctor gave him last time. They all said that such a sophisticated medicine has surpassed the level of the great pharmacist, and even the great pharmacist of Baili may not necessarily Can make it out! Great pharmacist Baili's pills are hard to find. This heart-saving pill, let alone fifty taels per bottle, is five hundred taels, and some people are rushing to ask for it!

Thinking of my own and my father's illness, I still have to rely on the little genius doctor, Ding Dashao hurriedly said: Little genius doctor, your medicine is so effective, I'm afraid you will sell at a loss.

Hehe, there are also things that are too cheap to buy. Young Master Ding, you are really interesting. Gu Ye also knows that rare goods are available, and the effect of his medicine is there, no matter how high the price is, there is no worry that no one will buy it. However, in doing business, you must pay attention to the long-term flow of water, and you can't hollow out people's bottom all at once.

Master Ding, your father and son's disease, with the current medical conditions, it is very difficult to cure it. Therefore, it is necessary to take medicine for a long time to maintain it. If the price of my medicine is set high, your family will be sitting on a mountain of gold and silver. I can't bear the tossing. It's still the sentence the doctor is benevolent, I can't bear your father and son being tortured by illness, and only keep the capital... Gu Ye continued to pretend.

When Ding Dashao heard this, he was grateful. No wonder the little genius doctor dresses so plainly and looks like a little village girl in the village. It turns out that in order to treat more people's diseases, she is unwilling to make more money from patients. This kind of selfless quality, how can you not be moved?

Little genius doctor... Ding Dashao choked and said, You don't have to worry about us, there are a few shops in my town and a few villages in the suburbs, enough for me and my father to take medicine. The shopkeeper Fang said, if you put this medicine in their shop, it would be absolutely fine to sell it for two or three hundred taels. Or... I'll give you a bottle of one hundred taels?

Whoops! It turns out that pharmaceuticals have such a money way, and a bottle of medicine that cost ten yuan in a previous life can actually be sold here for hundreds of taels! Gu Ye swallowed silently.

However, although she loves money very much, she still has principles. Now that I have negotiated the price with Young Master Ding, I will not change it easily: No, just as agreed half a month ago, fifty-two and one bottle!

Ding Dashao suddenly felt that the small and young figure in front of him had grown taller. A genius doctor is worthy of being a genius doctor, and his medical ethics are thousands of times higher than that of ordinary pharmacists!

After counting one thousand taels of silver notes and putting them in Gu Ye's hands, Young Master Ding asked respectfully, Little genius doctor, I don't know when you will come to the town next time, so I can order the servants to welcome you.

These medicines are for three months. If the weather permits in these three months, I will send another batch over. It's getting late, Master Ding, please rest early, my brother and I are leaving. Gu Ye received Good bill. The thousand taels of silver were the money for the medicine made by Master, and she would not take a cent.

Ding Dashao hurriedly said: Little genius doctor, please stay, I have already ordered my servants to clean up the guest room. If your brothers and sisters don't dislike it, they will end up in the house for one night.

Gu Ye was terribly tired, and when he heard the words, he was not hypocritical. He nodded and said, That's it!

Ding's family is one of the largest in the town, and the guest room is definitely more comfortable than the inn's room. The hot kang has a brand new bedding on it. Lying on the thick mattress, Gu Ye stretched his waist comfortably, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Ming was placed next to her. Worried that her sister would not be used to it, Gu Ming came over to see her before going to bed. At that time, Gu Ye had already snorted slightly and was sleeping soundly. After a tiring day, Gu Ming helped her sister check the doors and windows, and then fell asleep with confidence.

The next morning, when Gu Ming knocked on her sister's door, the little girl was still sound asleep. Usually, my sister doesn't have the habit of sleeping in. It seems that she was really tired the first two days. In addition, the Ding family's quilt was warm and soft, and he accidentally overslept.

When the brothers and sisters finished washing up, Ding Dashao had been waiting outside the guest room for a long time.

Young Master Ding invited the two brothers and sisters to have breakfast together. In the dining room, Ding's parents, grandma, and his younger siblings were all waiting with curiosity. They have been admiring the name of the little genius doctor who saved the head of the Ding family, and they all wanted to see this doctor whose medical skills made the doctors in Jimintang feel inferior.

Although I have learned from the mouth of Ding Dashao that the little genius doctor is not very old, and she is a female doctor. But when they saw Gu Ye, everyone's eyes were still filled with surprise - they didn't expect the goddess doctor to be so young, was she ten years old? It looks like she's still a doll!

But when she opened her mouth, the series of medical terms that made them in awe, as well as the extremely professional terms, couldn't help but convince everyone. Even the 50-year-old doctor who helped Master Ding see a doctor before may not be able to compare to her in medical terms. Sure enough, Aspiration is not at a young age!

Little genius doctor, you must have started studying medicine at a very young age! Ding's youngest sister, who was twelve or thirteen years old, asked with a charming face.

I only started studying medicine with Master this year. Gu Ye wasn't going to hide anything. In front of absolute strength, everything else was a cloud.

Hearing the words, the younger sister of the Ding family opened her eyes wide and said, You are too bold, you have only studied for less than a year, and you dare to treat my father in the street!

Little sister! Ding Dashao suddenly changed his face when he heard this sentence, for fear that the little sister's recklessness would offend the little genius doctor, so he hurriedly shouted to stop Xiaomei Ding. Immediately afterwards, he sincerely apologized for his sister, Little genius doctor, my sister has no status, please don't take offense!

Gu Ye swallowed the steamed dumplings in his mouth before he had time to pay attention to him: Ding Xiaomei is right! However, doctors should be bold and careful. It's not that I am brave, but that my master taught me well! It's the luck of Master Ding. Well, it just so happens that my master has just taught me the first aid for a heart attack, and I happen to have the medicine that can cure Master Ding.

Mrs. Ding hurriedly smiled and said: Our master is blessed with a lot of luck, and when I met your lucky star, the little genius doctor, I got your light and escaped disaster. Speaking of which, you are the leader of our Ding family. What about my benefactor! My benefactor, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is our cook's best dessert, do you want to try it? After speaking, she gave her little daughter a warning look, warning her not to talk nonsense.

Mrs. Ding has long observed that the little genius doctor loves sweets, and she also moved a plate of red bean cakes in front of her and said with a smile: Little genius doctor, these red beans are sweet but not greasy, crispy and delicious, you can eat more. If I could meet you a few years earlier, the little genius doctor, maybe my old man would not have left so early...

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