Since everyone has such a big opinion against me, I'll leave. Luo Yao sighed. I'm afraid none of these four people think highly of him.

Lao Luo, don't get excited. Lao Gu and Brother Mancang are also in a hurry and can't complete the mission. The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve. If we can't grasp Duan Laizi's whereabouts now, then the mission will be a complete failure. Liu Jinbao is the team leader. He rushed forward to persuade him.

Keep him, we will have more energy to take care of him. If he wants to leave, then let him go! Mancang said nonchalantly.

If you want to leave, we won't stop you! Gu Yuan's attitude was also very firm.

You guys, why is this necessary...

If he leaves, I will go with him. Gong Hui suddenly pointed at Luo Yao and said. At this time, four people, including Luo Yao, were stunned.

Gong Hui, what did you say, you want to go with him? Gu Yuan had a strange look on his face.

Yes, if I follow you, I may not be able to complete the mission. Gong Hui nodded and said seriously.

Gong Hui, are you serious?


Gong Hui said seriously.

Are you crazy? You and him can't complete the task at all. How can you pass the test? Gu Yuan looked at Gong Hui with incredible eyes. Did this woman have the wrong nerve?

Gong Hui, you don't have to...

Don't say anything. No one can change my decision. Since they can't tolerate you, based on my personality, I will part ways with them sooner or later. It's better to leave early than to leave late. At least I can still have a companion. Gong Hui said directly. Luo Yao cut off his words and said, Maybe, how can we two complete the mission?

Sister, you are a tiger!

I can only keep these words in my heart, can I say them out loud?

These words were too harsh, and the scene instantly became awkward.

In this way, Gu Yuan will stay in the hotel and continue to analyze these files and find useful clues. Brother Mancang and I will go to understand the situation with Team Leader Deng. Luo Yao, you and Gong Hui will stay near the Yin family's mansion and watch. Can you find anything? Liu Jinbao proposed a compromise plan.


That's it! Mancang also said, did he really drive Luo Yao away? He didn't make any mistakes, it was just that he couldn't help.

Okay, that's it. After lunch later, we'll split up. Liu Jinbao felt that he was a little overwhelmed as the team leader.

Did you give the money to Liu Jinbao?

Well, Lao Liu is the team leader. Although we earned the money, we are now a team and he handles all the expenses.

You didn't give them all, did you?

Keep a little bit. Didn't we agree that the bulk of it is with you? Luo Yao chuckled. He was not stupid. How could he hand over all the money he won in one night?

That's not asking for trouble.

From now on, just follow me. Gong Hui said, By the way, I will also teach you some field experience.

That's great. I've never done field work, so I don't understand many things, and no one is willing to teach me. If you are willing to teach me, that would be great. Luo Yao said gratefully, although there were many things in his mind, But he hasn't had a chance to practice it yet, so it would be best if Gong Hui is willing to take him.

Come on, let's go have a meal. If there were any clues in the file, Duan Zizi would have been caught long ago. Gong Hui said coldly.

Gu Yuan's face turned ugly instantly, but he didn't know what words to retort, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear.

With the soul of two lives, Luo Yao never imagined that one day he would be able to eat soft food. There seemed to be nothing to be ashamed of.

Faintly, there is still a feeling of enjoyment.

No, my previous self was not like this. The influence of this second soul was too great.

Gong Hui is from the north and is not used to spicy food, but the climate in the south is humid and it is impossible not to eat some chili peppers. When Luo Yao ordered the dishes, he specifically asked the waiter to use less chili peppers.

In the eyes of Gu Yuan and Mancang, Luo Yao, who entered the special training class through the back door, was not only a burden, but also a good-for-nothing pretty boy, but Gong Hui just walked with him.

Since she was aggressive and wanted to be the leader of the fifth team, including Gu Yuan, who thought he was a thoughtful man, there was nothing he could do about it. However, Luo Yao came forward to turn the situation around. Even under his reminder, Liu Jinbao used a competition to get out of trouble This trick won me.

Later, there was a dispute over the train and boat ride, and it was he who cleverly suggested that Liu Jinbao find the boat boss through personal relationships, and he could comfortably take a boat from Shouchang to Yueyang City without spending any money.

Later, he bought himself physiological supplies and took himself to the casino to borrow money to help a group of people solve their worries.

These Gu Yuan and others simply turned a blind eye, or in their eyes, this was just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. They could do it without Luo Yao.

But Gong Hui doesn't think so. Although Luo Yao may have entered the special training class through the back door, he is by no means a burden. At least his attentiveness is something that many people do not possess.

Although she is not brave, she is good at planning. She has discovered this. Why do these people turn a blind eye?

Also, everyone has ignored his high academic qualifications. How many graduates of the Mathematics Department of Aurora University are on par with him in the first batch of special training lists?

From this point of view, even if you come in through the back door, it doesn't matter.

His meticulousness is meticulous, and there is a sense of moisturizing things silently. You may not even notice it, but others have already done it.

Gong Hui is a woman who performs field tasks all year round. Naturally, she understands that having a meticulous partner will remind you at any time what role it will play in your practice.

Luo Yao, the mission belongs to our group. You can't stay out of it. Gong Hui asked Luo Yaodao solemnly while drinking soup.

I'll listen to you.

Don't you want to prove yourself? Gong Hui said angrily.

You are all more experienced than me. I am soft-spoken and no one listens to my words. Even my words have caused conflicts. What are you talking about? Luo Yao chuckled. It is not a bad thing to hide your clumsiness for the time being.

Among the five of us, in terms of force, you may not be able to match any of the four of us, but in terms of brains, you are not inferior to any of us. Gong Hui said, I know you have ideas, can you tell me Come out and listen?”

Hey, let's forget it... Luo Yao thought for a moment and waved his hand.

Are you afraid that I will take away your credit?

Haha, we are all in the same boat, and the merit belongs to everyone. Luo Yao said with a smile, As for me, I just have to do the logistics work for everyone.

But they don't appreciate your favor?

Haha, it's impossible for everyone to be satisfied with everyone's work. At least you and Lao Liu will think of me well, and that's enough. Luo Yao chuckled, wanting to integrate a team into a whole, that's not It's an easy thing, especially for those who are capable, so who doesn't have a little arrogance?

Are you going to say that failure of the mission will not be good for you? Gong Hui was also a little angry. This Luo Yao was touching when he was careful, but sometimes he was so stubborn that it made people hate him.

Actually, why don't we start with Yin Tianchou? Luo Yao changed his expression to a serious one.

You mean to find Duan Zizi through Yin Tianchou?

Since Duan Zizi has dinner with Yin Tianchou every New Year's Eve, then we only need to keep an eye on Yin Tianchou on this day. Then, by seeing who he eats with, won't we be able to find Duan Zizi? Luo Yao smiled slightly, Duan Laizi wants to hide. It's too difficult and unrealistic for us to find him in such a short period of time.

Gong Hui nodded: Why didn't you say it just now?

Yin Tianchou is not an ordinary person. The tree is big and the roots are deep. The home is heavily guarded. It is not easy to sneak in. Luo Yao changed the topic.

Do you have any idea?

Can you sing Baxiang opera? Luo Yao asked.

No, why do you ask?

Every year on New Year's Eve, the most famous local Baxiang opera troupe will go to the Yin family stage to perform in sealed boxes. This is our best chance to sneak into the Yin family...

How do you know this?

Although I haven't read those files, I heard Gu Yuan and the others said it. Luo Yao said with a smile.

So you didn't sleep at all?

Even if I don't sleep, they won't let me get involved. They haven't found any useful clues now, so they're just taking it out on me. Luo Yao said with a smile.

But they have been searching for a long time, but they are not as good as you, a person who seems to be unable to help.

Although I can think of this method, if none of us can sing Baxiang opera, it will be difficult to get in.

It's not difficult. Not all opera troupes are singers. As long as there are local connections, it's not difficult to find people to sneak in. After all, Gong Hui has a lot of experience. If Luo Yao can't think of a way, she may not be able to think of it.

Do you have any idea?

You should go to our team leader for this matter. Only he can do it.

Yes, Lao Liu is familiar with the situation here. He should have local connections. Why didn't I think of that? Luo Yao said, patting his thigh.

Eat quickly. After we finish, we will go find Liu Jinbao. Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him. He would never have thought that the idea of ​​taking a boat to Yueyang was not the first thing you thought of?

This guy must have done it on purpose.

How did you come up with this move? Liu Jinbao and Mancang went to find Lao Deng of the Yueyang Group, but there was no particularly useful information.

The two of them were frustrated.

They happened to meet Gong Hui and Luo Yao. When Gong Hui told Luo Yao's idea, Liu Jinbao's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a good way to leave a winding path to a secluded place.

Gong Hui thought of it. I heard that the Yin family sings a big opera every New Year's Eve, so she immediately thought of this method. Luo Yao said before Gong Hui could.

Gong Hui's cheeks turned red and she was a little surprised. Why did Luo Yao give all the credit to her? However, she did not expose it and admitted it cooperatively. She now vaguely felt that Luo Yao was the key to the fifth team completing this mission.

It would be great if he could be the team leader from the beginning.

As expected, Miss Gong is from Peiping. Her thinking is flexible and much better than ours. Liu Jinbao gave a thumbs up and praised, Without further delay, we have to find some team leaders Deng...

No, although Team Leader Deng is one of ours, we need to complete the task independently. Luo Yao stopped him quickly and said, Old Liu, it doesn't matter if you are in Yueyang?

Well... Liu Jinbao frowned slightly, I know a few Taoist people in Yueyang, but I don't know if they can help with this matter?

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