Yan Qin had already prepared his adopted son for training with dissatisfaction on his face, but this time it seemed that there was a deviation from his memory, and Lin Sui invested much faster than he expected.

It may be that he has grown up, Yan Qin thought, and now he looks like a ready soldier.

Inevitably, Yan Qin thought of the kiss again, and withdrew his gaze on Lin Sui, thinking about the youth education guide that he had been studying all night, and told himself that he needed patience.

When a child takes a detour, he must not break it in a way that is too rough and harsh, which will have the opposite effect.

Gentleness, companionship, understanding, and patience, Yan Qin tried hard to keep these words repeated in his mind, so that he could keep his facial expressions a little softer.

It's a pity that the Marshal has been meticulous for a long time, and the glass shows his face, still cold and ruthless.

His training speed is greater than that of Lin Sui, and every muscle attached to his body contains great strength, like a fierce leader, exuding a terrifying aura.

Lin Sui distracted and watched Yan Qin for a while while resting in the middle. Yan Qin's combat uniform was wet with sweat and adhered to his body. The dizzy water marks were obvious, and some places were particularly conspicuous.

Lin Sui didn't feel any embarrassment, and looked directly at the place that attracted her attention the most, her heart sinking even more.

It's still not something that people eat, and according to the gender setting of this world, it seems that alpha will still form a knot?

Lin Sui doesn't know much about it, but he has a certain understanding of animal habits. By comparing the two, he can probably restore what the situation is.

Lin Sui's eyes were too direct and intriguing, Yan Qin had to interrupt the training, and his voice was cold: "The rest is too long, continue."

The youth education guide did not tell him what to do in this situation.

Lin Sui shrugged and continued training.

He didn't plan to do anything in this place. The high-end lure would not let the prey see his intentions, much less let the prey feel some kind of strong hint.

Yan Qin is no better than a puppy in the previous world. As a commander, he can see through too many loopholes and flaws, but people who are too smart will always over-interpret some things, which is something that can be easily used.

After the training, Lin Sui didn't talk to Yan Qin, and Yan Qin left the training room in one step, like a child who was having trouble with his father.

Yan Qin didn't call to stop him, but pressed the sun with some headache.

The troubles of educating children are really no less than resisting bugs.

Yan Qin left the bedroom after washing his body first, and saw the boy who was reaching for something in the cupboard.

He also took a shower, wearing a loose sweater and trousers. With the movement of his hand, the clothes were pulled upwards, revealing a flexible and white waist.

Alpha's body is full of strength, young alpha but with a vigorous vigor.

Yan Qin didn't feel anything strange, so he sat on the sofa naturally, waiting for Ann to bring the nutritional supplements.

Lin Sui got the cereal placed on it, lowered her head and brewed it with milk.

He was sure that Yan Qin saw it and would not feel anything wrong, because it was an extremely normal picture, he would let Yan Qin get used to it, and then break his conventional cognition.

It was half a month before the first military academy started, and Yan Qin had already made preparations for a protracted battle with his child during these half months, but he did not expect that Lin Sui was not as rebellious as he imagined.

Not only did he stay in the training room for a long time every day according to his instructions, but he didn't make a fuss about going out, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Regardless of whether this was a fake or not, Yan Qin was very satisfied.

He unblocked Lin Sui's secondary card, and also asked the mecha repairer to inlay a better liquid alloy material on Lin Sui's mecha "White Deer", making the "White Deer" even better.

"Thank you father."

Seeing the obedient appearance of the child in front of him, the old father was very pleased.

Even if he heard what Lin Sui said when he was chatting with his friends, "he can't take care of him when he comes to school", his mood was equally gentle.

It may not be what the child wants. In order to better understand and protect the child, Yan Qin will still discipline him a little to prevent Lin Sui from breaking the law and messing with the AA relationship.

The first military academy started, and Lin Sui left home without a moment's pause.

He deliberately let Yan Qin hear the conversation between him and Zhao Yu. As expected, he should be able to see the people he wants to see in the dormitory assigned by the school.

As the first institution of the empire, the First Military Academy has a large area and luxurious facilities. There are countless celebrities who come from here. In order to provide better conditions for the younger generation, they are also very enthusiastic when giving back to their alma mater, so The dormitory conditions of the First Military Academy are very good, and they are all two-person rooms.

When Yan Qin pushed open the dormitory door, Lin Sui was coming out of the bathroom.

The teenager wore a pair of trousers, the upper body was firm and full of strength, and the abdominal muscles were beautiful.

Yan Qin was not surprised by this, there was nothing to hide among the alphas, and in the past two weeks at home, he often saw his adopted son come out to replenish his energy after training.

"It's actually you."

Lin Sui looked at Yan Qin's disguised facial features, and had to say that Yan Qin's No. 884 system was very good. It was impossible to tell from the appearance that this ordinary military academy freshman and the marshal were the same person.

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