Corfu has always had the ambition to become the real king of the empire, but people are always changeable and will not be controlled forever, but the Zerg is different, and as long as they are strong enough, the Zerg mother can even live forever.

Under various temptations, Corfu wants to use bugs to conquer the empire and rule the universe in another way.

To be honest, Lin Sui is more respectful of this kind of person. He doesn't care about purpose or ambition. As long as he can stick to people for ambition, he appreciates that he can endure such disgusting things, which is not ordinary people.

But appreciation is appreciation, and Lin Sui will not be relentless if he dies.

Yan Qin and Cyril did not forget to pay attention to Lin Sui during the conversation, and found that he was a little distracted, ended the conversation with the old subordinate in a few words, and asked Lin Sui in a low voice: "Do you want to eat something?"

The purpose of everyone attending the dinner party is not to eat, but the meals in the palace are very delicate. Yan Qin used another body to buy Lin Sui meals for half a semester, knowing that there are some meals that Lin Sui should like.

Lin Sui did not refuse, and followed Yan Qin to the long table.

Yan Qin hadn't appeared in front of the public for a long time, and there were wave after wave of people who came to care and greet, Yan Qin had almost no time to pick up food, so Lin Sui waited beside him.

Yan Qin stopped those who wanted to continue coming with his eyes, and turned to look at the bored Lin Sui.

"Don't you like this occasion, so let's leave early?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that Dad..."

Lin Sui began to act as a filial son, looking at Yan Qin hesitantly, his eyes full of worry.

Probably uninjured strong people like someone to bring up their past in front of them in a regretful tone over and over again, and it is an irreparable injury.

"It's okay, we have to face what happened, good or bad."

Yan Qin's heart was full of warmth, Lin Sui cared about his feelings, that feeling was very good.

Lin Sui nodded, and handed Yan Qin a small pastry on the dinner plate, and picked up one to eat himself, his eyebrows and eyes stretched.

"The taste is very good. It is worthy of being the royal chef of the palace."

"If you like, ask him to be in charge of the party food on your birthday."

Lin Sui was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that his birthday was indeed coming up, and the original owner's birthday was in mid-January.

Lin Sui would treat this kind of information as unimportant. After all, in his heart, this is not his real birthday, and besides, there is nothing to celebrate on his birthday, except for what Yan Qin gave him.

Yan Qin looked at Lin Sui's silence and continued, "Although it's not the adult's birthday, the nineteenth birthday is also very important, so it's decided like this?"

"Thank you, Dad."

There was light in Lin Sui's blue eyes, which gave Yan Qin the urge to rub the end of his eyes, but he could only think about it.

Yan Qin thought he had made the right move, and the child was obviously much closer to him.

It's just that this atmosphere didn't last long before it was broken. Yan Qin looked at the couple who came with them, and lowered his head slightly: "Father, mother."

Lin Sui also followed suit, without any disturbance in his heart, looking at them was like looking at a pair of unimportant NPCs.

In Lin Sui's eyes, these two people are not Yan Qin's family members, not because of fiction, but because they did not give Yan Qin normal family care.

After Yan Qin was injured, they didn't come to visit many times.

Not all parents in the world are qualified, some parents are worse than none, Lin Sui feels deeply about this.

But he knows what normal family care is like. Yan Qin told him that although Yan Qin lost his parents when he was young, Yan Qin remembered those beautiful moments and passed on that kind of warmth to him through behaviors and actions.

Before that, Lin Sui felt that family and love were not necessary for a person, but after meeting Yan Qin and getting along with Yan Qin, he had to admit that people would have dependence and longing for those emotions.

Yan's father and Yan's mother were indifferent to Lin Sui, and Lin Sui did not stay by Yan Qin's side, and went to other places to communicate with people with a wine glass.

Yan Qin's expression was as solemn and serious as when he reported the battle situation in the past, chatting with his parents, but his eyes unconsciously caught Lin Sui's figure, and he was slightly relieved to see that he communicated with people with ease.

Mother Yan said: "That child is too flamboyant, all ambitions are written on his face."

Yan Qin defended: "He is still a child, so this is normal."

In private, Lin Sui is more lawless, but he is his son of Yan Qin, so it doesn't matter if he shows up a bit.

Father Yan asked in a deep voice: "Do you really want to train him as an heir?"

"Obviously, I have only one child."

"Yan Qin, you are still young, if you want we can arrange a different omega for you, your genes shouldn't be cut off like this, maybe we will have a new one..."

"Father!" Yan Qin interrupted him like a warning, his lips were almost drawn into a straight line because of anger, and the majesty of the superior poured out, "The reason why human beings are different from Zerg is that they are not dominated by reproduction, no matter who they are , should not be a machine for gene transmission, children are life, not tools."

"If you like, I don't mind having one more brother or sister. If you like, you can have more. My genes come from you. I believe you can do better."

Yan Qin made a suggestion, but his attitude was obviously sarcastic.

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