Lin Sui said calmly: [Yeah, I'm not happy, after all, he didn't do the whole set, only the first half of the service. 】

【Didn't you feel it, his next...】

Lin Sui didn't say the last words directly, but passed his thoughts to the beads in the Lingtai.

The system exploded: [I don't want to feel at all! 】

The system is very tormented, when will such a day be the end, can you quickly make the child of luck forget about this person!

Lin Sui was in a bad mood, but after being disturbed by the system, his mood improved a lot.

Lin Sui turned on the light brain and started to contact Tong Guan, giving him feedback after using it.

Lin Sui didn't leave the room all day. He knew that Yanqin had an important meeting to attend the next day, so he left the Marshal's Mansion at that time.

After Yan Qin finished the video conference, she received a reminder from Ann: "The young master has already left home."

Yan Qin immediately asked, "Where did he go?"

"Say it's going back to school early."

Yanqin immediately contacted Lin Sui's optical brain, and found that he was always in a state of refusal.

Ann: "Sir, it is obvious that you have been blocked."

The blue veins on Yan Qin's forehead slightly protruded: "I have eyes."

Ann: "Sir, are you angry?"

"Bring up the permissions panel, I don't seem to have added so much nonsense coding to your source files."

"Sir, I'm going to prepare black tea for you, see you later!"

Ann quickly made a material jump to the kitchen, thinking why humans can't afford it so much, how can they blame artificial intelligence for things.

Yan Qin was a little helpless, this was not only a failed parenting, but also a failed communication with his lover.

Yan Qin knew that his identity as an adoptive father had every reason to lose his temper with the child's actions, and forced him to rectify them. After all, what pair of parents in the world would not be angry and worried if they knew that the alpha child was doing such a thing.

But just like what he had done before, the more forcefully he dealt with it, the more his self-esteemed child would resist.

Yan Qin couldn't bear it, so he decided to continue investigating that unknown person to see if he could beat the mandarin ducks as a father.

Lin Sui didn't go back to school, he was upset when he saw Yan Qin.

Lin Sui didn't return until the holiday was over and school started again.

When he was at school, he received a caring message from Mr. Ke.

It was a long time since the other party was concerned about his recent situation, especially asking about his relationship with Yan Qin.

Lin Sui knew through the secret network that Yan Qin was secretly investigating him. Since he knew about it, Mr. Ke must also know about it.

The nervous contact was probably because he was worried that Yan Qin might notice something was wrong.

Lin Sui deliberately pretended to be ignorant of the investigation, and said the same things as before to let him relax.

Mr. Ke said not to contact him for the time being, and Lin Sui fully agreed.

Not long after breaking contact with Mr. Ke, Lin Sui received a message from Shan Yun.

Shan Yun said that Mr. Ke contacted him just now and asked about the Yan family.

Lin Sui knew that Mr. Ke was suspicious, but luckily Shan Yun had already joined his camp.

Lin Sui's gaze fell in the air, and he was lost in thought until the sound of the door opening and closing brought him back to his senses.

Yan Qin arranged the food for Lin Sui, and then began to help him organize his clothes and quilts, which can be called hard work and hard work.

But even if he behaved like this, Lin Sui, as a vengeful person, still planned to advance the torture of Yan Qin.

It's just that he was still waiting for an opportunity, but Lin Sui didn't expect that someone would present the opportunity to him when he was still in the planning stage.

In the private aircraft outside the school, Lin Sui looked at the woman in front of him, and was a little surprised to hear her coming.

"Ma'am, you also know that my father's affairs are beyond my control."

"But he has a very good relationship with you recently. If you asked, he should agree. The Omega I met this time is very gentle and courteous."

Lin Sui leaned on the back of the chair and said with a slight snort, "But this Miss Omega should not be much older than me. Are you not worried that I will have thoughts about my beautiful little mother?"

The person who came was Yan Mu. She wanted to give Yan Qin a blind date so that he could get married early and not be alone, but Yan Qin didn't listen to her at all. After being rejected, she had no choice but to find her unrelated grandson and try Let Lin Sui impress Yan Qin.

The dignified woman was obviously uncomfortable with the young man's arrogant language, she frowned and said, "That's your father, you can have thoughts about anyone, but you can't have thoughts about his wife."

Lin Sui thought, in fact, he wasn't so narcissistic enough to have thoughts about himself.

"I know what you are worried about, but considering your sense of belonging, Yan Qin adopted you only in name, and you have no legal relationship of adoption, and his property will have nothing to do with you in the future, you are not justified inheritance."

"But I can sign an agreement with you. As long as you promise to persuade him, you can enter our family and enjoy all the rights. And I will give you a total of 500 million real estate on the main star."

Mother Yan's spending is very generous. Although there is some inflation in the star coins, 100 million star coins converted to the ancient earth is 400 million, not to mention the location is still on the main star.

Lin Sui thinks it's not like the mother-in-law giving five hundred to her son's girlfriend in the rich family plot.

Although the nature of the two things is different, the nature of the million checks is the same, but there is no difference in essence.

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