It was really strange, but she was surprisingly not annoying.

Even the other party seems to be like this.

The subsequent process is a symbolic interview with outstanding teachers and students from Wangjia College.

But among the many visitors.

The Queen paused in front of these two people for a long time, and no one else was surprised.

After all, these two are the daughters of the Rose family!

Katherine Windsor, a student of the Royal Academy and the current daughter of the Rose family, and her cousin Jasmine Windsor are temporarily serving as her guardian knights.

There are so many reasons for these two to receive special treatment from the Queen.

But unlike people's imagination, the Queen would deliberately stay in front of them simply because she personally liked these two girls very much.

And a long time ago, she often invited him into the palace to chat and drink tea with her.

But today, the queen and the three girls next to her all looked at the other girl next to them strangely.

They must have never seen this girl before. Judging from the other party's dress, she must be just an ordinary civilian girl with excellent grades.

The only difference is that the opponent is a low-sequence transcendent.

But that wasn't the reason why they all noticed her.

And they also noticed that the other party seemed to be looking at them in astonishment.

After a long time, the girl hesitated and said to them:

"Your Majesty, my name is Audrey, and I am a student from the Garden. Well, let me say it first. I am definitely not trying to get close. But, have we really never met before?"

Regarding this question, whether it is the Queen or the other girls, they all want to answer yes.

But in the end, they all shook their heads and said:

"No, this is our first time meeting."

"Well, okay, please forgive me for being presumptuous, Your Majesty and all the ladies."

In response to this, Audrey looked very disappointed and planned to retreat.

Seeing this scene, the Queen subconsciously raised her hand and grabbed her.

This made everything around become quiet.

Everyone looked at the Queen and Audrey in surprise.

Only the choir scheduled to stay far away began the scheduled performance:

"God bless the Queen, she may always win and be blessed with glory. She will be well-liked by the people and her heart will be happy. If she governs the country, her destiny will be long."

"God bless the Queen, promote divine power, and promote freedom. Protect the homeland and defeat all enemies. Protect the land and defend the four directions."

"God bless the Queen, she will be reborn with grace and prosperity, and her military fortune will be long-lasting. May the people's wishes be fulfilled, and we will sing with our heartfelt hearts!"

This hymn that the Queen should have heard countless times caused the Queen to fall into deep silence at this time.

It was not until a long time later that Audrey, who had been holding her hand, said tremblingly:

"Your Majesty, why are you crying?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone except the queen and the four girls fell to their knees in fear.

Only the queen and the four girls saw in each other's eyes the sadness and loss that they themselves could not understand.


When the last period of wrong history was shown before the eyes of the parties involved.

All the girls heard a crisp finger snap in the midst of infinite loss and sadness.

The next moment, everything in front of him began to disappear rapidly.

Memories that had been specially sealed began to emerge quickly.

Everything returned to the tower-like holy tree.

The goddesses' crazy attacks full of murderous intent failed one after another. Then they disappeared into the air where there was nothing.

But none of the goddesses cared at all about this.

As soon as they were able to take action, they almost frantically searched for that familiar figure.

The emptiness and loss they felt in the wrong history that seemed to swallow everything was something they no longer dare to experience.

Fortunately, this time, they found it!

The next moment was before Mozo could think of what to say.

He just saw the goddesses rushing towards him crying.

He hugged one person one by one and jumped on the next one before he was comforted.

But fortunately, it didn't completely turn into a situation where a bunch of goddesses were squeezing him.

And she also said with a smile behind her:

"Okay, everything is solved!"

This was her solution.

Let the goddesses understand what kind of future they will get if they continue.

That was an answer that no girl would accept except Yuan Yuan.

It is also the perfect answer originally provided for my favorite Mozo!

Looking at Mozo who was hugged by the goddesses while crying. She tilted her head slightly and thought for a moment before bringing the other girls here.

After that, it was just like before, the new girls burst into tears and rushed towards Mo Zuo.

In this regard, she watched quietly from the side.

Only she can bring this kind of ending to Mo Zuo.

Not everyone except her!


Wait until it gets late.

After finally comforting all the girls one by one, Mo Zuo walked to her side with a sigh of relief.

Looking at her sitting on the crown branches of the sacred tree.

Mozo sat directly next to her.

After watching the stars and the moon with her for a long time.

Without any words, she just patted her legs together. Mozuo also put his head on her lap, and said with great reassurance before slowly closing his eyes:

"Finally I can rest easy."

Final words

This book was opened in September last year, directly and seamlessly after the previous book hit the market.

When I opened the book, I was really nervous.

Because two books were released in succession, the blow was really too great.

Although I was full of confidence and prepared to do a big job in each book, the results of basically every book were not very good.

The previous book was even more horrific.

Fortunately, I rely on the support and love of all readers.

The book was very successful.

This is the pinnacle of my performance since writing a book.

Then also report on the situation of this book.

This book has a total of 1.67 million words. There are as many as 44,011 readers who have supported this book, and a total of 2,791 readers have followed it all the way to completion. The final The result is thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty-eight.

It was an unprecedented success for me.

Therefore, this book was also written with great care.

I didn't dare to slack off at all. To this end, I revised the outline of this book many times because I found that as the plot progressed, the originally expected word count and plot could not cover everything.

For example, my initial plan was to start in Bernadette and then end in Bernadette.

But no, before I even wrote Bernadette, I knew it would be impossible to finish it at that time. So I started to revise the outline again and fill in the subsequent content.

That time period was when Ilúvatar was written, and the chapters of Ilúvatar were not originally planned to be that long.

But due to issues with revising the outline, it has been stretched.

And there was almost something wrong with Ilúvatar's own settings. In the end, I managed to write it back to its original state by tinkering with it.

But even so, it still made everyone very dissatisfied.

This is indeed my personal ability.

Failed to write out all the content it should have.

Then in the author group, because of this, I made a joke that started in May and was still being completed in July.

But I finally wrote out everything I wanted to write and everything I needed to explain.

I also know that this ending is definitely not the best, but I think it was at least a smooth landing.

After all, I wrote another 70,000 words to finish the book based on the estimated 1.6 million words.

In my opinion, the story of Mozo Klein should end like this.

It ends with meeting his original side at the very beginning.

As one reader commented, this is a grand opera after two lonely people meet!

It starts with meeting and ends with seeing each other again.


Finally, I would like to ceremoniously recommend a new book by a good friend of the author group:

Introduction: Su Yue traveled through a parallel world and was bound to a system of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, including but not limited to helping an old lady cross the road, helping neighbors deliver things, picking up gold and so on.

"Forget it, it depends on the host's good deed points."

“What if it’s supporting people who are living a hard life?”



This is to support those young ladies standing in the streets wearing thin clothes in the cold weather!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the novice time travel gift package!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the Herrscher of the Sky!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the pink fairy Alicia!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing Mebius!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing Yae Sakura!"


Su Yue: "I swear, I'm just a plumber, don't come here!"

↑The above is the bullying part.

6 Ha Extra: The times are getting better and better.

Saibant is the son of a farmer.

He didn't know whether his life was good or bad, but Sabante knew one thing. That is, he is very satisfied with his current life.

This was not just the fact that he often heard from his grandfather about the horrific war that engulfed the entire world a hundred years ago.

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