At the heart of the ever-changing Crystal Maze is where Tzeentch himself resides.

a place of eternal change

In this labyrinth of randomly generated passages all the time, accompanied by various decomposition, splitting, collapse, and reorganization states, Tzeentch doesn't even need any guards or servants to protect him. Many reckless fools will Lost forever in this realm. Weak mortals who even glimpse a tiny part of the walls of the Crystal Maze will fall into the endless wash of reality and fantasy and go crazy, and then corrupt themselves into the lowest servants of Tzeentch.

Tzeentch plays his great game at the very center of the crystal refraction, which he can never see the end of.

Variety! What a wonderful change!

Endless variations! Endless possibilities!

Changes for the better! A change for the worse! Just change is a good thing!

In the midst of change, Tzeentch controls the fate of thousands of creatures, detonating the endless foreshadowing he has laid in the midst of change, and then leaving behind new secret hands along the way.

There is never any pattern in the long threads of destiny that Tzeentch is watching. Those long threads are constantly dancing and changing, intertwined with other threads of destiny, weaving a huge and indescribable scale. The magnificent network.

But just now, the network of fate was closed.

This change shocked Tzeentch and made it difficult for Tzeentch to understand. Even the presence of Nurgle, the symbol of eternal stillness, would not have tied the threads of fate to such a small number.

The fate line itself did not increase or decrease at all, but those long lines seemed to have received some kind of induction. The arrangements and combinations were intertwined for a moment, and finally became a point in the shining infinite sky, and then continued to expand upwards to reveal infinite possibilities.

No one embodies what this means more than Tzeentch, an irrefutable protagonist on this dark and grand stage. From then on, destiny will be dominated by him, and limited changes will occur around him.

This frightens Tzeentch. The result of this convergence of fate lines will greatly weaken his power. This weakening is immeasurable. From infinite possible endings, there is only one ending. When that ending is realized That's when Tzeentch is weak enough to be killed by a mortal.

Until then, the end of the great game that spans countless ages will be the defeat of Tzeentch and the victory of the other gods.

"This kind of future is unacceptable!" The voices mixed with countless tones and languages ​​were woven into one sentence. This intense fluctuation made the entire Crystal Maze tremble. The humble, foolish servants of Tzeentch find it difficult to comprehend the violent mood swings of their great master.

\\But the ending is still undecided! Still in unobservable infinity! \\

As long as the line of fate remains vague and cannot be observed by Tzeentch, then the outcome of fate cannot be determined. Tzeentch can only see those destined endings in the fate line, such as the demise of the Eldar.

Although it is difficult for Tzeentch to see how this line will develop in the long line of destruction, the outcome of the Eldar is certain. Whenever I see those Eldar prophets using all their strength to pursue the unreachable hope for their race, this makes the eternal behind-the-scenes person feel happy from the bottom of his heart. The futile struggle is the best entertainment for Tzeentch to tease the living beings.

"Who is calling my essence!" Tzeentch silently felt the unusual call. His champions and prophets only knew a little about his own power, and did not involve understanding of his essence at all. , even his subordinate Magnus, whose soul is controlled by him, only knows a little more about himself than other idiots.

Perhaps this is the key to closing the thread of fate, a brand new creature that has never appeared before.

Tzeentch silently locked the location of the audacious caller, who turned out to be the huge decaying tomb where the body of his old enemy, the God-Emperor, lay - the so-called Holy Terra.

"Let me take a good look at you!" Then Tzeentch cast his sights on this small planet, passing through countless layers of human creations, and what appeared in front of Tzeentch was a fully clothed Not in harmony with the young man of this era and the eager gazes of the other three evil gods.

"This kind of clothing means that this is a time traveler. Judging from the clothing, it comes from the ancient times when humans still called Terra the earth."

"Being watched by the Four Gods means that he not only understands my essence, but also understands the essence of other guys. This is so rare and crazy."

Tzeentch didn't even have time to think before he quickly came up with an answer that was close to the truth. But he still didn't know what type of traveler he was, whether he was a time traveler or a universe traveler.

In my long observation plan, I will always see this kind of creature. They travel through time for one reason or another. There are countless possibilities in this chaotic and turbulent universe, and there are countless loopholes in the riddled space. Can shuttle.

While Tzeentch was silently observing the nature of this time traveler, Slaanesh took action first. This slave who only obeyed his own desires was basically the same thing as the reckless Blood God whose mind was only about war and killing. He was never good at taking action. brain. But Tzeentch had no idea to remind these "friends". He was happy to see such fools come to explore the way for him.

Following the dissipation of Slaanesh's energy and the high-pitched scream that made Tzeentch want to retract his sight, Tzeentch saw the time traveler who looked calm, even unscathed.

At this moment, Tzeentch understood the nature of this time traveler. These were the guys he least wanted to remember.

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Subjective beyond this universe.

It is still unknown where the subject comes from, but Tzeentch knows that there must be a level higher than this universe. Every subject is unable to suffer any harm or blow because of its own existence higher than this universe. But the subject can change the determined fate line through his own ability to predict beyond Tzeentch himself.

The last time such a subject appeared was when those soulless skeletons and the Ancient Saint Star God were fighting each other. A subject appeared in the center of the battlefield. Using those high-tech skeleton observation instruments, they quickly discovered the strange existence on this battlefield, and what followed was a saturated attack of overwhelming high-energy particle flow.

But what surprised and puzzled those skeletons was that the high-energy particle flow that was supposed to completely wipe out any biological form and break everything from the molecular structure turned out to be ineffective.

The Necrontyr used all available weapons and methods to attack the subject, but all failed. In that crazy era of killing the ancient saints, such existence seriously disturbed the judgment of the Necrontyr commanders. They It was even thought that this was a new weapon made by the ancient saint.

But as the war progressed, the abilities of the Subjectors were tested one by one. In addition to not suffering any form of blow, the Subjectors were no different from ordinary flesh and blood creatures. They had joy, anger, sorrow, and could eat and drink. Lhasa, but it is not necessary to eat or drink Lhasa to ensure survival. It seems more like a ridiculous imitation made by the subject to adapt to his flesh and blood identity.

The subject is not imprisoned or restrained in any form. In the eyes of the subject, his intention is the first priority for everything, even if this intention has violated the laws of reality and the truth of the universe. The Necrontyr once built a huge hyperspace labyrinth to stasis the Subjects, but the Subjects were just flattered that they had built a magnificent green stone monument for themselves, which could imprison the warp demons and the prison of the Star Gods in the Subjects In the eyes of the reader, it is like a corridor that can be walked through at will.

The weapons and prisons failed, and the Necrontyr decided to exile the Subjects in the infinite space. They deliberately blew up everything in the entire star region, not even the dust of the universe was spared. That extremely dark and empty star area is a exile area tailor-made for subjective people.

But what the necrophobes didn't expect was that while the subject was higher than the universe, he was also flattered by the universe. There would always be various accidents that would push the subject to an intersection of fate, as if The entire universe is like an ordinary stage surrounding his existence, and he improvises on the stage, performing to those unknown and mysterious beings.

Thinking of this, Tzeentch felt fear. What kind of audience could allow this kind of existence to perform?

Having failed with all means, the Necrontyr gave up their pursuit of the Subject, and decided to pretend they didn't see it and let it move freely. The subject has not let up on the Necrontyr's indulgence, and has been busy with his own ridiculous activities, using the Necrontyr's high-end technology to complete his life, or playing the life of a pirate to tease the Eldar, and sometimes even Go and be brothers with those Orcs.

According to Tzeentch, the power of the subject depends on the amount of knowledge.

The more you understand, the more you are bound by knowledge; the more ignorant you are, the more you take your own subjectivity as the first guide.

For ordinary people, knowledge is power. So for the subject, ignorance is omniscience.

Just like human beings have not yet entered the universe, they are imagining and calculating the appearance of the planet. Wrong theories such as the round sky and the square earth are rampant in the ignorant era.

The same is true for the subjective person. If he is born without knowing the true appearance of the planet, then he can also use his own ideas to shape a world with a true "round sky and square earth". On the contrary, if the subject knows the true appearance of the planet, then the hints of the soul and the involvement of thinking will make it impossible for the subject to conceive of a world with a "round sky and a square earth".

The first-generation subject had a certain amount of knowledge, but had no understanding of the universe. His learning of basic physical rules was a complete mess. It is precisely because of this that the first generation of subjects gained incredible power by relying on their ignorant minds.

Those creations that are said to be indestructible are as easy as crushing a piece of tofu in the eyes of ignorant subjective people. Those destructive beams that are said to shatter the stars are just like a breeze blowing over him, and the reason for all this is that he does not think that these seemingly complex and incomprehensible things can do anything.

Just when the necrophobe has become accustomed to the existence of the subject, the subject disappears again, just as it appears without knowing the reason, and disappears without knowing the reason.

But this subject seems to be different from the previous one. He. He understands the universe very well. He understands everything, the past and the future. So wouldn’t the hints of the soul and the involvement of the mind become his biggest weakness?

Tzeentch chuckled strangely, if that was the case, then this knowledgeable subjective person would be too much to deal with.

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