Yarick fired at the Sage with the determination to die. All the explosives were blocked by the personal force field shield built into the Sage's body, and exploded in the air 50 centimeters away from his body.

Since guns are useless, the only thing left is the power sword that carries the anger of the betrayer.

With a clang, in Yarick's shocked eyes, the invincible mechanical sage fell to the ground, making a synthetic "Ah ... "Ahem!" In the ruthless and efficient stirring of Yarrick, this noble and prominent nest city manager died quickly. Yarrick put the power sword back into the scabbard and looked at Chaos Mechanical Sage who stood up after Von Kha'Zix died.

"Why is this?"

"According to the agreement of the Iron Treaty, we must protect their family during the effective period of the agreement."

"Then you just..."

"You are too strong, I have never beaten you."

After listening to the explanation of Chaos Sage, Yarrick broke out in a cold sweat. He never knew that the people of the Mechanicus would be so interesting and flexible.

"Can I ask a question?"

"I can't answer. I have to know the question before I can decide whether you can ask it."

In the standard style of the Mechanicus, it seems that it was just an accident. Yarrick looked helplessly at the face of Sage Chaos, which was full of cables and mechanical compound eyes, and asked, "Why did you sign the Iron Treaty with them? Isn't this the highest level of agreement?"

".I can't answer."


"But seeing that you helped my data template release a lot of heat, I decided to have a reasonable data exchange with you. A precious (data deleted) template was unearthed here."

Yarrick didn't understand what Sage Chaos said. After all, he blocked the most critical words with garbled codes and beeps, but he was not a curious person. He just needed to know the general reason.

"What do you mean by helping you release a lot of heat?"

"You have too many questions, Commissar." The cold mechanical voice of Chaos interrupted Commissar Yarrick's idea of ​​continuing to ask questions. The sage looked back at the body of Von Ozk and then looked at Yarrick, and then walked away with his insect-like mechanical limbs.

Yarick then understood that Sage Chaos was also deeply dissatisfied with Von Ozk. Perhaps this was why Sage Mechanic came to him to tell him the truth about the Titan Corps. Sage Chaos and the Mechanicus behind him must be extremely annoyed by the Herman family's stupid command of the Titan Corps. If it weren't for the fact that the agreement had not expired, the ruthless Skitarii of the Mechanicus would rush out of their Forge World and transform all the members of the Herman family into servitors to atone for their sins.

Especially Sage Chaos, who was threatened by Von Ozk with the Iron Treaty, was so angry that he was about to get overheated. If Sage Chaos was still a human, his blood pressure would have exploded. Killing this annoying guy was a great way to help Chaos vent his anger.

It seems that these Mechanicus guys are not as stubborn and rigid as I have seen before. They have a unique sense of humor. The more Commissar Yarrick thought about it, the funnier it became. He smiled out loud with his mouth curled up.

On a bloody day, Yarrick and his soldiers successfully wiped out the nobles and the giants of the military-industrial complex. The Chameleon Gang, which was good at tracking and street fighting, also successfully killed all the noble families with the help of the tank regiment and artillery regiment under Yarrick's jurisdiction. No living person could survive from the city hunters who grew up in these low-level hives. Although those noble boys equipped with highly skilled hunter armor did cause them a lot of trouble, they lost the blessing of their families and became rumors and stories in the streets and alleys under the siege of the army and gangs.

On the condition of promising to give priority to meeting the quota needs of the Mechanicus and protecting the technological crystallization of the God of All Machines, the Hades Hive Mechanic Order to which Sage Chaos belonged recognized Yarrick's temporary management rights. After the specific figures of the Empire's tithe and the additional taxes imposed by the nobles were made public, the residents of the hive city chose to overthrow the nobles in anger and accept Yarick's temporary management.

Domicilon represented the lower-class people and his gang and gained a place in Yarick's temporary management. Many people said that maybe in the future when the Empire drove away those orcs, Domicilon would become the new manager of the hive city.

With Domicilon's permission, Spitfire Ryder also moved from his lower-class gang to Yarick's side and became a guard, occasionally serving as an instructor for the Planet Defense Force's street fighting. Although Yarick didn't like Ryder always following him around and asking about his well-being, he had to admit that the old thugs of this gang did have their own unique and precious street fighting experience.

Alex decided to write Ryder's street fighting experience into an infantry drill in order to train more imperial troops. Ryder was even moved to tears when he learned that he could win such an honor. There is a new understanding of value.

It's really weird. In Yarick's experience, he has never seen a gang member take honor so seriously.

The military factories and civilian factories in the upper and middle hives were quickly relocated to the lower levels under the guidance of the Adeptus Mechanicus, forming an entire factory area capable of independent production near the old tank factory of the Domicilon gang. However, the equipment in the factory is so large, and there are so many factory buildings that need to be relocated. It is difficult for Yarick and the others to quickly move most of the factories to the lower hive in a short period of time.

Just five days after clearing out the nobles, Yarick's office door was knocked by urgent reconnaissance information. A regrouped orc army was rushing towards the Hades nest. A solemn-faced Yarrick carefully read through the entire reconnaissance information and asked his adjutant: "How is the relocation of Deharan Industrial Zone going? ”

"Political Commissar! There are still 5 ammunition production plants and 3 tank production plants that have not yet been relocated!"

"Come on boy, we have a battle to win."

"Okay political commissar!" Ryder excitedly picked up the melta gun in his hand and followed the political commissar.

Yarick put on his big military hat and heavy political commissar coat, and pushed out the door.

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