Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 22 Big Goals and Small Goals

No one wants to stay on the top of the stone pillar, without food or drink, exposed to wind and sun, rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightning, and even various inexplicable disasters.

If you are not careful, you may slip and fall to your death.

So, the biggest wish of us staying on the top of the stone pillar is, of course, to lower the height of the stone pillar and return to the safe ground as soon as possible.

Does that mean we have to accumulate a thousand points at one time, and then exchange them for lowering the height of the stone pillar?

The answer is not to wait that long.

In order to motivate us to use points to reduce the height of the stone pillar as soon as possible, the situation at each height of the stone pillar is not exactly the same.

Every 100 meters is a node, and every 100 meters the stone pillar falls, our living environment can be qualitatively improved.

For the newcomers who are still staying at the top of the 1,000-meter stone pillar, the first and most urgent need is enough drinking water.

When the height of the stone pillar drops to 900 meters, we will get a water dispenser.

In the beginning, only 100ML of drinking water was provided in the water dispenser every day.

After that, for every 10 meters down, the daily water supply in the water dispenser will increase by 100ML.

I would like to remind everyone here that if you want to survive on the top of the stone pillar, it is very important to descend to a height of 900 meters, and the priority is even higher than being promoted from a group performer to a small special agent.

Otherwise, if the time interval between the two shootings is more than three days or even longer, and there has been no rain, snow, or hail in the nearby sky in those few days, and there has been no water replenishment, we may dry out before returning to the film and television city.

In this way, when we go down to the 800-meter platform, we can get 1.1 liters of pure water every day, and it is boiled water. In addition, at 800 meters, another very important material will be added, that is, we can get a pack of instant noodles when we return to the stone pillar between shooting intervals.

After that, for every 10 meters down, the supply of a pack of instant noodles will be increased.

Of course, the quality of instant noodles will get better and better, from dry noodles at the beginning to noodles with seasonings later.

When we got down to the 700-meter platform, we not only got instant noodles for three meals a day, but also an extra pickle for each meal.

At this time, we have basically solved the problem of dying of thirst and starvation.

After that, every time we descend 10 meters, our daily instant noodles will have an additional side dish to choose from, from pickles to ham sausage, braised eggs and so on.

When we get down to the 600-meter platform, we can get a flush toilet hanging beside the stone pillar.

Although flushing the toilet solves the problem of going to the toilet, every time you sit on the toilet from the edge of the stone pillar, it is likely to be life-threatening, and you may fall off the toilet accidentally.

So, after every 10 meters of descent, there will be some changes on the side of the toilet, such as adding a suspended cement slab that can be stepped on below, increasing the area of ​​the cement slab, and adding a flushing device.

There will even be an extra sink, providing 0.1 tons of tap water per day for every 10 meters down, allowing us to wash our faces and hands.

When we got down to the 500-meter platform, we got an external bathroom with relatively complete facilities beside the stone pillar, which completely solved the problem of going to the toilet. At the same time, we also got a simple water heater.

After that, every time we descend 10 meters, we will gradually get a sufficient supply of toothbrushes, toothpaste, cups, washbasins, towels, bath towels, shower gel, shampoo, etc.

“During this period, we will still suffer from harsh environments such as heavy rain, hail, extreme heat and cold, and we will be very eager to have facilities to protect us from the wind and rain. When we descended to the 400-meter platform, a bathroom was hung outside our toilet, which has a full set of bathing facilities. At the same time, we also got a canopy, which was erected on the top of the stone pillar to protect us from the sun and rain.”

Afterwards, every 10 meters down, the windshield is gradually increased around the Pengzi.

When we got down to the 300-meter platform, our simple canopy became a roof, and a platform appeared on the top of the stone pillar, allowing us to have a six-square-meter small house on the top of the stone pillar.

At this time, we almost no longer worry about falling down. It's almost the same as staying at home, but we can't go out, and the space is very small.

After that, for every 10 meters down, the small house will increase by one square meter.

When I got down to the 200-meter platform, the small house of six square meters became sixteen square meters.

We finally have a little room to move around by our bed, and we've also been given a stool.

Afterwards, every 10 meters down, while the small house continues to increase by one square meter, we will also get an additional piece of furniture, such as a desk that automatically transforms into a book every day, a wardrobe that automatically transforms into new clothes, and so on.

When we got down to the 100-meter platform, our little house had sockets and electricity, so we could turn on the lights and no longer fear the darkness of the night.

After that, every 10 meters down, the small house will continue to expand, and we will add an electrical appliance, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, TVs, set-top boxes, toasters, ovens, dishwashers, game consoles and so on.

As for after landing on the ground...that's not what I want to answer this question.

After the girl in sunglasses answered, she looked at the director.

The answer is valid, and 5 points will be rewarded. The director announced.

Hearing the description of the girl in sunglasses just now, the group of performers also started talking.

In order to force them to earn points, this strange film and television city really racked their brains.

But I have to say that these conditions are indeed very tempting to those who are trapped on the top of the stone pillar.

Especially after experiencing extreme thirst and hunger.

You must know that when you were on the top of the stone pillar, water and food were extravagant hopes.

Now I finally have hope and a goal to strive for.

The big goal is to accumulate enough 1,000 points to return to the ground, and the small goal is to accumulate enough 100 points first, and get a drinking fountain at a place of 900 meters.

Okay, it's time for you to ask questions. The woman in sunglasses was in a good mood after getting 5 points, and she reached out her hand to signal Gao Fei.

It's better to ask some quality questions, like what she just asked. The girl in the sunglasses added a few more words before Gao Fei could speak.

You can get 1 to 5 points for answering a question. The total number of questions is certain. Of course, she hopes that everyone will ask high-scoring questions.

Then let me ask what's going on after landing on the ground. Will we be able to go home at that time? Have we returned to our original life? Gao Fei looked expectantly at the girl in the sunglasses.

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