What's the matter? Li Teng walked up to the girl in sunglasses and asked her.

Stand still. The girl in the sunglasses replied to Li Teng, then stretched out her hand, tapped Li Teng's forehead three times with her fingers, and then turned around to leave.

Didn't you want to talk to me? What do you mean by knocking on my forehead three times? Li Teng was confused.

You're a smart person, think for yourself. The woman in sunglasses walked back to the coffee table.

What do you think about this? You have to give me some hints, right?

There's no hint, you're so smart, you'll definitely figure out what's going on. Besides, if you figure it out, don't ask me for proof. The girl in the sunglasses stopped and said something to Li Teng, then walked away quickly.

The bus to the airport had already arrived. Under the urging of the staff, everyone quickly boarded the bus. Li Teng had no chance to ask any more questions.

Knock three times, are you going on a date with me at three o'clock at night?

It's one or two o'clock at night, isn't it?

The question is where can I find her after returning to Stone Pillar?

what the hell?

Can I think of it with my intelligence?

There is no hint at all, no matter how smart I am, I can't think of it!

Are you kidding me?

The security check at the airport is very strict, except for clothes, not even a plastic bag is allowed to be taken away.

Of course, things that are inconvenient to take away can be stored at the airport for free, and you can get them by swiping your face when you come next time.

It was late at night when we set off.

When we returned to the stone pillar, it was still dark.

Every time this happens, I feel extremely uncomfortable.

As if from a warm world, suddenly fell into the abyss of hell.

Of course, the film and television city is not a warm world.

Someone always wanted to kill Li Teng.

But there is food and drink there, and this alone is much better than the top of the stone pillar.

Coming back this time, it was a little different from last time.

The last time I came back, it snowed all day on the top of the stone pillar, and the bed on the top of the stone pillar was buried.

Li Teng was half dead from the cold, and barely escaped by hiding in the snow cave he dug.

Coming back this time, at any rate, the night was normal, and there was no such extreme weather.

The first thing Li Teng did when he got back to the broken bed was to check if his bottle of mineral water was still there.


Li Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

This bottle of mineral water is his life.

If the top of the stone pillar continues to be dry, he can survive with this bottle of mineral water. Without this bottle of mineral water, it will be difficult for him to survive for three days.

Only when you have life can you do other things, and if you don't have life, everything will stop.

I'm so full today.

I ate a full twelve steamed buns, plus a whole roast chicken.

People who are full will not be cold.

And chicken is not like steamed buns, which are digested as soon as they enter the stomach.

Roast chicken has protein and fat, which can be digested slowly and last for a longer period of time.

Thinking of roast chicken, Li Teng thought of the girl in sunglasses.

When she was about to say goodbye, she tapped on the top of his head three times. What did she mean?

By the way, does it represent a sentence?

What would be the content of a sentence of three words?

I love you?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

Because I'm handsome, she fell in love with me at first sight?

Buy me roast chicken and want to date me.

I figured it out. I'm a genius.

But I don't want to fall in love with people here.

It's purely a burden for myself.

So, next time I go back to the film and television city, I will sternly reject her.

Although explicitly refusing a woman's courtship will hurt her self-esteem, and even hate me, there's nothing I can do about it.

Why am I so attractive?

High IQ, handsome, honest, honest, sunny, optimistic, strong, brave, responsible, mature, stable, sincere, forthright, funny, resolute, calm, shameless...

I have concentrated all the advantages of Chinese men.

That's why I'm so attractive.

Li Teng fell asleep while thinking about this question.


When he woke up the next morning, Li Teng lay in bed and didn't think much of it.

He had a very long dream last night, the kind with very harmonious content.

It may be that I ate too much yesterday, and I was full and thinking about it.

Although I will refuse her courtship, if she wants to do something she loves with me, I can consider doing it with her without any emotion. Li Teng rethought his decision last night.

If I only do that kind of thing but don't talk about feelings, wouldn't I become a scumbag?

Forget it, let's reject her clearly and keep a distance from her.

I am an upright and sunny man, I don't want to be a scumbag.

Speaking of the sun... In the morning, after the sun came out, Li Teng realized that something was wrong.

As the time approached noon, the temperature on the top of the stone pillars became higher and higher, slowly changing from hot to scorching hot.

This is unscientific! How can it be so hot at such a high altitude? And it only snowed a few days ago!

Li Teng's clothes were drenched with sweat, so he took off all his clothes and lay motionless under the bed.

Soon Li Teng couldn't lie down under the bed.

The stone on the top of the stone pillar is getting hotter and hotter, almost scalding the flesh.

If he lay down like this again, he would be roasted.

There was no other way, Li Teng had no choice but to lie down on the wooden bed again.

The high temperature quickly evaporated the moisture on Li Teng's body, and he didn't dare to touch the only bottle of mineral water.

It's not the hardest time yet.

This kind of enthusiasm also made Li Teng somewhat understand why the elegant old woman didn't survive the last time.

If the weather continued like this, Li Teng felt that even if he had a bottle of mineral water, he might not last long.

The only thing he can do now is to stay still.

Minimize the loss of body water.


The afternoon became more and more difficult.

Although it's only been a day, Li Teng's thirst has reached the level of the previous few days.

The temperature is much higher, and the body loses water more rapidly.

Li Teng finally couldn't hold back and opened the mineral water bottle and took a few sips.

He wanted to drink the whole bottle of water in one gulp, but he didn't dare.

I hope the weather will cool down tomorrow, otherwise, he won't last long.

Finally, the sun went down.

The sun had set and the temperature hadn't dropped much, and it was still sweltering, unreasonably, surprisingly sweltering.

Li Teng didn't urinate a few drops all day, and he felt that he was about to be turned into a mummified corpse.

Before falling asleep, he couldn't help but drink a few more sips of water.

The 600ml mineral water bottle soon had less than 200ml left.

It must rain tomorrow! Otherwise he will die.

Li Teng still had many dreams that night.

But there is no dream with that kind of harmonious content.

All dreams have only one theme.

That is to find water to drink everywhere.

I dreamed that I found a faucet, turned on the faucet, and drank water with my mouth facing the faucet.

But no matter how you drink it, it will not quench your thirst.

Until finally woke up very tired.

It was already daylight.

In just one day, Li Teng found that his body had become extremely weak.

He tried to sit up, but he was already spinning.

This is not a good sign.

This is a precursor to a complete breakdown of bodily functions.

Today must not be as hot as yesterday.

Li Teng didn't want to die here.

He had to return to the film and television city alive, and then explicitly reject the courtship of the girl in the sunglasses.

A person must have a beginning and an end.

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