Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 801 Chapter 1166-1167 Warehouse

The distance was too far, and it started to rain again. After studying the route, Li Teng decided not to ride an electric bike.

Instead, take the subway there.

The customer bought a large bag of snacks.

Li Teng rode his electric scooter to the nearby subway station. After parking the car, he rushed into the subway station with his bag.

Half an hour later, Li Teng walked out of the subway station.

The address written in the form is in a large warehouse in the south of the city.

But it looks like this large warehouse has been abandoned for a long time.

Since the Black Rain incident, many places have been inexplicably abandoned.

But these things are never reported in the news, and the citizens don't seem to care much about them.

Li Teng checked the address on the list again, and then walked into the open door of the large warehouse with some doubts.

Officer Liu said, where can we find clues about Liu Yin?

Because the large warehouse is abandoned, there is not even a guard at the gate.

After entering, there are rows of large warehouses that look exactly the same.

Not quite the same either... some warehouses are in disrepair with half the roof collapsed.

Some warehouses had several large holes in the outer walls.

I really don't know what kind of people would live in such a place.

Counting the number signs on the outer wall of the warehouse, Li Teng came to the side of No. 23 warehouse after ten minutes.

That is where the buyer of this big bag of snacks is located.

However, there is no trace of life here, no vehicles, and no human figure in sight.

Fortunately, the rain had stopped when we were on the road just now, otherwise this road would not be very easy to walk.

Continuing to walk towards the door of warehouse No. 23, Li Teng inexplicably felt depressed.

He became vigilant, spreading his soul power to investigate around his body, ready for battle at any time.


The D-level evil spirits used for this investigation have been released into the target area!

The subject of investigation, Li Teng, has come into view...

Survey subject Li Teng has entered the target area!

All psionic cameras are working fine...


Northern District Security Team is in place!

The security team in the southern region is in place!

Western Security Team is in place!

Eastern Security Team is in place!


Sniper No. 1 is in place!

Sniper No. 2 is in place!


The two C-level ghost hunters in charge of controlling the field are in place! Waiting for instructions!


everything's ready!

The investigation has officially begun!


Attention all groups, once the situation worsens, the erasure procedure will be implemented immediately!


In a temporary office near the warehouse, several staff members in military uniforms are busy busy.

A man in uniform paced around the office, keeping an eye on the progress of each group.

The female superior in a black mask and hat looks at the screen in front of her without moving.

Outside Li Teng's warehouse, there were twelve armed teams in four directions.

They wore special psionic helmets and special psionic armor, armed with live ammunition and hidden in various bunkers, watching Li Teng nervously as he was about to enter the warehouse.

Li Teng slowly walked into warehouse No. 23.

Although there was no one outside and no sound could be heard, warehouse No. 23 was full of people.

The atmosphere at the scene was also very warm.

The interior of the entire large warehouse is arranged like a reception.

There are seven or eight round tables inside.

There are more than ten old people sitting around each round table.

There are cola drinks and some fruit snacks on the table.

There is a gift bag under the old man's feet, and there is a whole plate of eggs beside him.

Against the wall of the warehouse, there are rows of POP posters.

The poster promotes a health product called 'Walnut Gold'.

Our walnut gold is specially designed for the body of the elderly. It contains a variety of rich vitamins and nutrients, which are easy to digest and absorb. It is good for the elderly's cardiovascular disease, rheumatism, high blood pressure, high blood fat, and diabetes. Very good curative effect,

And it can also prevent Parkinson's disease, which is commonly known as Alzheimer's disease...

A fat man in a suit was frothing and introducing his products to the old people.

Li Teng's entry did not attract the attention of the fat man in the suit.

It looks like a health product promotion meeting is being held here.

Who's the boss? That Mr. Song that's written on it? Li Teng calmly found a staff member who was adding drinks to the old man's cup, and asked her.

What can you do? The staff asked Li Teng back.

This is something he ordered in the supermarket. You can ask him to sign it, or you can sign it for me! Li Teng handed over the big bag of snacks to the female staff member.

It's not easy to sign on behalf of me! You can sit here for a while, and I will report to our boss when he finishes his work.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Li Teng reminded the female staff.

He'll be done soon. If you don't hand it over to him personally, he might sue you! The female staff half-threateningly led Li Teng to a table and brought him a chair.

Li Teng sat down pretending to be reluctant.

An old lady next to her smiled at Li Teng, as kind as the grandmother next door.

Li Teng also smiled at her.

Sir, what would you like to drink? The staff asked Li Teng.

No need. Li Teng waved his hand.

I've already brought the tea. The staff member couldn't help but pour a cup of tea into the cup in front of Li Teng.

Li Teng picked up the teacup and looked at it. There were two tea leaves in the tea.

Of course, it is not surprising that there are two tea leaves in the tea.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just two tea leaves.

However, under the perception of Li Teng's soul power, the two tea leaves kept turning in the water.

Soon Li Teng saw clearly.

Those two moving tea leaves are not real tea leaves.

But two worms with flat bodies!

It looks like a cockroach in appearance, but its body is much thinner than that of a cockroach.

When they roll over, you can see that there are many feet underneath.

And... hideous mouthparts!

Li Teng's stomach couldn't help but churn.

Hurry up and drink? Why don't you drink it? The staff urged Li Teng a few words.

Thank you. I'm not very thirsty now. Your boss will be busy for a while, right? I'll go out to smoke a cigarette first, and I'll come back to him later. Li Teng got up and walked out of the warehouse.

From the moment he entered the warehouse, Li Teng felt something was wrong.

That feeling of facing a strong enemy.

Now that he has just recovered his cultivation in the inner soul realm, he suddenly encounters a powerful enemy, and he doesn't know if he can deal with it.

Today's event, feels like a trap.

With Police Officer Liu's character and style, he shouldn't have set this trap to trap him.

But it doesn't rule out that she was controlled or coerced into setting this trap.

Li Teng felt that it was impossible for him to get Liu Yin's information here.

Therefore, there is no need to take the risk of staying here.

When he reached the door of the warehouse, Li Teng suddenly became very quiet behind him, so he looked back.

The fat man in the suit had stopped speaking and was staring at him fiercely.

Dozens of old men and women sitting at the table at the scene all stopped their movements at this moment and looked at him together, their eyes seemed dull and empty.

Li Teng pretended nothing happened, turned around and continued walking outside.

However, the warehouse door in front of him suddenly turned into a wall!

Li Teng had to turn around.

Although the old people at the scene became a little dull, the staff member who poured tea for Li Teng was still normal.

Sir, you haven't had your tea yet!

She smiled, picked up Li Teng's teacup, and walked towards Li Teng.

I suddenly don't feel thirsty anymore. I just want to go out and smoke a cigarette. Can you open the door for me? Li Teng said something to the staff, with a polite smile on his face.

This is the best famous tea, don't let it go to waste!

As the staff spoke, they suddenly poured tea on Li Teng's face.

Wrapped in a cloud of black mist, the two tea worms flew out of the tea water and rushed towards Li Teng's mouth.

Li Teng had a premonition that something was wrong, he immediately stepped aside, and then rushed towards a window not far away.

Just when Li Teng was about to come out through the window...

The window has also become a wall!

The old men and women in the warehouse rushed over and surrounded Li Teng, holding his body with their skinny claws, and someone forcibly squeezed his mouth open.

The staff picked up two tea worms from the ground and walked over.

The old men and women automatically made way for her.

The staff went straight to Li Teng, ready to forcefully stuff two tea worms into his mouth.

Li Teng continued to struggle, but to no avail.


This person looks no different from ordinary people!

In the temporary office, the female superior looked at the screen and frowned.

I think, maybe... he still doesn't know how to use his abilities? The man in uniform looked a little embarrassed.

It seems that such a grand arrangement is a bit redundant. The female superior was a little disappointed.

Notify the two ghost hunters who control the field to go to the scene... Wait a minute! The situation has changed! The man in uniform was preparing to implement Plan B, but there was a new change in the warehouse.


Li Teng, whose mouth was forcibly squeezed open, stared at the two ferocious tea worms, watching helplessly as the staff tried to throw them into his body.

At this moment, his eye sockets suddenly turned black.

Not a single white of the eye.

The environment in the warehouse also changed drastically in an instant, turning into the interior of a mental hospital.

There are so many patients!

Catch them all into the ward!

The nurses of the mental hospital rushed over, hugged the old people and the female staff member one by one, and dragged them into the corridor forcibly.

Then they were locked in the ward one by one.

The staff member holding the tea worm struggled hard, but still retreated step by step uncontrollably.

She looked at Li Teng in a daze, as if she couldn't quite figure out what happened.

Spiritual illusion?

The female superior looks at the screen and talks to herself.

The other staff also looked nervously at the screens in front of them.

On the screen, the old men and women who had been pulled away broke free and surrounded Li Teng again.

But not long after, Li Teng was taken away again.

Every time they are taken away, these old men and women get weaker.

After a few times, the old man and the old lady began to move slowly, and they were less likely to pose a threat to Li Teng.

Did the soul power level data be tested in the spiritual illusion just now? the female superior asked the uniformed man beside her.

Yes, not very precise, the initial estimate is around 70. The man in uniform replied to his superior.

Around 70...the potential is pretty good, almost reaching the level of an E-level spirit ghost hunter. But with this alone, he can't deal with the D-level ghosts you put in. According to his current strength, as long as he masters the method, he should be able to use The soul force blasted the ghost wall and escaped from the warehouse... The female superior thought deeply.


The staff next to him yelled.

The superior and the man in uniform quickly looked at the screen again.


The old men and women became weaker and weaker as the nurses pulled them over and over again, and gradually lost their attack power.

At this moment, the fat man in the suit who had been standing behind the old man and old lady staring ferociously at this side suddenly had a sudden change in his body.

His body swelled up like a Hulk, and his clothes were torn.

Scary bone spurs protruded from the back of the dark body.

Both hands also turned into sharp ghost claws, with a cold metallic luster.

After transforming, the bone spur ghost howled, jumped up, and like lightning, suddenly grabbed Li Teng who was sitting by the wall!

The level of the ghost hunter corresponds to the level of the evil spirit one by one.

D-level ghost hunters are as powerful as D-level ghosts.

A D-level ghost attacked an E-level ghost hunter with all its strength, and the E-level ghost hunter would be killed if he lasted for at most two minutes.

What's more, Li Teng was still a mutant without certification or professional training. Without any actual combat experience, he would only die faster.


Scene control ghost hunter, enter the scene immediately! Prepare for rescue and finishing work! The man in uniform issued an order.

A big hole suddenly burst open in the wall of the warehouse.

Two C-level field-controlling ghost hunters forcibly opened the ghost door of the warehouse with their soul power, and then prepared to rush in to save people...

Back back! The superior directly stopped the two field-controlling ghost hunters in the communicator in front of him.

Just at the moment just now, another shocking scene happened on the screen.

Li Teng, who was curled up by the wall, flew out of nowhere, flying seven or eight meters horizontally at an extremely fast speed, barely dodging the powerful blow of the D-level evil spirit!

And it landed right next to the ghost gate opened by two C-level field control ghost hunters with their soul power.

Now he just needs to leave the ghost gate calmly.

However, he did not choose to leave from the ghost gate.

Instead... and walked back to meet the evil spirits!

What does he want to do? That evil spirit is far more powerful than him... The female superior looked a little confused.

Should we let the field-controlling ghost hunter go in to clear the field and save people? the man in uniform asked for instructions.

Wait a little longer. The female superior stared at the screen intently.

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