Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 84 Pain and Suffering

Countless bullets rained down on where Li Teng was.

Li Teng had no way to hide.

He watched helplessly as the head of his wooden bed was torn apart by bullets, and then watched as the trajectory of the bullet swept from the head of the bed to the end of the bed as the fuselage rotated, the area where he was standing.

Did he actually die like that?

Death at the hands of a bored fighter pilot?

The fighter pilot had no reason to kill him. He was just bored by staying there. He accidentally discovered that there was a living person on the top of the stone pillar, and then shot him!

It's like a person who was bored sitting on the street and found an ant on the ground, and then stretched out his foot and crushed the ant to death for no reason.

How sad.

Just as Li Teng was thinking, should he die generously by glaring at the fighter pilot and giving him the middle finger? Or should he jump off the stone pillar, preferring to be shattered to pieces rather than let the other party get the killing pleasure of shooting people to pieces with a machine gun from him? At that moment, the combat helicopter that had been fleeing like crazy suddenly rushed over from below.

Accompanied by the sound of a machine gun shooting through the floor of the helicopter cabin, the helicopter pilot who was about to kill Li Teng bounced a few times on his seat. Several sprays of blood burst out all over his body, and then he died.

The helicopter he was driving also leaned forward and pushed the nose down when he was about to die. As a result, the last few bullets fired from the machine gun deviated from the target and hit the stone pillar at Li Teng's feet instead of Li Teng's body.

Then the helicopter continued to fall forward and crashed into a stone pillar dozens of meters below Li Teng's feet, 'Bang! ’ There was an explosion, and the huge impact and impact of the explosion caused the stone pillar to shake violently again.

Li Teng hugged the bed leg at the end of the bed tightly to prevent himself from being thrown off by the violently shaking stone pillar.

The headboard of the bed was shot to pieces by helicopter gunfire. Under this shaking, the bed boards and bedside guardrails were all thrown away, leaving only two half-legs of the bed still standing on top of the stone pillars.

While the helicopter was destroyed, several other helicopters chased it from below. They continued to make various flying movements around the stone pillars, and continued to fight fiercely.

From time to time, bullets would fly past Li Teng's side or above his head.

At this moment, Li Teng deeply realized what it means to be in chaos and what the suffering of the people in war years is.

He could only lie down on the top of the stone pillar, hugging the only remaining bed leg with both hands, and then, trembling all over, he waited for the end of it all.

I don’t know how long it took.

It could be a quarter of an hour, or it could be shorter.

But for Li Teng, it was extremely long.

The sound of the machine gun's ta-ta-ta-ta-ta finally stopped.

The air battle is over.

The final result was that the hunted combat helicopter survived.

Although he survived, his helicopter was also riddled with holes and black smoke kept coming out of the fuselage.

Facing enemies several times his size, this helicopter pilot used his superb driving and combat skills to win the final victory.

Before leaving, he seemed to glance at the top of the stone pillar, but he did not come close to rescue, nor did he intend to torture the poor man on the top of the stone pillar. He just drove his helicopter and left directly.

The surroundings returned to calm.

The snow continued to fall, but it was much lighter than before.

Li Teng, who was lying on the top of the stone pillar, couldn't help but feel angry when he looked at the devastated wooden bed in front of him with only three legs left.

After a while, he tried to regain his composure.


Of course angry.

But does anger work?


So, there is no need to be angry.

Without anger, there is only sadness.

Soon Li Teng couldn't help but become angry again.

His extremely precious drink bottle, which almost represented half of his life. He had been tying it to the bedside railing with a rope made of bedsheets. The bottle also followed him in the air battle just now. The bedside went together!

This loss made Li Teng almost angry enough to explode at one moment.

In the end, he could only try to persuade himself to hold back.

Maybe the cause of this air battle is this drink bottle?

The film and television city discovered that he was 'cheating' and actually got a drink bottle, which made his life easier than before. This was something they would never allow.

Therefore, through this air battle, his drink bottle was destroyed.

It felt like it was making a fuss out of a molehill, but Li Teng couldn't think of any other reason, or a more suitable reason, for this damn air battle to revolve around the stone pillar where he was.

Accept your fate!

I can only accept my fate.

After the anger, there is endless coldness.

Without the wooden bed planks as a ceiling, Li Teng could no longer rebuild his snow cave.

Without the wooden bed, the ice-covered top of the stone pillar was extremely smooth. He might slip off the top of the stone pillar if he was not careful.

There are no more drinks bottles, no more tattered quilts and rugs.

Apart from the clothes he was wearing, all he had now were the three bed legs of different heights on the edge of the stone pillar.

Li Teng released his hands from holding the legs of the bed, carefully sat down and slid to the center of the top of the stone pillar, and then slowly lay down on the top of the ice-covered stone pillar.

There were bursts of sharp pain in the waist that hit the bed leg.

I don’t know if the bones were injured, but muscle contusions are definitely inevitable.

The gunshot wound on his upper arm seemed nothing compared to the severe pain in his waist.

The cold made his upper respiratory tract extremely uncomfortable. Every time he took a breath of cold air, his entire lungs felt like they were being tortured.

There's still a day and a half left.

I'll definitely get through this.

Li Teng slowly turned his body sideways, trying to find a position that could slightly relieve the pain in his back.

Unfortunately, every time I change positions, my back pain gets worse instead of lessening.

I'm afraid I won't have to go to the hospital again this time.

A gust of wind blew over, chilling my heart.

Li Teng changed his position again, facing up to the sky.

The falling snowflakes fell on his face one by one.

His brows and eyelashes began to freeze.

The skin on his face seemed to be gradually freezing.

Then my hands and feet gradually lost feeling.


After a long time, Li Teng sighed.

This is the only breath left, otherwise there would be no difference between him and the dead.

Pain, suffering.

Li Teng felt that if he fell asleep like this, he might never wake up again.

However, if he didn't sleep like this, would he be able to survive until the day after tomorrow when the helicopter from the film and television city came to pick him up?

Although as the saying goes, there is no perfect way.

But now, God is trying to kill him!

If it weren't for those damn helicopters, he would be hiding in his snow cave right now.

It shouldn't be a big problem until the day after tomorrow.

Their arrival destroyed everything about him, including his hope of survival.

Li Teng once again turned his body sideways with great difficulty.

Lest his face directly meet the falling snowflakes.

Fortunately, the raincoat Daisy gave him allowed him to have a thin layer of plastic covering the back of his head after turning his body sideways.

The pain continues, the suffering continues.

Even if I fall asleep like this, I may never wake up again.

But Li Teng couldn't hold it in the end.

The weight of cold, hunger, and disease caused him to gradually fall into coma on the top of the cold stone pillar.

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