Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 1 Latter Day Agents

This is a dark room, and the faint light emitted by the computer illuminates this small room.

A figure stood up in the darkness, pressed the mouse slightly with his hand, and the light of the computer illuminated his face.

With scarlet eyes, the corners of his mouth are slightly split, revealing his shark-like fangs, jet-black broken hair, about twenty years old, pale skin can only make people think of vampires.

The name of the owner of the room is Lu Qiu F. Akat. This strange name was not chosen by the parents.

I'm a little hungry. His teeth rubbed against his split lips, making a sharp sound.

Because the owner of this room is a vampire... a vampire who has survived in the twenty-second century.

Sure enough, this world... Lu Qiu moved his finger on the computer interface, and some dark information from the world kept appearing on it, 'nuclear weapon research and development', 'environmental destruction', 'racial discrimination', 'war' and...' kill'.

Just destroy it!

As the last vampire, Lu Qiu was always ostracized in the human world, and he had to go to great lengths to hide his identity. He didn't want to be crucified and burned to ashes.

His own sister was killed by this group of humans in this way.

Shouting the lines of 'kill that monster', he took the lives of Lu Qiu's relatives as a matter of course.

Flames, blood, and the girl's helpless screams, no one will show mercy because of a monster.

My sister had never harmed human beings before, but was brutally burned to death by these guys in the name of a 'monster'! Humans never accept the unknown.

When Lu Qiu witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he had already blatantly hated the human race.

Lu Qiu wants to take revenge, but as a vampire of the lowest level, in this world where nature has been polluted by human industry, Lu Qiu has no power.

Human beings have ruled the world, and Lu Qiu has no strength to resist it.

until today……

‘Want to… destroy the world? '

On Lu Qiu's computer window, this kind of message popped up.

Destroy... the world?

‘Do you want to destroy this dirty world? I can give you this power. '

A message full of temptation and malice.

Lu Qiu's throat choked up. It was Lu Qiu's instinctive reaction that he hadn't sucked blood for a long time, and his shark-like sharp teeth bit together.

Is it really possible? Destroying the world or something... Ah hey, it's not April Fool's Day.

Wait, isn't that what I want?

Lu Qiu's hand moved, and the mouse clicked on the OK among the options that popped up on the computer.

But...after that...nothing happened.

Is it really April Fool's Day? Lu Qiu rubbed his forehead, and glanced at the time below, it was around eight o'clock in the evening.

I'm going to starve to death...

The next moment, the hunger in the stomach was instantly filled! Lu Qiu's pupils suddenly turned scarlet, which was a symbol of the restoration of the vampire blood in his body!

what happened? Suddenly, a strength that Lu Qiu couldn't even imagine appeared in his originally weak body.

Welcome to be the first experiencer of the game of Destruction.

Annihilation game? Lu Qiu clutched his forehead, a strange voice and reminder suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the ability to detect the host.

Race: low-level blood-sucking species, low-level nocturnal species, bloodlines can be strengthened.

Comprehensive ability value: 2 after the initial strengthening of the system, it will be increased to 3.

The inner negative index of 107 is more than three times higher than that of ordinary people. It is preliminarily judged that he has a tendency to destroy, and he will become a qualified destroyer.

A series of reminders came to Lu Qiu's mind, and Lu Qiu took a few steps back in a daze, and fell on the bed in this small room.

You...what the hell...? The fear of the unknown is not only for humans, but also for vampires.

The system of the World Destruction Game, the host can get my help to participate in this game.

World Extinction... a game?

Do you mean the game of destroying the world?

When Lu Qiu came back to his senses, he suddenly covered his face and couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Interesting... Happiness came so suddenly that I didn't realize it at all!

Then! World Exterminating System, what are you capable of? In the darkness, Lu Qiu's pupils glowed scarlet: You can't just live in my body, can you?

The power to bring disaster to the world will be strengthened according to the degree of destruction of the host's current world, and the despair value of human beings will be collected to strengthen various abilities.

At present, this world is preliminarily determined to be a low-level human civilization, and the destruction progress has reached 30%.

Destruction progress reached 30%? These are good deeds done by human beings themselves.

Because the host is a novice, the current system has two ways to provide the host to complete the destruction of this world before entering the next world.

So... that is... that is, it's not just about destroying this world?

After the host becomes stronger, it must continue to fulfill the rules of the game, starting from the low-level planes and continuing to the high-level planes.

He is simply the demon king who destroys the world.

What a fun game.

This game is... unexpectedly super fun.

Then tell me, what kind of help can you provide to destroy this human world?

This is the key, this world has been occupied by humans, everything is owned by humans, the rules are set by them, and the order is also set by them.

It is not an easy task to make the human rules all over the world fragmented.

The host currently has 1,000 points of despair, which can be exchanged for a 'biochemical virus'. The virus is extremely contagious, and the infected humans will turn into corpses that only know how to starve, and they will keep hunting other humans. It transforms into its kind.

Isn't this the zombie crisis? It sounds very good, the monster models in Lu Qiu's room are not useless, these are Lu Qiu's interests.

Maybe it was the reason why he felt lonely without his own kind. Lu Qiu was very interested in those monsters, and zombies were also Lu Qiu's favorite creatures.

Moreover, among those movies, there are not a few themes in which human civilization is destroyed by zombie viruses.

But Lu Qiu was not impatient, and continued to listen to the system's suggestions.

The second way is to spend all the desperation points to tear the plane connected to the nearby Zerg. The Zerg is a group of giant aggressive insects. Only the current plane that can be torn can only make a low-level worker insect into this world.

Zerg? As a vampire, Lu Qiu can't go out, and where he stays at home all day long, of course he knows the horror of this race.

Although it is very good for human beings to experience the revenge and despair of bugs that could be ravaged by them at will.

But if it's just a worker insect, Lu Qiu is not in the mood to develop slowly!

Lu Qiu needs to see the despair of those humans as soon as possible.

So zombies are the best way to develop for Lu Qiu.

Human beings don't mention anything else, but they are in the majority, and they are everywhere in the world... This method of rapid chain infection is the fastest way to collapse this social order.

The system...give that virus to me. Lu Qiu's eyes reflected a strange light: This world...it's time to clean it up.

Because it is the first time to exchange items, the price is reduced by ten times, so consuming 100 Despair Points can be exchanged for a copy of the most basic 'T Virus', infected humans will only become ordinary walking dead, and consuming 1000 Despair Points can be exchanged for a T-Virus. The 'Black Light Virus' of the highest order, after the death of the infected human beings, they will evolve into stronger life forms.

In other words, the original prices were 1,000 points and 10,000 points, which sounded expensive.

Is it just that the difference between a redemption is a zombie that evolves and a zombie that doesn't?

The T virus comes from the famous movie Resident Evil... Zombies infected by this zombie virus have low evolutionary ability, and can be advanced into more powerful zombies after special stimulation, such as lickers, tyrants, etc...

The black light virus comes from a game called Prototype, which is also a virus that can turn people into walking dead, but the life infected with the black light virus is more destructive and aggressive than the life infected with the T virus ! They are stronger and evolve rapidly!

Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the black light virus's virus parent massacre prototype, is an immortal existence.

Humans in this world are not easy to mess with. As a vampire, Lu Qiu knows that not only hot weapons, but also those 'exorcists' or 'superpowers' who specialize in dealing with monsters like Lu Qiu.

They are the reason why Lu Qiu has been hiding in this small room and dare not go out.

After pondering for a while, Lu Qiu decided to put all his despair in exchange for an advanced black light virus.

A crimson liquid sloshed in the cold metal container.

Feeling the weight, Lu Qiu held it tightly in his hand.

This is the capital of my revenge!

Lu Qiu didn't rush out to release the virus, but continued to study his own system.

What is the value of despair? What can it bring me?

The power that a life can absorb after falling into despair and death is the basis for the host to destroy the world. At the same time, the system will also issue tasks to allow the host to obtain additional despair points. These despair points can strengthen the host's body and enhance the host's ability. Most of the items to be used and exchanged items come from the fantasies in the host's mind.

Is it the feeling of despair after human death?

In order to understand human beings, Lu Qiu usually looks at the products of human fantasy, such as Wang Liguo's Knights, Resident Evil, Song of Shaye, Fairy Melody, some horror-themed works, and some other animation, game and film works. In short, Lu Qiu's brain has enough fantasies to destroy this world.

Will it also allow itself to evolve? It can even become the true ancestor of vampires! Reach Cain's level.

Heh... Lu Qiu covered his mouth again, and the crack at the corner of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

Not good... excited...

It's really not good to go on like this...

I don't know who you created the system... Lu Qiu's scarlet pupils gradually turned into vertical pupils like beasts: But if I meet the creator, I really want to make friends with him. My friend! Then go and bring despair to mankind.

Lu Qiu stood up on the bed, pushed open the door, and stepped into the cold night.

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